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Everything posted by JBody

  1. I used to love those icy squares!! I never see them anymore now.
  2. An image of Dumb and Dumber just flashed into my mind. Maybe it was the ski resort vest ensemble. My hair after skiing was always fantastically static clingy because of the touque. Although I haven't skiied in 5 years and it was cross-country because bad things happen if I down hill. I'm too old for that shit now, by crikey.
  3. Uh no. Northern Ontario in January is bad enough. Two seasons: snow and blackflies. Yuck. And I don't want a repeat of 2013 with the ice storm and no power for 5 days. The power came back on on Boxing Day. Christmas was cancelled! But a nice blanket on the lawn Christmas morning would be nice. It can all melt the next day.
  4. Agree about Shed Dude, who I always remember as Gum Chewing Dude (Martin?). Also third on the Merle miniseries. I bet Rooker would be up for it.
  5. Sunny and warm in downtown Toronto. Where the eff is all the snow? ....ok ok I take that back.... I don't miss the cold that freezes exposed skin in 5 seconds or Mayor Mel calling in the army like he did for Snowmageddon '99, but I do want a white Christmas, dang it.
  6. FPP is gonna show you all! He's graduated to pull-ups *annoying ad jingle: "I'm a big kid now!"*
  7. Nashville!!! They posted a screenshot from AB's Facebook page of her and Gimple out for dinner and everyone assumed it was a death dinner and then someone said "she lives" and that caused a shitstorm. I swear if they mutate Jessie into the new Andrea --it's a terrible idea so I could see them doing it. But honestly if some dude killed my husband and kids I don't think I'd consider him boyfriend material. But then again maybe that's love in the ZA... 6b at least sounds like we'll have more ensemble episodes, which I prefer, and less pointless standing around scenes. So that should be nice. I'm still debating Lucille's first date with CDB. I'm back to Glenn. I think Gimple is perverse enough to do it. He follows the GN more than other showrunners which is why Kirkman likes him. That SoA guy said Kirkman didn't know shit about writing for TV or running a show but somehow he's finagled it that he's running it through Gimple. DumpsterGate was a big mistake and brought them a lot of ill will from the GA. The lunatics are running the asylum. I don't trust these guys much anymore and that's another reason I've disengaged over the last few seasons. Oh well. It's still entertaining. One nice aspect is I don't agonize over the interminable breaks these days.
  8. Yeah, that dude needs major dental work. Better ask Dr. Denise to read up on it.
  9. Tara's OK but she's way past her sell-by date, I think. I don't ever see her moving beyond B-level player territory but due to her (surprising) longevity she makes a convenient character to kill off and elicit more than the ho-hum response the death of random redshirt #243 would.
  10. Yep. No time to reflect. I think a small part of the problem is that all the various writers have a certain amount of leeway of interpretation with these characters. One may write Michonne as a "weapon with a weapon," still somewhat closed off and struggling, whereas another writer previously had her grow close and open up tremendously to certain people, so there's inconsistencies in how the characterization develops, and precious little we get of that anyway. It's a shame. Maggie's short hair is assumed to be connected to the Hilltop (her going there, leadership of it, etc not sure if all that's happening in 6b though).
  11. Agreed. TWD is the bastard child of Turner's frontier thesis and the Hobbesian state. Am I in the shipping thread? Okay, that works.
  12. heheheheh didn't we all. Well people are saying Abraham takes the Rick role (Rick-roll!! uh oh) in this ugly little scenario and Tara gets the arrow to the head. Which makes Daryl feel the sads even more than usual because she was killed with his crossbow, dagnabbit. I think Daryl gets shot or somehow attacked and Rosita retaliates which kills her. Something like that. TSDF has a whole thread full o' spoilers for episode 15 where all this goes down. I still think it's 50/50 on Daryl or Glen with the bat. MSP is the Andersons' exit. Which is fine by me --except for Sam. I will always feel sorry for him.
  13. Cool. Yeah looks like that's where Dwight gets his crossbow. Daryl's gonna be so bummed when he learns what happens with it. Interesting reading the comments. Most are defending the writing. TWD still has plenty of rabid fans who think the show can do no wrong. Or maybe they work for AMC...
  14. Nah, I've changed my mind since I posted that. Down to 2 possibilities now. Abraham is Rick in the meeting with Negan's crew. I posted in the spoiler thread the audience would likely cheer if Morgan got whacked.
  15. I watched that postcredit scene on the YouTubes today. I would not have gotten out of the truck. FU man. Especially to a bunch of Claimers on motorcycles. Prefer if Abe had answered with a bazooka aimed in their general direction.
  16. Hmmmm. Maybe it was the skintight jeans? I'm sure her fans weren't complaining but all I could think was how hard it would be to do all that while wearing pants that cut off the circulation --they just looked that uncomfortable and constricting. So I blame the jeans. Carol tripped on bullets, Who'sDeanna tripped on a walker and Rick tripped over his own cowboy boots. Needs a new pair likely. Coral should note that --Christmas is around the corner.
  17. Your Honour, I would like to present to you Exhibit A, the episode under discussion (season 6, episode 8, entitled “From Start to Finish [it yourself]”) to demonstrate why I consume spoilers of TWD. I already got all that righteous indignation out of my system a little while ago. So, in a perverse way that only a Gimple could understand, the actual episode played out better than expected. Which ain’t saying much, really. Right, so where to start, where to start… The usual bullshit from this season was on display tonight, in having hardened zombie killers act like freshly minted noobs to the apocalypse. Check. I remember making a (not terribly funny) joke a few weeks ago about how we can’t get through one damned season without some moron tripping and falling for the drama (at least Tara had her untied bootlaces to blame) and here we have Carol, Maggie and someone else, errr Deanna? and even the Ricktator wiping out like they’re all on a slip ‘n slide. That was hilarious. I commented in Morgan’s thread about his assassination so I’ll leave it there. The whole Carol fight and Denise kidnapping was just one step beyond stupid in an episode devoted to it. Enjoyed the torch-passing scene with Who’s Deanna and Michonne, although the timing was bizarre --but that’s life in the ZA, eh? I really dug the recap more than episode. Particularly the “A Word From Our Sponsor” bit: the Time-Life Collection of Glenn Rhee Inspirational Lectures Series. OMG Glenn shut up. Enid is too kind to stand around and listen to that. Sam: well yeah. I feel really bad for the kid. He can’t deal. He couldn’t deal last season, it got worse this season, and now he’s a shut-in with his legos and crayons and ant cookies and just made me so sad. And yes to the demon from Insidious reference; that upped the creep factor for me with “Tip-toe Through the Tulips” on repeat. All these so-called parental guardians failed this kid big time. Fucking assholes. Sigh. Now it looks like he’s about to get everyone eaten. Why the hell couldn’t they have taken two seconds to duct tape his mouth shut if he was too straight up traumatised to understand the gravity of the situation? Assholes, I say. Good call on the people up thread who conjectured that Mom looked like she was gonna book it without her youngest son. I liked Carl in this episode. I don’t recall ever saying (writing) that before.
  18. Yep it's hilarious. You want Morgan you got him --let's have him physically knock out Carol just so you can hate him even more. My understanding is Carol is a favourite character in the writer's room so it goes without saying they tried to make him as reprehensible as possible. And if you're in the minority and don't like Carol, you'll still hate him for behaving as if the Wolf's life is more precious than anyone else's. Ho hum.
  19. Someone pointed out the other day the incongruity of his dark greasy mop of hair with his blonde beard. I can't remember if he has one but yeah let him be blonde already if that's what he is. I can understand Abraham and his Ronald McDonald dye job but I don't get Daryl's.
  20. Morgan. Ah Morgan. Just so frustrating watching what they're doing with him.... I wonder what LJ has lined up now. Still think Glenn gets Lucilled, just 'cause they like dicking around with their audience like that.
  21. No we don't. Ugh. YMMV. This Daryl hygiene thing --walking around like Pig Pen from the Peanuts Gang-- is that some kind of defence mechanism thingy? I wish Carol would hose him down Silkwood-style. I sort of flip between shipping them and shipping Daryl with Michonne but most of the time I just can't, because he's so repellent (and yet, all that potential!!).
  22. For real. Most of us would be thrilled that Negan dealt with the Morgan situation so efficiently --not a good intro for the newest, scariest big bad. I shall never forgive Gimple for what he did to Morgan (unless he does a brilliant redemption for him before he writes him off).
  23. I have noticed too, reading comments from the GA and just observing my husband, as a casual viewer --people seem to be complaining about the repetitiveness of it now, its predictability, and appear to be losing interest. I think the Glenn fakeout was a mistake, and how it was handled has turned people off. Time will tell with the ratings. Of course they kept Mad Men going with a comparatively small viewership but it was the critics' darling and TWD ain't that.
  24. Thanks to everyone who read or even skimmed that long-ass post (slow day at work). I think the Moses comparison is apt. The ending of The Mist is true horror to me now but back when I watched it, pre-kids I thought it was devastating but good (especially seeing MMB reunited with her kids --total burn). I'm lost with the whole Lost thing because I never watched it but I understand the fandom was disappointed with its conclusion. Oh and yes to the Ministry of Truth thing. I hated when Glenn mentioned Jim in season 5 after the whole clusterfuck with Eugene's mission and nary a mention of the CDC --what an insult.
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