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Everything posted by millennium

  1. Another good episode, but it's like you want a meal and all you're getting is an appetizer. I think I'll wait till the series ends, then watch the remaining episodes at my pace rather than Hulu's.
  2. Yeah, I guess, like a metaphor for racial injustice that never really goes away, no matter how much time passes or society progresses. But yes, I was really confused there.
  3. And we have a new entry for Oxymoron of the Day! (full disclosure: I have been angry with Applebees ever since they took Nachos Nuevos off the menu)
  4. Turning into a god has no place in Star Trek!
  5. I agreed with Scarborough. There's a disingenuous quality to the current protests, IMO. Perhaps it stems from the fact that in the last decade there have been so many serious issues on the domestic front deserving of student activism, but the kids now buying up all the pup tents on Amazon never made a peep.
  6. Oxymoron Of The Day: "... a thriller by David Ignatius"
  7. I first saw this show hyped on an entertainment website. The article said something like, "The first season was bad, but the second season is pretty good and it works as a standalone -- you don't need to have watched the first season." So okay, I started with Season 2 and watched it through to the end. And in the last 15 minutes or so, with the flashbacks of the girl dipping her hand in white paint, and a klan-like confrontation, I found myself wondering if I had missed an entire episode, or perhaps dozed off during some parts. Where did all this come from? It made no sense to me. And then what that minstrel show guy came pounding up the stairs, I was like WTF? The ending, like most endings, sucked. I suppose scary films now are all about ratcheting up the horror throughout and who cares if gets paid off at the end. The first credit to come up said "Directed by Ti West." If I had known that at the outset, I never would have watched.
  8. Thanks for saying this. I wholeheartedly agree. The term "resume" seems to have infiltrated the show five or six years ago. What next? Survivor LinkedIn pages? What was Maria blathering about? How if you don't achieve a blindside you can't win or some baloney like that? Resumes mean crap. All that matters in this game is if people LIKE you. Period. Bonus points if you can make the jury laugh. Cassidy was robbed a few seasons ago. And why? Because that goat Gabler devised a cutesy nickname for himself in his final address to the jury. "I'm Alla-gabler!" (Though I suppose it could be argued that he alone recognized the jury was so feeble-minded it could be won over with a bad pun.)
  9. They had one thing we don't (fortunately): Edith.
  10. Maybe this is why The Challenge isn't fun anymore -- all the crazies are on Survivor.
  11. Grandma Jackie Brown had the most accurate line of this episode: "You motherfucker." How often do we see victims go so overboard in retaliation against those who wronged them that any sympathy you might have for the injustices done to them goes right out the window? Objectively, what Edmund suffered would eke sympathy from most people. But Edmund was such a narcissistic, annoying sociopath that he was utterly unlikable. Who could blame Grandma for giving him back to the foster home? I sure don't. So I guess what we have here is a vengeful ghost. But I don't yet understand how the drug dealer or the exorcism kid fits into the ghost's vendetta. I thought this episode lost some steam along the way. My hope for a plausible conclusion is diminished.
  12. Vaal! He is angry. He wants his story back.
  13. There's just no let-up with this series. I hope they can bring it to a great - I'd even settle for good -- conclusion.
  14. I found it grotesque to watch that little teenager Reena -- a mere child in terms of life experience -- reciting the ugly imagery of gangsta rap at the beginning. Manjit was an arrogant prick in this episode, especially in the way he so insensitively condescended to those girls about their lives, thinking all the while that he had a right and duty to say what he did oblivious to the pain he was causing. He was so convinced of his own rightness that he couldn't even stick to the deal about the pizza. Reena is an awful person, too. Who needs to fit in so bad they would accuse their own father of something so heinous? Not that Kelly and Jo were angels, either. I was enraged as they schemed to steal (or perhaps hide) Suman's jewelry and otherwise screw up Reena's house (glad Smooch was okay). They took it even *after* Suman explained to them how special it was to her family Another thing this episode did is remind of how exhausted I am with racial animus. Seeing "GO HOME" spray-painted on the Virks' garage, the expression on Mrs. Ellard's face almost tripping over herself to get out of Suman's house, the way the CMC girls were looking down their noses at Reena and her parents ... Why must people be so awful? (Personally I would love to go over to Kalinda Sharma's house for pizza.)
  15. Episode 5 and surprisingly I'm still hooked. Edmund is getting on my nerves (as do all villains who just happen to get away with everything for 95% of the story) but the acting, the pacing, and the question of "what the heck's going on here" are keeping me watching.
  16. If it were TNG-era, shouldn't the Enterprise have a letter in the registration number? The original TNG Enterprise was NCC-1701-D. I looked for a letter but didn't see one, suggesting it was the original ISS Enterprise NCC-1701. But how can that be? The original series established that events in the Mirror Universe closely parallel those in the prime universe, thus the ISS Enterprise NCC-1701 should have gone down over the Genesis planet. It has never occurred to me that Discovery is anything like TOS, regardless of who is in the lead.
  17. In my previous life as an ad agency copywriter (don't judge!) I used to have to sit through hour-long meetings in which account executives would debate with creative over things like which phrasing is better: "visit a branch near you" or "visit a branch nearest you." No joke. I used to think of those meetings as "Ad Nauseum." I remember another time I wrote a print ad with a headline like, oh I don't know, "The Best Donut in the Hole World." (or some nonsense like that). I put a period to it because it was a bold statement and besides that was the style of most print ads. But no, my immediate creative director, an older guy who had a pathological need to put his thumbprint on everything I did, started dicking around and would repeatedly remove the period from various versions of the ad as it went from concept to mock-up to print mechanicals (this was in the pre-computer age). We were on the eve of the ad going to print and he was still fighting me. "It's not a proper sentence, so the period is misplaced," he would say, stroking his beard while mentally stroking something else. This is advertising, I would insist, not grammar class. I finally went over his head to the executive creative director and explained my position, while thinking, "I'm almost thirty and in a fight to the death over a period." In the end I won, but this occupied nearly a week of my life. I was still too young and ambitious to realize that none of it matters.
  18. I liked the first episode. Has a plausible feel, except that Deborah Ayorinde is way too beautiful to ever be a cop.
  19. This show is pretty well done. The backdrop of the Rodney King assault adds a layer of mad tension to the street scenes. The foot chase through the housing project was very intense. Show has a subtle sense of humor too, like when the aspiring actor guy (Edmund) is trying to suffocate himself while on hold and the music coming out of the phone is a Muzak version of Berlin's "Take My Breath Away."
  20. From what I have read, there was a lot of oddness attached to letting Alexa Davalos go. They informed her she would not be invited back before she had filmed her final scene. No reason was given, though she has said it was an amicable parting of the ways.
  21. I think they're making it up as they go along. Kristen Gaines might agree. Remy's kind of a slut. He propositions his therapist, hooks up in a no-tell motel with a lawyer coming off an emotional win, and then there's the aforementioned Ms. Gaines, who is rumored to have left the team after a fling with Remy. No qualms about mixing pleasure with business on Remy's watch.
  22. Culber and Stamets, Adira and Gray, Tilly and her insecurities, Saru and his issues, Burnham and Booker ... they all suck. I'd rather watch a show about a starship crewed by King Moonracer and the inhabitants of the Island of Misfit Toys.
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