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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I assume they're going to try to handwave it with something like "well there was no information on Maya from earlier years, but she was a child then, so I just figured there wasn't anything to find." Yes, it would seem there should have still been some record of things like the changing of her info on her SSN, license, etc, but since they weren't planning this story back then, they kind of have to handwave something like that now.
  2. Well, yeah, it's obviously a different dynamic. That's what I'm saying. It's a way they could have done Liz/Jakeson with Liz still being dirtied up a bit but not this complete mess. But Ron likes to go for the bulldozer when the sledgehammer would have been just fine.
  3. I actually think Bill's scorn, if it's there, will probably be more directed at Rick, like it makes Rick "less of a man" to sleep with someone who was born male. I'm thinking something along the lines of some of the reaction to the Kendra and Hank cheating thing, where he cheated with a transgender model. There was some sentiment out there where it was somehow "worse" of him and for Kendra that the woman he cheated with was transgender, like it was some kind of comment both on Hank's masculinity and it was more of a slam on Kendra that her man went out and cheated on her with someone who wasn't born a woman.
  4. I started to touch on this over in the episode threat but kind of wanted to expand on it as it relates to Liz's actions. There's no saying that, the instant someone tells Jake "you're Jason Morgan/Jason Q," he's suddenly going to remember all of those feelings and go running back to Sam. He may react the same way he reacted to being presented with his "wife" Greenlee* - "well, that's swell, but, and this is awkward, I still want to be with Liz." I so wish that, instead of having her keep this secret, she told him who he was. If the show still wanted to prolong the story line, he could have not connected to those memories, and be clear that he still wants her. Liz then could have been like "well, screw it, I told him, he still wants me, so we're doing this." It dirties her character up some, but it's not the AJ Express making 10 stops daily on Liz's back. You'd still have people in town (chiefly Sam, obviously) pissed that she's not stepping back and pushing him away so he can have more time and space to figure out who he is and get those memories back, so there's still obvious conflict. For AMC viewers, I'm thinking like Maria's "back from the dead amnesia" where she was told exactly who she was, who her husband was, who her kids were, and she felt nothing for her old life/family. There were months where she was with another guy, while she still tried to at least bond with her kids. Eventually, her daughter almost drown, and, while she was saving her, her memories came back to her. So they could do something like that - Jason stays with Liz while trying to bond with Danny. Danny's leukemia returns, and seeing his son in the hospital is the emotional charge he needs to get those memories and feelings back. *Obviously, I know he's already friendly with Sam, so he's closer to her as opposed to Greenlee randomly showing up in town, but he hasn't expressed any romantic interest or backed off on his intentions towards Liz as that friendship with Sam has formed. So it's not like it's a given that the second someone tells him he's Jason, he'll be all "thank God! I've been dying to get with Sam!"
  5. Don't forget, he speaks French! I'm on the same side. I love Liz, I hate the bus she's being tied down under and how many times it's likely to run over her before the year is up, but I don't see rape. We've seen soap characters keep pertinent information (sometimes about themselves, sometimes about something that affects the person they want to sleep with) to themselves in order to sleep with the person they desire. It's despicable, yes, but it's not rape. When the person in question is known to be mentally ill (like Ron's pet DID cases), that turns it into an issue where the person isn't able to give consent. Jake/Jason doesn't have a mental illness. He's clearly very into Liz and wants to have sex with her. My guess is, even if he knew who he was, that desire wouldn't go away (just like it didn't go away when he was presented with his "wife" Greenlee), until that rush of memories comes back to him, along with the related emotions. The issue here is her not telling him who he is and letting the chips fall where they may (which, again, could likely still be him wanting to sleep with her, if he doesn't feel those memories after she tells him who he is), not whether he can consent.
  6. As Ron tries desperately to make "Michelle Stafford" fit..
  7. I know there is a lot of thought that, given his full memories, there is no way Jason wouldn't go running back to Sam as fast as his feet will carry him. But, and this is a very small but... Jason has typically been rather passive when it comes to women. If he gets his memory back, and he sees Sam supposedly happy with Patrick, Danny, and Emma, I can see him thinking "she's better off," and having every intention of leaving her be where she is. And he has always loved Liz (to varying degrees at various times). Of course, the real crap issue in that outcome is Patrick/Sam, which sucks on every level. IMO, we can all have our theories, but the real outcome here will largely depend on what version of Jason comes out of this. Is it fully Jason Morgan? Jason Q? Some mixture of the two? An entirely new persona all together?
  8. It feels kind of manipulative on his part. Like now he has two women he can blame this on - Helena and Liz. "I told Liz she should tell, but she begged me not to, and I feel like I owe her..."
  9. I can't imagine she'll have to twist Nik's arm very hard on that last part. "So, you'll keep my secret, and I get to get laid a lot? Done!"
  10. And that head writer is always on the wrong side of that discussion. Jasus, he has issues.
  11. I miss the hell out of headcase Ally. Why can she not go all "I can smell the evil" on Rick and Maya's asses?
  12. Well, it's a woman on GH. If they think any longer than 30 minutes straight, they'll just pass right out from the mental exhaustion of it all or something.
  13. That's what I was hoping for. I hate what the "writers" are doing to Liz, but I do have one small request. When Carly inevitably finds out and starts frothing at the mouth that she was kept from her precious Jason for so long, I need at least one person to very calmly look her in the eye and tell her "it wasn't Liz's secret to tell."
  14. I think if she was really worried about bringing the crazies out, rather than secretly loving the attention (vicariously through her son), she could have just as easily sent a private message with the same point. Because, if anything, her publicly stating that is what will really bring the crazies out. And she has to know that by now. Any chance someone can start a Morgan vs. Spencer fan war so we can watch Mama Bechtel and Mama Craig go at each other?
  15. What? You don't believe that totally scientific, unimpeachable screenshot put together by the network?
  16. Patrick is pretty much an empty vessel used for plot now. He's Liz. Talented actor, has a lot of fans, always able to bring it when given big moments, but used as a prop to fill in whatever plot carrying the show needs, regardless of what it means for the character himself. Please don't let Nicholas Bechtel have a brother. Please. Why would you put this kind of thing out into the universe? Run, Ellie! Run!! I just had a vision of Ron deciding to write "wacky family dinners" with Franco, Nina, Ellie, and Spinelli, and all the hair on the back of my neck stood up.
  17. Yeah, if Spencer wasn't such a shit, but still ended up injured in a fire and felt insecure (or was maybe being teased) about the burns on his face, then while I loathe Courtney, I could at least tolerate a one shot Spencer gets a visit from Ghost Mommy to comfort him in is trauma kind of thing. But this entitled shit? Being rewarded for trying to off his cousin by a ghostly visit from his beloved "mudda"? Ick. Of course, they could surprise me and have her slap down some ghostly discipline over what a little shit he's become, but, 1) I highly doubt it, because we're supposed to see Spencer as this awesome, hilarious, precocious kid, and, 2) even if we did get her smacking him down, it would just be fuel for more Spencer griping about how awful life has been to him, and even his dead mother doesn't like him because he's hideous.
  18. "Daddy, it would have been so much more fun if Mommy was at the ball." "Mommy goes to balls in Paris."
  19. Maybe TC power voted for Courtney?
  20. I think she was always going to "win" no matter how the voting came out.
  21. I assume that would be Ron. And if it is, he'll never stop.
  22. Grrpants, how awful for your friend! She had two guys to approach Liz, Cameron, and Jake in the park, pretending to be enemies of Jason, in the hopes that it would scare Liz off of any relationship with Jason. They could have been guys from her show's crew, I'm not positive on that. This was after she stood by and watched Jake's kidnapping and taunted Liz that he was probably dead.
  23. Yeah, countless kids manage to subvert the locks and things like that and scoot out the door without warning. I don't see how that remotely equals (or surpasses??) hiring thugs to menace a toddler and a baby and standing by and watching while a baby is kidnapped without saying a word to stop it or let anyone know what you witnessed.
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