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Everything posted by millennium

  1. I assumed they were. They said she was their mother.
  2. This is the very commercial I came to complain about. "Everybody's talking about how hard it is getting older," says the woman sitting in the immaculate parlor of her multimillion dollar home, or reclining by the glistening pool in her multimillion dollar home, or pretending to water the garden of her multimillion dollar home (I'm guessing they had to show her how to use a hose). I am reminded of another commercial, for which product I can't remember, but one in which some wealthy old coot happily preaches about how easily he can stay in his own home as long as he has someone to come in to cut his hair, shave him, and provide a bevy of other personal services probably including, but not limited to, wiping his ass for him. The shameless shilling by and for the wealthy is very annoying. Oh, and Eva Longoria's egotistical commercials for "Dice Dreams" are nauseating, particularly because she thrusts her own children into the public eye to aggrandize herself and fill her coffers for something as cheesy as a phone game. It's especially hilarious when it comes on while watching cable news.
  3. Brava to Mika yesterday for confronting that Biden campaign representative and demanding to know when the campaign was going to start dealing with the unique challenges posed by their adversary. No brava for accepting a mealy-mouthed answer that instilled zero confidence in viewers wondering the same thing.
  4. 1. Don't bring on people just because they're pretty. Pretty people are usually the least interesting people once they start talking. 2. Cut it out with the international cast. I know BMP is trying to globalize The Challenge but they're killing it in the process. Other cultures are more reserved and language concerns tend to suppress drama. This show was built on loud-mouthed, entitled Americans, and we need them now more than ever. 3. Since Ru Paul's Drag Race is on MTV now, start recruiting Challengers from there. I have a feeling there wouldn't be a lack of drama.
  5. Anything But Class. But they're BORING.
  6. This never gets old. "Suck it, dumb bitch!" I have to agree. I found myself getting irritated when they were helping Ravyn, then remembered I had no problem with it when the disadvantaged party was Turbo. So.
  7. Can we just get it over with and change the name of the show to The Michel-lenge? Because everything, even other people's eliminations, always comes back to being about her. The ABC party was cringy AF, considering there were what? Twelve people present? TJ's laughter at the food challenge sounded half-hearted and forced. Laurel played as though she was thinking "Wait, I'm a veterinarian. I have a career and a life. This doesn't mean anything anymore." In the wake of this awful, awful season, she may be proven right. I don't know why I still watch except there's nothing else interesting on.
  8. Enough with the Michelle confessionals. It's beyond OTT now. Darrell choking was no surprise. He sucks in eliminations. Remember when Jay and Michele were just minor annoyances in a houseful of vets? Take away the vets and the minor annoyances flood the void. I find myself doing other things while the show is on. I look up now and then, mostly when Ed is on because Ed is the only one there with the attitude and spirit I associate with The Challenge. I don't get the fascination with Moriah. She's a nobody with a $13,000 nose job.
  9. Poetically ironic that the most compelling drama of the whole season is centered around a vet who isn't even there.
  10. Seems likely. He mentioned CT so often in this episode that it felt like anvils. Kinda pathetic the CT victory is Jay's only bragging right. Especially since CT seemed so out of it physically and mentally that season. I hope they get a rematch, and this time CT makes Jay his fanny-pack. The bar scenes are cringy AF, especially the first minute or so, like they're all auditioning for a spot on Soul Train In Hell.
  11. I'm late to the party but guess what? This season still sucks weeks later. To see that lamer posturing as a "champion" galls me. Not only if Johnny and Nany hadn't fucked up on the cinder blocks would Devin and Tori be players, but also if more than half the cast of vets no longer appeared on the show. He owes his "championship" more to the principle of a thousand monkeys typing Shakespeare than any kind of skill.
  12. Wowzie wowzie woo woo. Bitter juries seem to be a thing of the distant past. The testiest moments now are questions like "Tell us how you've grown as an individual." I guess. what then was the point of Kaleb shouting "Jake" as he went into vote? I thought it a little suspicious that Katurah's hessian rope or whatever wouldn't catch. It was like those birthday candles you can't blow out, but in reverse.
  13. Never fails with this show. Take the person I like least, that person will win. Thanks for that, Katurah. Jake should have made the point that neither Dee nor Austin would have made it to final three without the other. That he was his own person, while they were just two halves. Didn't anybody vote for Jake? I thought Kaleb or someone did.
  14. Why do they keep raiding the nursing homes to bring in panelists like Walter Isaacson?
  15. I have certainly called out Austin's stupidity, the last two episodes in fact. But I think Dee is as shallow and phony as they come. She said she told herself before the game, "Don't get into a showmance." But she is in a showmance, and that seems about the depth of it, whereas Austin appears to have deluded himself that it's something much more.
  16. I hope Austin feels as stupid as he looked in this episode. Done in by a misguided attempt to redeem his past as a chubby nerd. Oh my God, a cool girl likes me! I don't know what he sees in Dee, other than she's the only female his age left on the island who isn't lesbian. I get that Dee playing him is part of the game, but it's hard to watch. It isn't just an alliance or friendship she's messing with, it's his emotions, and it feels dirty. Some I'm sure applaud the strategy but I suspect if the genders were reversed Austin would be loathed.
  17. Oh jeez, six minutes in and it's David Fucking Ignatius. Apparently he just returned from the West Bank. I wonder, while there did he publish a column suggesting that Netanyahu should resign/not run again?
  18. Ha! I'm not a fan of people being punished for poor judgment by losing their careers, retirement, etc. Actually I think it's pretty decent of them to give Matthews another chance. They did the same for Alexi McCammon, who certainly didn't deserve to be made a leper for stupid remarks she made in college.
  19. I don't understand why Julie is so beloved. She strikes me as entitled, vindictive and more than a little full of herself. Austin should have been voted out. He deserves it for being stupid. Stupid for getting involved with Dee in the first place, stupid for telling her about the plan to oust Julie. In the end, which is easier to fix? Your girlfriend being angry with you or getting voted off Survivor?
  20. Nicole Wallace has been on maternity leave for the past couple weeks, but guess what? Nicole Wallace made it a priority to come back to work for the day and be in the studio when Liz Cheney showed up yesterday. As I understand it, Nicole Wallace has higher ratings than MJ or any other show on MSNBC.
  21. Did Scarborough interact with Liz Cheney? I didn't see the show but just caught a clip on MSNBC and it looked like the interview was with Geist and Lemire, which struck me as incredibly insulting. The head of the January 6th committee, a woman who put her political career on the line for the sake of democracy comes in for an important interview and the titular host of the show can't be bothered to be IN THE STUDIO? Talk about not knowing a woman's value.
  22. Is there anyone out there who after watching this episode would hire Jake as their lawyer?
  23. I haven't finished watching the episode yet, so haven't read any previous posts. Forgive me if I am repeating things that may have already been said. For a show that went to ludicrous extremes to show how "woke" it was about gender, gender roles and pronouns -- "C'mon in, guys" -- it was a grotesque hypocrisy for Survivor to create two outlandish vignettes that were so incredibly offensive in their stereotyping of men and women, i.e., men are disgusting creatures that revel in farting and burping, while women are emotionally delicate flowers that weep and hug at the slightest emotional provocation. It wasn't fun or funny and both felt like they would never end, especially the guys version with the obnoxious 80s-movie soundtrack. Never before with this show have I cringed so much. Please go back to the standard one-hour format. The extra time is only giving the production people excuses to show their asses.
  24. You know you want to. It's like driving past a bad accident. If you'd prefer a Jordan and Tori romantic singing video, we have those too, God help us, lol.
  25. I liked Jay then, too. Now I long for Rogan to show up as one of the vets and give him another concussion. Here, because I shouldn't have to suffer alone with this. Warning: you can't unsee it:
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