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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I assume it's a combination of Sarah sending her into the second to last dome and then sending Johnny/Nany in against her and Leroy in the last one instead of giving them Jay/Jenna.
  2. I believe they didn't know it was a 2 day final. I think Sarah said something to the effect of realizing it was going to be a 2 day event when they got to the camp site. If they do know ahead of time it's a 2 day, it would definitely merit consideration of eating up those 30 minute time limits and avoiding something that will make you puke (more) or wear you out. From what I remember of the 2 day finals they've had, the advantage to finishing first is fairly negligible. You can completely smoke the competition and still get a 5 minute head start in the morning, rendering the first day's tasks almost pointless.
  3. I remain convinced that the producers are trying to kill these people. Watching Sarah, who had been puking non-stop on day one, and Jordan, with one hand, climbing that mountain, with no safety equipment, made me a little woozy. They didn't even have TJ hanging out up there waiting for them this time. And then I kept thinking "and now, to collect your winnings, you need to get back down. Good luck!" TJ's "have you ever watched this show?" cracked me up. While Leroy has annoyed me in the late weeks of this season, and I was genuinely happy to see Sarah win, a part of me wanted to see Theresa win, just so she could lord it over Nany.
  4. Jenna, Jenna, Jenna. When she said something about how her boyfriend was cheating on her, like it always happens, I said to my TV "then start picking better men!" And now she's with Zach. Honey, did you see how he treated his ex all season long? Did you hear the story about how he woke up one morning, decided he was disgusted with Jonna, and unceremoniously dumped her, refusing to speak to her for a couple years, before showing up on this challenge to emotionally abuse her all season? I don't care how good his body is, he's a misogynistic, emotionally abusive asshat. Elevate your standards. I will say that Nany had one good line - "we're terrible women." Yes, yes you are. The slut-shaming and internalized misogyny are not good looks. Johnny was a big old baby. Get over it, ass. You've screwed people over to get to the win before. So have others. I love that Sarah refused to be apologetic and reminded everyone "we're on a game show!" He really does seem to think that everyone owes him a trip to the final. As he was saying that Sarah can never do another season because she's revealed herself to be a traitor and no one would trust her, I was thinking that maybe everyone would also keep in mind moments like him telling Zach that it's not enough to not send him in, you need to stick your neck out for him, or him telling Sarah and Jordan to send his "best friend" Leroy into the dome. (And I really, really wish we would have gotten more focus on that moment in the reunion.) I'd rather take my chances with Sarah, knowing that, when you get to the end, you're on your own, then be part of Johnny's circle of enablers who are expected to jeopardize their own chances in the game all season long before he throws them into the line of fire. And, really, how is Sarah throwing him in any different than him telling Sarah to throw Leroy in? Both moves were "betraying" a friend to preserve their own chances at winning the money. Both moves were designed to keep Jay and Jenna in the game as an almost lock for third place. So why was Sarah the worst person ever but Johnny isn't? Not to mention, Johnny's move had a side dish of sending in his "best friend" to do his dirty work (eliminate Wes). You hate the guy, you want him gone, you get your ass in there and do it. I did crack up that Leroy seemed to spend most of the reunion looking like he wanted to vault over the arm of that couch to get away from Nia.
  5. So, Greenlee stops right outside Liz's door to call whoever hired her, to let them know she has done her job, then says "I won't say anything else here, since she could walk out at any minute"? Gee, maybe you should have waited to make that whole phone call until you were more than a foot away from her front door?
  6. I think she loves him, but, if he hadn't spent years basically shaming her for not being attracted to him, she would have been perfectly comfortable slotting him in as "friend" long ago. Spinelli has always made it a point to make it sound like it's some flaw of Maxie's character to not be attracted to him, and then he started that whole withholding his friendship if she won't be romantically involved with him thing. Now he's back and pulling more passive-aggressive bullshit on her. He clearly has a whole assload of issues over his physical appearance. But, yet again, it is somehow some flaw in both Maxie and Nathan that they are conventionally attractive people, and they should feel shamed, because, apparently, since he's not attractive, he's somehow on the moral high ground. And they're just shallow pretty people who aren't as deep as him, or some such shit. I so wish Maxie would grab a spine with him and recognize his manipulative bullshit.
  7. Yet. Give it time. I'd be shocked if she and Carly both didn't do their shifts in the "who's this Greenlee bitch?" rotation.
  8. I think Sarah really genuinely has fun doing this stuff, though. I have zero doubt that she wants to win, but I think she also really just has fun doing this. I could see her viewing it as a cool summer vacation where she gets to do fun challenges, travel to cool places, and possibly make some money.
  9. Now I'm kind of surprised they didn't try to get her to play Patricia. Either her or Erika Slezak.
  10. If he leaves when the year is up, this is my dream for how it goes down - Sonny kills him, and, shortly after, Helena pops back up with a "haha! You killed Jason Morgan!"
  11. I'm sure they've already discovered some lube in dear old Dad's nightstand drawer.
  12. There was a little overlap. She came back in early 2008, and I think he left in the summer.
  13. Liz has to be the luckiest, yet worst, "stalker" ever. Lucky, because the "victim" of said stalking keeps showing up at her house all on his own. Worst, because, well, damn, the guy has apparently wanted to kiss her for months, and she's just gotten around to it now? She needs to up her stalking game, clearly.
  14. Especially a woman he knows wants to be in the entertainment industry. As for the period thing, there are also ways to use some forms of birth control so that you don't get your period for several months at a stretch, to the point where you can, essentially, decide when you get it. If it occurred to him to be curious about it, she could have just told him it was her birth control.
  15. I so wish BM wasn't playing Jason. He and BH have such a nice chemistry, but there is no way the show is going to let Liz have Jason for longer than it takes to throw her under the bus as a speed bump back to JaSam hell. He would have made a nice Lucky recast. And I'll continue to hold on to some tiny hope that he really isn't Jason and this is all a Helena mind game.
  16. I loathe Sonny, but Mo's facial expressions while that passive aggressive asshat was challenging Nathan to a boxing match were excellent. Maxie, if you want to learn from your parents, then remember that bio dad was not the smart choice, and Mac was the best thing that ever happened to you or your sister. Can Morgan and Kiki please go jump off a pier? Twice?
  17. I can agree to a point. I think that this isn't something you should feel pressured to reveal as soon as you meet someone. But, they're well past those initial stages. They've been seriously romantically involved twice. They're sleeping together and now living together. At some point, this is something that the person she's planning a life with should be told. Yes, it is absolutely her call as to when she feels comfortable revealing it (as long as she plans to at some point if she really wants to move forward to marriage and all that), but I can sympathize with Rick if he has a reaction where he feels like they are past the point where she should have trusted him with this information. And, honestly, I'd much rather that his reaction focus on feeling that way than being grossed out that he slept with a transgender woman.
  18. Fair enough. I can be flexible on outright being paid to play, provided the insurance is there. But, I do think that, if the school is making money off of their name/image, the kids should get a cut of that. And they should be able to make money off of their own name/image without it dinging their eligibility.
  19. I don't think it's misogynistic hate to be annoyed that, on a "family show," we had her intro and practice footage 100 percent devoted to her talking about her boobs and simulated nudity.
  20. My guess is they'll show our Monday episode on Friday instead of today, just so that the episode is not out there for that many days before airing in the US.
  21. OK, wait, what is the age difference between Maya and Nicole? From what I gathered today, Nicole always believed Maya was her sister, thus leaving Maya surprised that Nicole knows she was originally Myron. From my understanding, you have to be a certain age to have the gender reassignment surgery. So, if Maya has been "Maya" for all of Nicole's memory, how much older is she than Nicole? Is Maya supposed to be pushing 40?
  22. I don't see it really as skipping the line. If he gets injured due to playing for the school (and, in the process, earning the school money), then they should be held accountable for what that injury is costing him. Obviously, they can't be held fully accountable for that cost, especially if it's a kid who was legitimately good enough to go pro, but, at the least, they should cover his medical costs and still provide the education they promised him when he agreed to play for them.
  23. I think that, when Mark gets one of the young girls, it kind of reigns in a lot of his worst tendencies.
  24. I haven't watched yet either, and I cannot wrap my mind around the idea that this is a thing that actually happened. And now that you mentioned Zarf, I'm going to need to go to my safe place for a while. That shit was traumatic.
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