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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. The show kind of had to acknowledge his change in appearance, given the story. Otherwise, how were they going to sell no one knowing who he is?
  2. Valerie asks Dante his intentions? Good Lord this is ridiculous. I hope Lulu's deal with Johnny involves rutting like farm animals on Dante's desk at the PCPD.
  3. I'm sure Liz will get some public tearing of a new asshole, but not Nik. He'll just get a couple "oh, that Nikolas" head shakes before he hops in bed with Greenlee. Well, naturally, hiding that Jason is alive is sooooooo much worse than covering for the hero who offed Fatso. I mean, come on.
  4. This seemed like the best thread to put this in, so... I was reading a book earlier today, and the main character is watching an episode of GH with a guy who's never seen it before. This conversation ensues, making me think the author lurks here:
  5. What the hell did I just see? Is Steffy just going to off all of her cousins? Zende, you may want to get your ass out of town now.
  6. If they're going to do an homage to Lisa Niles, can it please be complete with Dante's brother, Morgan, going to jail for killing Val? I'll need to put that in my letter to Santa. I fear we'd get something along the lines of Michael eventually telling Sonny and Carly that he totally understands now why they did what they did to keep him away from AJ, because he feels exactly the same about keeping Sabrina's baby away from Carlos. And then I'll stroke out.
  7. I'm just cracking up that Valerie and Dante seem to think they'll be able to totally subvert the no fraternization thing. Yeah, because Valerie has such a poker face about it all. She couldn't even pretend nothing was going on when nothing was going on. She's going to be hopeless now that they're (gag) dating.
  8. Today was the first time I've caught any scenes of the two of them together, and it looked so freaking awkward and uncomfortable. And it's not even lack of chemistry (although there appears to be none), but it seems so poorly directed. It looks more like a hostage situation than anything else. How do you take two actors, like MW and RB, who both seem to have chemistry with the dust bunnies on set, and manage to make some of the most boring/awkward scenes on TV?
  9. I think he figured one of two things would happen - either Liz would tell the truth, and then she'd be free for him again, or she'd keep his secret to hold onto Jason. Either way, he'd win - he'd either get laid again or he'd get to keep on with his plot.
  10. I'm contemplating asking him something like "so, when the cast outnumbers the viewers, will Fan Club Weekend be switched around to the viewers sitting at tables while the cast approaches them to ask for autographs and pictures? 'Hey, GH cast members, come join Judy from Topeka for brunch and a Q&A!'"
  11. I believe there was close to a year between JJ and JY, and there was next to no gap between JY and GV. (Just looked before I hit post, and JJ last appeared in May 1999, JY showed up in February 2000. JY last appeared on 2/10/03, GV was onscreen 2/20/03.)
  12. The only upside to a Hope return would be watching the tracks Liam laid down running from the love of his life, Steffy, to Hope.
  13. When my channel guide's description the other day listed "Bill and Katie kiss" in the show's description, I figured something had to be coming up for them. If a married couple kissing is important enough to make the episode's description, their marriage is almost surely about to be tested.
  14. Knowing Waffles, both Thomas and Wyatt panting after Ivy is going to make her suddenly so much more attractive to him, along with the eventual reveal that Steffy bet Wyatt about sleeping with Ivy.
  15. I, mercifully, missed it, but I thought they did't actually do the deed, just made out a lot?
  16. After Olivia knocks her lunkhead son upside the head with a lasagna pan?
  17. So, our only hope is that, down the road, Steffy will be reduced to Liam's sounding board as he marries Hope's future namesake niece? (As long as it's not the Rayacole baby...)
  18. Getting one out of three right is pretty good for this show lately.
  19. I'm still bitter. Way to make the death of a legacy character count, show. Does anyone in the family even remember she ever existed at this point?
  20. He truly is Sonny's son, now, isn't he? I don't get what the show is going for with these two. Do they really think Dante/Valerie is some long term, root-able couple? There's a way to write a pairing like this - where one or both are married, and they try their hardest to ignore their feelings, but this is not it. We're not seeing this overwhelming chemistry. We're not seeing this love that can't be denied. We're not seeing how Dante gets from point to point. He went from being devastated that he'd cheated on Lulu based on inaccurate assumptions, to being terrified she'd find out and he'd lose her, to "eh, screw her, it took more than five minutes for her to get over it, so I'm going to go screw her cousin in our apartment...again." And I never even get the impression that he particularly likes Valerie, as much as she's just constantly there, telling him how awesome he is, so why not screw her? So, so, gross.
  21. Which makes her one of the most sensible people in town. Most people don't let a little murder or attempted murder get between them and a loved one for longer than a minute.
  22. Bonus points if they let the actors write their thought bubbles. And I just got a little giddy at the hilarity that would ensue if they let BryDog write his own thought bubbles.
  23. Exactly. I wouldn't be opposed to a happy ending if we saw it earned to some extent. But, we know we're going to get something shitty thrown together just to have an ending. I am sure KMc and JT will sell the hell out of it, though, so at least there's that.
  24. My real hope for the two of them is that Robin leaves town without Patrick, because she's pissed at him, and he leaves town right after her to go try to win her back. I don't want an insta-reunion, because I don't feel he currently deserves it. And I don't think we'll really have enough time to see him earn it. I'd rather be left that he knows he messed up and he is the one who goes all in to chase her down and earn her trust back. I know, I know, they want to give Scrubs fans a happy ending, and I get that, but I hate when the ending feels slapped together just to have an ending. I think "smidge" might be too much. Maybe a quarter of a smidge. Maybe. Why do I feel like Dante's being trashed so that every guy on the show is a varying shade of gray and we can't bitch about the "hero" of the show being a fucking douchebag moobster?
  25. I haven't been watching much lately anyway, but I think I'm just done now. I may tune in for the Scorpios next month, but that's it. Dante was the only decent male human being on this show regularly (I mean, there's Mac, but he's invisible). Now they've completely ruined the character. From day one, he's been all about Lulu. While sleeping with Valerie originally was shitty, there was at least some shaky build up to it. Now he's just going to engage in a full on relationship with her? While he's still married to her cousin? Fuck that shit. I'm done. There is NO way Dante would do this at all. They may as well just rename the character and give us a scrolling "Just so you know, Dante is dead now," and call it a day. Really, she could luck out and genetics will work in her favor that the kid takes after Dante. I have a cousin who has a similar skin tone to Valerie, and her husband is white. They have two babies. One looks exactly like her, and the other looks a lot like her, but with Daddy's skin. So, it can happen. She'd be taking a risk, definitely, especially if the kid came out looking exactly like Lulu.
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