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Everything posted by millennium

  1. This was worse than a Hallmark Channel movie. From Book's trite and sappy log entry to all the declarations of undying love. Tonight, a very special episode of "Soulmates in Space." Oh, and it just had to be an Enterprise in the wormhole, didn't it? Not a Yorktown or a Farragut or a Potemkin, nope of all the ships in the Mirror Universe it had to be an Enterprise, because cheap feels, right? "That was my brother's station." Sniff. Has anyone noticed just how bad Burnham's dialogue is? "It's a mystery and it's up to us to solve it!" or whatever the fuck she said. No Saru = a small mercy. I predict that in years to come, Discovery will be widely regarded as the Highlander II of the Star Trek franchise (or even worse, Highlander: The Source).
  2. The next thing will probably be deodorants for other people's bodies, so if someone's aroma offends you, you can spray them discreetly from a distance.
  3. I can't imagine the difficulty of trying to raise good kids among peers who glorify violence, gangs, the mafia, etc. It's so repugnant. And stupid. The drip-drip-drip pace of this series is annoying. I like it a lot, but I want to watch it at my leisure, not Hulu's.
  4. I had to laugh as OA and Maggie leaped out of the van in plain sight of all the cultists, with little attempt at stealth, then crouched down behind a car like nobody had seen them.
  5. She's perfectly cast, maybe a bit too perfect actually. But the camera loves her and she certainly knows how to hold the viewers' attention.
  6. I take your point about the use of "elder" -- wrong choice of words, I meant it as she's his elder, actually. I'm your elder and my skateboard would be offended too had my words been intended in the way they came off. But I stand by emotional abuse. And while, sure, she probably has the ability to say no to him, I think she would rather run herself into the ground than disappoint him. Danny knows that and will milk it for all it's worth. He gives the impression he's been doing it all his life. Worse than Annaleigh last season, IMO.
  7. Elder abuse/emotional abuse. Danny is heartlessly exploiting that woman's maternal love for him. She would drop dead in the pursuit of fulfilling his dream and smug boy would stand by and let her. Somebody should yank him aside and ask what the fuck are you thinking?
  8. I made it less than 1.5 episodes before I realized I wanted no part of a show that made me empathize with a beautiful child, then spend subsequent episodes nervously awaiting her execution. Life's too short.
  9. The writers beggared belief in similar fashion during Picard Season 3, when the ship's sensors -- which even in Kirk's time could single out a lone heartbeat in a particular section of the ship -- failed to detect a rotting human corpse inside a crewman's closet. I liked Jellico. He got the job done.
  10. If they did that, the characters would have no time to emote, empower, empathize, lift up, speak their truths or otherwise perform verbal tongue-baths upon the people they have lived with day in and day out for the past five seasons. I would pay a premium for the season if it meant I could watch Saru blown into a million kelpy bits by a Klingon disruptor. Maybe call the episode "Kobayashi Saru." I HATE Saru. He's such a vanilla nothing. Chat GP has more personality than Saru. Even Adira has more personality than Saru (and that's really saying something). Saru seems to exist for no reason than to always be on hand to remind Michael Burnham how special she is. Speaking of the whole Michael Burnham-ness of our existence, I would not at all be surprised to discover that Michael Burnham is the answer to the question she herself posed at the outset of this episode: For millenia, philosophers and scientists have wrestled with the same big questions. What is our purpose? Why are we here? It's you, Michael. You are why the Progenitors first created humanoids all those millennia ago, so that one day in the distant future the precise combination of genetics, temporal mechanics, retconning and bad casting would align to produce you, the most special and perfect Mary Sue ever. At the end of this series, we will undoubtedly learn that YOU are the most powerful force the universe has ever known. Let us fly. Amen.
  11. I am seriously tired of the book promos, but when the book has a topic as patently bullshit as Eddie Glaude's "we can be the leaders we need," my tolerance is zero. He has been making the rounds of all the shows on MSNBC. Inquiring minds want to know where these people find the time and energy to write these books. I'm a writer and I struggle to find any time to work on my own projects because my day is consumed with my paying job. I suspect they use their notoriety to pitch ideas to literary agents, the agents find them a sweetheart deal with a publisher, the publishing house assigns an editor and possibly a ghostwriter to work with them, and only then does the "writing" of the book begin.
  12. At least on the male cop's part, he seems dismissive of them because they and Reena are people of color (Indian). That's why Uncle Raj looked at Cam and said, "Him I get it, but you too?" implying that because she's also a person of color (Native American) she should be more empathetic. Lily Gladstone's character is very interesting. The guy who plays her father, has he ever done any role other than incompetent local cop? Until now I didn't realize they were dropping them one at a time. Boooo!
  13. If the show somehow manages to keep up the intensity of these first couple episodes, this'll be a bumpy ride. I like it a lot. Riley Keough (The Girlfriend Project) seldom disappoints. Even in mediocrity like Daisy Jones and the Six she manages to rise above the material. You ever wonder why all kinds of bad shit happens beside running water? Rivers, especially? There must be some primal, anthropological reason. This series reminds of River's Edge with Keanu Reeves and Creepy Crispin Glover.
  14. And mixed up, the way she switched back and forth between accents depending on who she was with. I wish she could have seen with her own eyes that Adisa was planning to kill her. Funny to see Kevin Kilner (Dax) after all these years. I think the last time I saw him he played the big-nosed father of Roz's boyfriend in Frasier, and before that he starred in the first season of Earth Final Conflict. That seems like a lifetime ago. Nice upbeat ending.
  15. I had forgotten just how much I hate these characters, and all it took was the first five minutes or so to remind me. The show didn't even pretend like Book might not be around anymore. I think he was back before the first commercial break. Same ears. Yup, La'k, Moll and Captain Rayner are my favorite characters so far this season, Kovich is okay but he lost some stature when he was bested by the almighty Michael in the final scene. All it did was remind the audience that we're not watching a serious show with serious characters. This episode could have been based on a video game. Heck, most of it looked like a video game. Oh, you're just trying to give me a reason to keep watching this "shit sundae." I had a different word in mind, but it rhymes with first. The Q could wipe up the Founders with a paper towel, unless of course Michael Burnham conquered the Continuum in the off-season. Could have happened. Because she's obnoxious and talking like a valley girl in the 32nd century. In both the final season of Picard and now in Discovery we are introduced to abrasive alpha-male captains (Captain Shaw and Captain Rayner) who apparently want nothing to do with the sanitized, homogenized, vanilla culture of the future. They're personality-driven cowboys, self-righteous, egotistical and convinced of their own infallibility. They would have been Kirk's drinking buddies. That's why we like them, because they vividly capture what this series and NuTrek in general desperately and sorely lack -- human beings. Nah, she's thinking, "I wonder if this Picard guy ever heard of me."
  16. I liked the intense firefight, though it was painful to watch all those innocent donuts get it. The team looked like superheroes running through the streets of Manhattan. Not so painful to watch Nina. Whatever happened to Gemma? They made a big fuss about her early on, now that thread just vanishes ... or is it one of those laying-the-groundwork-for-the-season-finale deals where OA will have to choose between his heart and duty? Her nose looked odd in a couple scenes.
  17. I was hoping for a confessional where Ben snickers and says, "I can't believe Kenzie fell for the ol' having-a-nightmare ruse. People are so gullible."
  18. I think of Danny and his mom as Team Norman Bates.
  19. Was disappointed that they diminished Nina with the obligatory absent-mother guilt subplot, an angle that has been done to death on other shows including but not limited to Everybody Loves Raymond. Worse, the writers make Nina: 1. conclude that Scola was correct in being a dick to her, 2. clean out the closet, and 3. reward the dick with sex.
  20. You are not mistaken, I am, lol. Damn crossovers.
  21. Even the bad guy was an idiot. "You're changing the terms of the deal? Well, okay." Or, "Sure, I'll stand around awhile and listen to your flimsy lie about meeting a friend when I know you're a total fraud." Tiffany got Hobbs killed by following her instincts. Then she almost gets multiple people killed in this episode by following her instincts, ostensibly to absolve herself of the guilt she feels for having followed her instincts. (sorry, got shows mixed up)
  22. Am I misremembering or does Tiffany get a LOT of latitude from her superiors? I think there was a case involving her former acquaintances on the NYPD and she went way off script then, too. Except for a couple lucky breaks, she could have been responsible for several deaths in tonight's episode alone. Did they happen to mention what happened to the hostage at the end? I think I missed it.
  23. We were lucky to get a Season 3. Morgan and Wong wrote the ending of Season 2 as the series finale. My avatar is Lucy Butler. All we really need to know is that Father Pee Pee Pants will be there for them. (welcome back!)
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