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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Agreed. A rape victim may have various reasons for not acknowledging what happened to her as being rape. In Caroline's case, those reasons could include things like not wanting to think of herself as a rape victim, not wanting Ridge to kill his son, her own confusion/shame over what happened, and just not wanting to think about it.
  2. And this is how we know Alexis and Nik are related.
  3. I'm almost positive that we're going to get something along these lines. I'll be shocked if we don't. Bill cheer leading for Wyatt/Steffy was odd. But, I guess, it's nice to see him take up for his "other" son for once. Steffy's hair looks so much better now. Let's hope JMW sticks with it for more than a day.
  4. Much like BM, WDV was way better playing evil on AMC than he'll ever be on GH.
  5. Well, do we know how much Jane had to drink that night?
  6. Is he working his way towards this look?
  7. They're very specific in their moralizing. If Carly, Sonny, Jason, or Sam does something wrong to someone outside their circle, it's never as bad as anything done wrong to them. That's the golden rule of GH.
  8. Yeah, but the barn sex on Port Charles sure was damn hot. (Of course, that was a much nicer barn.)
  9. I think they're equally bad, but I also get why Jason would have a specific problem with him. And, at least, his having an ax to grind with Franco is more in character than his Beavis and Butthead "at least they got a great show" response to discovering someone watched him sexing up his mob moll in the barn.
  10. At this point, we may as well have Sam and Carly on the side of the road, with Sam yelling "oh my God, they killed Jason!" as Carly shrieks "you bastards!"
  11. But was he carrying the box of pain? It's not real if he's not back to the box of pain.
  12. You guys are forgetting one of the "best" parts - that it was, of course, Olivia's fault Sonny shot his own unarmed son at point blank range. Bitch didn't tell him Dante was his son!
  13. I assume that TRi didn't win because the voters were all afraid BryDog and his parents would come break their fingers if he didn't win?
  14. If I had to guess, I'd say she keeps him around because, at this point, he's the only one in her life who isn't done with her. He may not support her crazy, but he he hasn't turned on her, despite that whole trying to kill him thing. I don't think she can handle being alone, so she'll take the company of the only person who doesn't actively want to see her punished. They were definitely going for a vibe of Liam having feelings for Quinn today in his scene with Bill. I also got a vibe of "we're not calling this rape" from his lines. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was something along the lines of "she took care of me, and we were like husband and wife," in response to Bill's suggestion that Quinn has abused him. I was someone who really wanted to see them go there with Liam and Quinn, but I really hate that this is how they've chosen to do it.
  15. How giddy do you think he was that TMZ was interviewing him? "You have the right to remain silent." Yeah, BryDog isn't remotely familiar with the concept of silence.
  16. The more time I spend thinking about it, the more I think that this John/Sarah thing might possibly be a set up on their part. Once Sarah had sent him in (which, if he was being honest, he would admit was a smart move on her part to secure the win), he probably knew that, if he threw enough of a tantrum, they'd end up paired up in a future season. The two of them seem to be trying not to laugh at a few different points of the episode. So they get themselves paired up as rivals (and how nice of production to accommodate them by doing an opposite sex rivals format this time), they head into the first mission swearing up and down that they haven't spoken since that season. For good measure, they throw the first mission, cementing in the rest of the cast's minds that "these two dislike each other too much to play nicely together and win." As insurance, John has his usual handful of supporters to shield him from elimination - Vince, Leroy, Johnny, Nany, and Camilla. I'm sure that, one or two missions in (or on a mission where someone gunning for them performs well), suddenly the two of them will discover they're able to work together.
  17. Yep, John (thank you, Abe!) will be coming on until they just stop making these things. He reminds me of one of my husband's old friends from college. When they graduated, he rented out this house right on the edge of campus. The house used to be rented by a group of football players, and was the "party house" for the campus. So he decided to rent it and still invite the students to come party there. It just struck me as so pathetic - this guy who's graduated, has a real job, a fiancee, etc, and he's desperate to host college parties and be "cool." (And it became more and more pathetic as the next half dozen or so years passed and he was hosting parties for kids who weren't even in college when he graduated.) That's John. He's going to hang in there and pat himself on the back for being the "big man on campus" among all these young kids who gather around him to listen to his toasts (at his insistence) each season. As soon as that mission started, I thought to myself "well, Jenna should be good at this, because height and long arms are going to make this much easier." I'm not surprised at all that she was the only one to get all five skulls. That fifth one would be a challenge for any average or shorter girl. There's only so far you can stretch your body out. I hate that she and Sarah are paired up with John and Vince. They're the women I most want to root for, but no way I can root for either one of those guys. (But, if John gets sent home and Vince doesn't act like nearly as much of a douchebag outside of his presence, I might not be completely sickened by him winning with Jenna.) Cuz and Ashley didn't waste any time, did they? I mean, they certainly didn't spend two seconds pondering how many uncovered windows were in their hook up location. For all of Ashley's "OMG, you guys saw us??" act, I tend to think that she knew exactly what she was doing. There was attention being paid to someone else, and she wanted some attention turned her way. You could almost see the wheels in her brain turning when she looked over at the whole "don't you lie on me! I don't want you!" scene and then turned to Cuz and started making out with him, before leading him away to hook up in a bathroom with multiple open windows allowing a view of the events. I can't believe for a second that she didn't see those guys looking in (it's not like any of them were being subtle, and Cuz acknowledged that he saw them). And, seriously, production? You let John get first shot at the house, all on his lonesome, so he can snag the king size bed for himself and be lord of the manor, directing everyone else where to go? He was the only person (aside from guy who got there last, whose name escapes me) to show up solo, too. Why do they love this guy so much? He's not even "love to hate," he's just an obnoxious douche bag who clearly has production catering to him and manipulating events in his favor. Why? Like there aren't other cast members who could be at least as interesting if they were given the kind of focus he's given each and every season.
  18. I'll cut Mrs. Avant some slack on the "you should've told me" thing, since she just found out, and it was heat of the moment. If she's still saying that next week, it would be shitty.
  19. Did he... I mean... did he... Hold on, I need a second here.... OK, did Papa Avant seriously try to build up to his confession of having cheated and fathered a secret daughter who he kept hanging around the family as a "friend' all these years by comparing his indiscretions to "remember that time you bought a fridge that was too big? Or the time you bought me bowling shoes instead of golf shoes"? I...just... What???? He may as well have just said "remember that one time I came home from work, and it took like 10 mintues for you to bring me a cold drink? Well, this is just like that, except instead of a cold drink, I boinked our neighbor, and, instead of 10 minutes, it's been almost a couple decades. Now, what's for dinner?"
  20. Oh, good, so if he gets his memories back, will he be running right into Sonny's open arms? Yay. No, wait, not yay. Pass. Hard pass.
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