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Everything posted by millennium

  1. A really boring episode! The Corey subplot was hackneyed and unimaginative. Plus, his drastic personality change from depressed couch-surfing loser to "I talked to my dean today" after a single Remy pep talk was wholly unrealistic. I binged these 7 episodes over the last couple days. Bobby Donnell doesn't have the chops to be the main character of this show. When he tries to act tough, or (groan) growls, "Let's get it," it comes off as pastiche. He also has a strong reliance on cliches. I don't like the way he talks about Isobel, either. "Isobel's all the way up my ass" he says to his team, and "tell Isobel to double the reward, this is freaking ridiculous." She's a woman and she's his superior. His disrespect towards her in front of the team -- which has a female majority -- sends the message that he resents Isobel's authority, recognizes it only grudgingly, and that team members should regard him as the more legitimate leader. I would love to see Isobel take him down a few notches. On the bright side, we now have Nina. Hope she gets more of the spotlight in the future. I like that they haven't made her motherhood an issue (yet) and or let it get in the way of her job. I like Nina. She makes me think of a mature, world-weary Supergirl. I don't know what she sees in that stiff Scola. Have they forgotten Chekhov's roommate? Or will that pending disaster rear its head towards the finale?
  2. I noticed that as I was getting older, TV commercials annoyed me more and more. Then a friend suggested Balance of Nature. Just three Fruits and Three Veggies a day, and I'm done. Now, I not only enjoy the Jardiance commercials, I sing and dance along. Everywhere I go, I find street fairs. And at long last I understand the simple truth of life that nothing IS everything. I have emerged Tremfyiant. Should I experience moment of weakness (lucidity), well, first I pray, then I eat more Fruits and Veggies. Gullible? Check. Brainwashed? Check. Spending a shitload of money on demographically-targeted, over-hyped placebos? Check, check, and check.
  3. Not too jazzed to see Nicole "Peanut Butta" Zannata. Or Brad (for the umpteenth time). Even so, I'll take them any day over Jay and Michele, Horatio, Emanuel, Asaf, Callum, etc.
  4. Oh sure! Next you'll be suggesting they should wear respirators to scenes where the terrorists are spraying aerosolized ricin ... 😉 That's where I became aware of her. Not so much on CSI Miami. A pity they didn't inherit Walter, too. 😄
  5. Tight episode. But I have to ask, does the JOC have a Star Trek transporter to beam agents around Manhattan? Also, wouldn't there be fallout from Isobel pulling rank on the street cop to allow Lucas and his dad to walk through the closed-off area? If she hadn't done that, Lucas would be alive. (Me, I'd let her off the hook, but then I've had a crush on Alana de la Garza for years, lol.) And judging by his picture, he was captured in the mid-1960s.
  6. I know most recognize Terry O'Quinn as John Locke from LOST, but I still see him as Peter Watts from a late 1990s Chris Carter show called "Millennium." He always plays a bastard. Never imagined I'd see him doing a zombie walk, though. LOL, no more so than the main explosion merely leaving Thorne more pissed off. Good thing Rick and Michonne found one of those magic tarps to shelter under. The reunion felt threadbare. There should have been more people on hand. Folks from Alexandria, crewmen from the chopper ... Guess it wasn't in the budget after that super high quality CGI explosion. The general emptiness of the scene reminded me of the finale of Supernatural (which I would prefer to never be reminded of). Still, this episode moved at a good clip, the Echelon briefing was kinda chilling, and Eugene didn't make the flashbacks, so I suppose that's something.
  7. I came to bitch about this very commercial. Saw it for the first time only minutes ago and I was like "WTF is this?" Human beings have been singing from the beginning of time, but only in the 2020s has tone-deafness become acceptable and marketable.
  8. I think Emanuel's OTT appearance is just another attempt to mask the emptiness within. He looked like a sequined third-world dictator. I don't understand why the women on these reunions dress like little girls playing dress-up with their moms' clothes and makeup. That impression was reinforced by Big T and Melissa with the ridiculous tiaras. Olivia looked like an old, sad drunk trying to appear younger than she is. And what's with the white fingernails? Is that supposed to be attractive? I don't get it.
  9. Remember when The Challenge opening used to include snippets of players' outbursts from the current season? My favorite was the season (I can't recall which) when the opening always featured Cara Maria on the club bus shouting "Shut up, Aneesa!" Of course, those openings don't compare to the golden-age Challenge openings, i.e., the haka dance and other "cultural appropriations" (we're so uptight today they couldn't be done anymore).
  10. There seemed to be way too much confidence among people like Moriah that they will be coming back in future seasons. "When I come back I'm gonna be big." Having listened to a lot of Bananas podcasts, I have the impression that players in the past were always consumed by the fear they wouldn't be invited back and would work hard to try to ensure it. Moriah was a big puddle of vapidity. Her only story was cheating on Bananas and wearing a thong. Who knows, maybe she's right. Maybe they did promise her a years-long contract. TJ seems to have dispensed with "Good luck, hope to see you in the future" or "I'm sure we'll see you in the future."
  11. That's because he's a big nothing. I think the reason he's decorated his whole body is to compensate for the fact that there's nothing going on inside. No intelligence, no cleverness, no wit, no warmth, no personality, nothing. He rode Jay's coattails, benefited from an unfairly weighted final (the women were at a clear disadvantage) and copied Colleen's Sodoku as the only way to edge out Nurys.
  12. So much this. It's a credit to the casting executives of the past that the vet personalities were so richly amusing and memorable that even people you hated were ten times more interesting than ANYONE in Season 39. The split screen at the reunion, noobs on one side, vets on the other, was like one of those old advertisements with side-by-side pictures that say "WRONG WAY" and "RIGHT WAY"
  13. But now he can't invest in his clothing line! (Or his hair line!) What will the youth of America do without their Jay Starrett originals?
  14. BMP seems determined to ruin this show for good -- in fact, I think that point has already been passed. I suspect season 40 will generate nothing beyond nostalgia and a pervasive sense of loss for what The Challenge used to be. They should call it The Challenge 40 -- Retirement Party. And Season 41? We'll be right back to a repeat of this season, with the same cast of losers.
  15. This is how Jay ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
  16. Devin to Emanuel: "You won the season of losers." I hate having to applaud Devin, but damn. And then we discover Emanuel completed the Sudoku only because he copied Colleen's -- and that it wasn't shown on camera. Could it be that BMP didn't want to be seen crowning a guy whose prize-clinching challenge was won by a petty act of cheating? How would that have looked? Giving the prize to a cheater over the woman who came in second and did it entirely on her own strength?
  17. Just finished this episode a few minutes ago. What a flaming heap of dung this season was. No respect for Emmanuel at all. None. Nurys was the champion this season. She single-handedly took out all the heavy hitters and she did it with determination and style. Emanuel didn't go into a single elimination. Did he win a single daily? His most memorable moment was when he tried to call out Jordan and Jordan reminded him he could have volunteered to come down on the sand go against him if he was feeling so cocky, defanging vampire-boy on the spot. Who the fuck is Emmanuel to pontificate ad nauseum about what a champion is. Fuck you, Emmanuel. And fuck you, Corey, you fucking crybaby. TJ should have pulled you from the game or maybe just thrown you off the cliff. "This is for the little boy who ..." oh STFU. What the hell has happened to this show? Why has it been remade in Survivor's image? Where's Hall Brawl? Where's pole wrestle? Where are the physical eliminations? And I'm sorry but OMG, LETTERS FROM HOME? A GROUP CRYING SESSION? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
  18. Will we look back at this as the episode where Maggie became Olivia Benson? Even Batman and Robin in the old TV show had Bat-Respirators when they knew they'd be exposed to Penguin gas. But modern FBI agents facing the prospect of aerosolized ricin? Nahh. They just scowl and it fends off all lethal effects. It was a good episode despite the red herring of Jess dying. I would have liked to see more violence against the terrorists, though. Maggie losing it on the professor, that kind of thing. Is there some reason agents can't shoot a perpetrator in the back if they're fleeing with a weapon of mass destruction, especially after they have attempted to deploy it?
  19. Now Wes is doing Season 2 of House of Villains. Didn't he say he was retiring from The Challenge because he has a new baby, needed to spend his time at home, etc? I find it depressing to see Challenge legends (Bananas, CT, Wes) doing these tacky shows alongside attention whores from 90 Day Fiance, etc.
  20. When it looked like Father Pee Pee Pants was about to be offed, I thought, "Why oh why couldn't Eugene have been her spiritual advisor?" I don't know ... this had more humanity than other episodes. I was hoping Jadis would admit there never was a dossier. But no. Why were the roads so clear everywhere they drove? And after so many bad encounters with ungrateful deceitful rednecks, why do Rick and Michonne keep repeating mistakes of the past? I felt like I must have missed an entire season of TWD (of course that's just wishful thinking).
  21. I could be wrong, but I don't think Yamiche was ever instrumental in an attempted coup.
  22. Me too. I was unemployed due to Covid and my father died, likely from Covid. Trying to escape her grief, my mother immediately sold the family home, so that was also lost. I'm back on my feet now, so is everyone I know. Inflation has taken a toll, but this is a global problem, not exclusive to the United States. Awkward moment. "Mika, I am going to have to ask you to remind me." How do you forget that you attended a school where the mascot is a snail?
  23. The Parable of the Talents. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew 25%3A14-30&version=ESV
  24. I don't know if it's blasphemous, sacrilegious or just plain ridiculous the way some players seem to believe God is seriously concerned about who wins Survivor. Having been raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools and Catholic college, I can't recall any scenes or teachings from the Bible where God intervenes to make people rich. For players to think he does so, especially in a game predicated on anti-Christian values like greed, lying, betrayal, humiliation of others ... a game where players proclaim "a miracle" when another player is injured ... seems like pure lunacy. To pray to be the winner of Survivor is to pray that the hopes of all the other players are crushed, and that they will have to live the rest of their lives knowing they failed, while you smugly bask in your wealth. I'm not suggesting playing Survivor is a sin. I just don't think God is a superfan.
  25. Three. He also said "Somebody get me a doctor!" There's a word for the spectacle that was Bhanu: unseemly. I wanted him gone from episode 1 but even I never imagined what an outrageous embarrassment he would become. The crying, the praying, begging Tiff on his knees, shaking his fist at God ... the only thing he didn't do was start punching himself in the face for pity and attention. These extended episodes suck. Every event, even cleaning a damn fish, becomes a therapy/weeping moment. I don't want to know the players' sob stories or hear about their dead parents. Ostensibly I watch the show to be entertained, not "moved." For all these so-called "superfans," Hunter is the only one out there who seems like an old school Survivor. The guy yelling "Taylor Swift" seems to be angling for a meet-and-greet with Ms. Swift after the season airs. I don't think he could be more transparent. Oh look! Another opportunity to use the word "unseemly."
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