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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Admittedly they misled the press about the in depth facts of the baby's conception, but that's just not, to me, an issue that speaks to their credibility and reliability as a company, especially for a company with decades of good history with their vendors and buyers. Now, if someone (Rick) is stupid enough to leak all the gory details to the press, it's a little bigger of a deal, but, overall, the biological paternity of the baby Ridge and Caroline are raising together is really none of any of the buyers and vendors' business. All that has to be done to ward off any scandal is for the whole family to be a united front stating that, yes, the baby is biologically Thomas's child, and that he, Ridge, and Caroline all plan to raise the baby together. And even that statement isn't necessary unless someone (Rick) is just dying to spill that information. Nobody outside of the family needs to know the nitty gritty details - that Ridge and Caroline kept it from Thomas until a short while after Douglas was born, or the circumstances as to how he was conceived. Not only is it nobody's business, but it would be incredibly disrespectful to Caroline (and Douglas) for someone (Rick) to leak that information to the press as a tool with which to attack Ridge's position in the company. If the press does get hold of the whole story, then whoever told them (Rick) would need to be held responsible for the fallout. I don't see how he thinks that him leaking information like this to fan the flames of the scandal would make him the ideal replacement for Ridge.
  2. I'm cautiously happy to see she's coming back. But, well, GH has made it their mission to be the "careful what you wish for" show. I fully expect this to be a situation where it's "here's the actress you all said was so good. Enjoy the completely shitty character we have her playing!"
  3. All I could think when Rick was going on about what a huge scandal it would be if people found out Thomas is the father of the baby Ridge and Caroline are raising is "Um, Rick, your sister-in-law is the biological mother of your baby..." Obviously the situations are different, but there is zero reason for anyone outside the family to know anything about the specifics of how Douglas came to be. For all anyone outside the family would know, this could be a similar situation - Ridge and Caroline couldn't have a child together and a relative assisted. Yes, that's not what happened, but the only way the real story gets out is if someone, Rick, blabs. At that point, the one bringing "shame" onto the family business is Rick, not Ridge.
  4. It sounds like they're just trying to re-frame it using words that might be technically true but that dismiss the actual act. If Sarah isn't bound to not discuss things, and what happened isn't criminal, why doesn't she just say exactly what happened? If she thinks it clears her friends, why not come right out and say it? And I'm calling all kinds of BS on that "it was sexual misconduct, but not illegal" crap.
  5. I think it's a perfect "job" for the younger cast members who don't have family obligations or an established career. You get to travel to all these exotic countries on MTV's dime, you get to do some cool things you never would have done in your normal life. You get to hang out and drink with a bunch of other (generally) attractive people. You get a certain level of fame out of it so that you can make some money on public appearances. And you have a shot at winning a decent amount of money. For someone older, married with kids and a career, it's not worth it. But for the younger cast who don't have those ties yet? I can see the attraction. (I wouldn't have done it at that age, because I'm painfully shy and would rather do just about anything other than be on TV, but I see what the appeal is for a lot of them.) I can see why Susie doesn't want to do any more of them, but is willing to film the occasional interview segment or after show appearance. That's one piece of a day out of her life versus weeks. And, when I was her age, I was also married and a mother. I would have been happy to get paid a little to take a day out of my life to film something for them (if I was remotely interested in being on TV, which she is). But no way in the world would I have wanted to give up more than a month of my life and sit around watching drunk people hook up and fight.
  6. Exactly. They clearly don't understand how math or logic work. We've seen people remain loyal to John season after season, and it rarely works out as well for any of them as it does for him. And we've also seen, season after season, people who fail to go after him until they no longer have the numbers to really do anything about him. But none of them learn from those who have gone before them. You have to strike when you have the numbers to make sure he can't counter-strike. And you can't trust him to protect anyone but himself and, maybe, his closest ally (in this case, Vince).
  7. Drinking, for Katie, is the new heart trouble. I think it says a lot about her that she doesn't think she is enough, on her own, to get what she wants, and she has to use her health (either through the threat of a heart attack or drinking) to get what she wants. If anyone in her life truly cares about what's best for her, they'd encourage her to get her ass in therapy. And not with Taylor. She needs good therapy. Put her in therapy with Taylor as her doctor, and it will turn into three times a week hour long bitch sessions about all the ways Brooke has wronged them.
  8. Knowing this show, it's entirely possible that the Julian on screen right now is Helena, somehow. Any of the obvious issues we could bring up to point out how impossible that is can be hand-waved away with "because Helena," and explained in more detail during a commercial break.
  9. Not that there's much eye candy left among the men on this challenge, but, yeah, John? Ladies. No. Cory is right there.
  10. Nicole makes no sense at all. Talking about how she can't play Nany's game for her. So you'll play John's game for him instead? How does that make one single ounce of sense?
  11. You just know those two high-five each other all the time boasting about how "badass" they are.
  12. The conversation Liam really wants to have with Brooke right now: "OK, so, exactly what steps did you take to gain the interest of your sibling's spouse?"
  13. Did BryDog do something really stupid on Twitter that led to him deleting everything he'd tweeted prior to about a week ago? I hate to have missed a good BryDog meltdown.
  14. I was yelling "you can't legally ask that in an interview!" at my TV. Well, that and figuring out if MB has had some work done or something, because her face looks a lot different than the last time I saw her (doing a guest role on a Disney Channel show).
  15. OK, do the writers even know where they're going with anything at this point? It feels like they're still trying to figure it all out. I'm holding out a tiny bit of hope that we're actually going to get Liam/Katie. Since they've effectively ruined the potential of Liam/Quinn with Amnesia Cabin, I'll happily settle for Liam/Katie. HT and RS are, by far, the women SC has had the most chemistry opposite. I am definitely not here for Thomas/Caroline. No, no, no, no, no. Steffy is at her most likable with Wyatt (not that the bar for her is set super high), but I still couldn't stop a moment of "remember when you were trying to break that marriage up so you could have Bill?" in her direction when she was getting all sappy over Bill and Katie's declarations of love to each other.
  16. This is definitely a more laid back hosting job than Family Feud and Match Game, so it's the one that best fits Michael. All he needs to do is smile, say his scripted lines, and let the contestants and celebrity partners set the tone. I kept waiting for that contestant to say "because you don't want anyone to overhear your conversation." That, along with "because you're in a library" should have been enough, especially if she delivered the clues in a whisper, as you suggested. Some of them get so caught up in their original clue that they just can't get past it when it doesn't work for them. It happened last week with "things that sting," when the contestant was just so stuck on "a ray," that they couldn't get to the obvious "bees."
  17. My two first thoughts were either "The Cock" or "The Pebble," depending on if you go with the rhyme or with naming a much smaller rock. I loved Rosie's "well mine isn't as bad as that," when the contestant went with "The Pillow." After thinking about it, I can see what he was going for with pillow - a rock is hard and a pillow is soft, so it works, but it's not the type of answer that springs immediately to mind for most people, so it didn't work in that context. I think, sometimes, the contestants are so concerned with coming up with something super clever that they leave the more obvious answers just lying there. A lot of the time, the best answer in Match Game is the low-hanging fruit. (Which is why that Baldwin brothers question last week just didn't work - there's no real obvious answer just begging to be said there. I thought "annoyance" was probably the best answer given, but that question was almost a guaranteed "no match.") I was so glad to see Rosie back, and I hope she's on every week, because she was just made for this. And I don't mind the naughty vibe. I feel like the original had what was a naughty vibe for it's day, which was part of its appeal, and that's what this show is doing now. (It's just that what passed for naughty in their day was a lot tamer, for the most part, than what passes for naughty now.) Plus, as the last of the three, it's on at the 10/9 PM slot, so it's an appropriate tone for that time slot, as this is definitely the most "adult" of the three revivals. Speaking of which, they should really swap the time slots for Family Feud and Pyramid. Pyramid seems to have the most family friendly humor, and FF falls somewhere between Pyramid and this. But I'm guessing they consider FF the strongest brand of the three, so, for ratings, they want it as the lead off.
  18. Definitely not. It's all going to just melt off and run when you start sweating.
  19. Shag Jerry Marry Jax Kill Diego PCPD Edition: Valerie Jordan Anna
  20. To be fair, at that point, you're basically comparing kidnapping to sexual harassment combined with blackmail. You're pretty much flipping a coin to decide which is worse.
  21. Oh, hell. Nina being involved in the Joss story makes me fear they might pair her with Jax, even if it's just a one night stand or something. No. No. No. No. No. No.
  22. Yeah, WDV can ask Scott Clifton how the Frank "you're fine," assurances go. Don't make any long term plans, dude.
  23. Given the established levels of competence and security at the PCPD, I'd be more surprised if Hayden did get busted bringing the syringe and drugs to Finn.
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