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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. You just know the producers of the US version were crossing their fingers that Amy Purdy would send one of her prosthetic limbs flying. They must be ridiculously jealous that that Italian version got it.
  2. The Carly and Liz cooties haven't seemed to bother her before. It would be the height of tacky to name your baby after the woman you killed in cold blood.
  3. And I always got the impression we were supposed to think "oh, that's just Tracy being Tracy. She's always a bitch to everyone." Any time someone was rightfully pissy with them, we were supposed to see them as being unreasonable or petty. It was always "Sonny and Carly are good parents!" "Jason is a hero!" "Sonny and Jason only go after bad guys!" "Sonny is religious! He donates money to good causes!" "Sonny feels super bad for what he's done!"
  4. If Sonny really wanted to be selfless and do the right thing by Michael (according to Sonny's code), he should off himself. Julian not being remotely into that shebeast is most definitely a point in his favor. There are so few people in town who should be remotely OK with her, and I hate that she's not subjected to constant disdain everywhere she goes.
  5. Must be a feature Quinn built into it. She has a remote she can use to tighten the cord on that thing whenever she feels like it.
  6. Now I'm picturing Duke driving while Shawn's leaning out the passenger window shooting.
  7. At this point, given that she already believed he was "dead" and he turned out not to be, thanks to some machinations from the Legion of Doom, she should demand to see a body before she ever believes he's really, most sincerely, dead now. If they faked his death once, who's to say they didn't do so again, if Robin did believe he was dead this time? This would have been a chance for Ron to show some of that respect he says he has for the show's history by having Liz tell exactly that story.
  8. If Wyatt goes after her, he's a damn fool. I hope he finds out she went to Milan and goes to an attorney, has divorce papers drawn up, and has them delivered to Hope in Milan. Then, when Ivy is left alone after Liam has a few hot romps with Quinn, Wyatt and Ivy can hook up and never look back at Hope or Liam.
  9. My brain continues to refuse to believe they're related.
  10. I can't even think of anyone among that family circle who could possibly provide the nurture to trump that nature. They'd have to adopt the kid out to....shit, I can't even figure out who. Maybe Grandpa Jax can take the kid? (Since I still consider Jax more Morgan's father than the Moobster.) I assume Carly will be the first to realize he's Jason. Because, of course. And if she's not, she'll still try to retroactively take that title. "I always knew in my heart he was Jason, but I didn't think anyone would believe me!"
  11. If she took care of her own shit, Liam would have no reason to run around trying to protect her.
  12. Considering the gene pool this baby is coming from, the caregiver options are pretty much "criminal," "idiot," or some combination thereof. That kid has no shot, unless all the awful in the combined Ava/Sonny or Ava/Morgan gene pool somehow cancels each other out.
  13. OK, Hope, Liam, see, right there. Right there, when you're both standing there, embracing, kissing, Hope's saying she'll always love you, etc, if you two are constantly bemoaning the cruel fates (and Quinns) that keep you apart, then, there was your opening. Hope is seemingly done with Wyatt (more on that below), there's no baby to keep her tied to him. Liam is not yet engaged to Ivy (which is shockingly slow-moving for him). Hope's leaving town? "I'll go with you." Whenever Hope's ass shows back up in town, I don't want to hear one damn word about all the meanie-pants who keep them apart. If Hope leaves the country and Liam's reaction is to make out with her for a while and then just go back to developing a deeper relationship with Second Choice, then neither of you wants this nearly as much as you say you do. Of course, there wasn't much Liam could do once she was beamed up by aliens, but, right up to that point? All on these two idiots for not grabbing what they say they want more than anything. As for Wyatt/Hope... Yes, it did take him more than 5 seconds to come to the Quinn's Crazy party. To be fair, this has been the one and only person in his life up to this point. Quinn had never done anything to Hope, and he had zero reason to think she'd do something to her own unborn grandchild. And his wife's biggest problem with his mother was that his mother's actions resulted in their marriage. But he got there. He got the restraining order. It just wasn't quite in time to stop the Quinn visit that led to the most hilariously awful mis-stairrage in quite some time. I had a miscarriage the year before I had my son. One thing I still remember from that visit to the OB's office was the nurse saying to me and my husband "be kind to each other." Clearly Hope needed a visit from that nurse. She was beyond shitty to Wyatt who had just suffered the exact same loss she's suffered. This is a guy who loves her, who has never given her reason to doubt he loves her, who was ecstatic to be married to her and expecting a baby with her. And she just trashed his ass supposedly for not getting Mommy Dearest out of their lives sooner, but, really, for not being Liam. It would seem difficult to be shittier in the aftermath of a miscarriage than the old "oh, Steffy lost the baby? Yay! We can be together now, how soon can you get that annulment? Mom can have a preacher here within the hour" reaction, but she pulled it off. ",,,that string.." "It's a ribbon." Oh, Katie, honey. That's just sad.
  14. This would warm my cold, dead GH-viewing heart. I can so easily picture it in my head - Monica's surprise as the families of PC start gathering i her living room, the dawning realization of why they're there. It would be perfect. (Which is why Ron won't do it, sadly.)
  15. No matter what words are in between "enough to" and "is it?" the answer is yes. Yes, they are. I'm going to throw things at my TV if Dr. O reads the Christmas story. Unless firebug Cameron makes a reappearance and sets her chair on fire during the reading. Then I'm in.
  16. He's no good at responding properly when the women he "loves" have been shot. Just ask Connie.
  17. And then Ivy would be pregnant. Because Bell is going to just lather, rinse, repeat his way through the next decade or so.
  18. I haven't seen today's show yet, but in their scenes yesterday, KeMo seemed just this side of asleep. It's like she had just laid down in her dressing room to take a quick nap and they moved her scenes up at the last minute and dragged her out after she'd already started falling asleep. I wanted to get her a coffee and some Pixie Stix. I don't know if she's bored with the Jake brainwashing crap or what.
  19. I think I probably still like Hope more than Steffy, but that is "damning with faint praise" in action.
  20. Hopefully in an imminent murder/suicide. Helena told him that, after he changed back into his regular clothes and left, he would have no memory of what he'd done, and he'd believe he'd spent the day looking for work.
  21. Quinn is absolutely crazy, overbearing, etc. And she does bear some responsibility, because she should have just stayed away, but Liam's seething over it makes him seem a bit like the other side of the same coin. Now, if this all leads to some hot Liam/Quinn hatesex, then I'm good.
  22. It's not like she has ever had Ridge's undivided attention, may as well go with Bill's divided attention and get some perks. When Bill called Katie to tell her about Hope, it took me right out of the scene to laughter when she raised her hand to her face in dismay and that stupid ribbon was dangling from her finger. To me the whole "it's Quinn's fault!" thing just reminds me of people blaming her for Ridge's dump into the drink. While none of this would have happened if she hadn't showed up to talk to Hope, it wasn't exactly a foreseeable outcome of that action. Just like the Ridge thing wouldn't have happened if she hadn't showed him that picture, him getting dumped out of a helicopter wasn't a foreseeable outcome of showing him the picture. Hope's the one who ultimately decided to go toddling out to that M.C. Escher backyard in her super high heels to continue a pointless confrontation with her crazy mother in law. Say "sure, we can go out back and talk," allow her to leave first, lock her ass out and call the police. Problem solved.
  23. If Ron gets wind of people liking this guy, I can almost guarantee he'd be the next Robert Ford and he would absolutely be related to Franco and/or Nina. Any time Ron hears viewers liked a limited role actor/character, he manages to muck it up in the worst way.
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