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Everything posted by JBody

  1. I dig it. I've read so many supposed choices for that iconic character and JDM was not the front runner. I think it's cool. Would've liked John Hamm though too. But JDM has that ability to funny and threatening at the same time, and he has the looks for it.
  2. JBody

    S06.E05: Now

    Kinda suspect the same -- TPTB here underestimates its viewing audience, and I think that sucks. I've read they like to troll the audience, upset expectations, thinking it's subversive or some juvenile BS, but I tell you it's simply annoying douchebaggery. Tell a good story, respect your audience, respect the characters.... it can't be that hard. Re. the RV business we didn't see -- some seem ok with it. Rick escapes, the end. Yes, I too can imagine this quite well. It's not a lack of imagination on my part that irks here. It's simply as I said in my post pages back: AL sold that muthadickin' scene. There was real fear there, vulnerability, panic, that I hadn't seen Rick expressing in quite some time (to my recollection). I really thought a few beats should've been devoted to how he dealt with that. Yes it may be a tad repetitive, but you think endless conversations between ASZhats about "This is how it is now... You kill or you die... Do what you need to survive... blah blah blah" isn't? And now I'M catching TWD disease and getting repetitive. Egads.
  3. I get that. I agree. I've argued this myself many times. And that's what I've seen in Z Nation, not 6 seasons of TWD.
  4. JBody

    S06.E05: Now

    JackONeill, dust off your CV and forward to AMC Studios/Valhalla Entertainment/Circle of Confusion or one of the other production companies. PLEASE.
  5. Just talking to her. I've been trying to figure out what is up with Michonne for quite awhile now. Timetoread's posts have been illuminating. I also found this essay that helped me understand what the hell is going on here. http://thefanmetareader.org/2015/09/21/fandom-and-the-intersection-of-feminism-and-race-by-diversehighfantasy/ In the comic, In the show, Michonne is the alpha female to Rick's alpha male. I think Rick and Michonne are endgame. And unfortunately on this show it means one of them will likely die. Personally, I loved how Z Nation dealt with their Rick and Michonne.
  6. JBody

    S06.E05: Now

    Gah peach I just read this review in The Atlantic; here's the snippet: Couldn't they have just figured that out off-screen? Couldn't the Alexandrians, whose unpreparedness and ineptitude are their defining characteristics, have just figured that out off-screen, because honestly it's been played over and over and it's getting tiresome? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? Show says nope, sorry not sorry. Rick, the lead protagonist, miraculously escaping the RV with a full blown herd hot on his heels, is figured out off-screen. I'm sorry but this is all ASS-BACKWARDS man and thank God for PTV because other places I check out are positively beaming over this turd of an episode. When Rick was panicking in the RV, that was the first time I've seen real live FEAR in that man's eyes for what seems like forever. I was seriously feeling the old anxiousness -- what the hell will he do now? What IF?!? But nope. Nopitynopenopenope not gunna do that. Let's just spend 45 minutes with a series of two-handers and monologues and speeches.... One more for the road:
  7. JBody

    S06.E05: Now

    Ever since they first met two weeks ago? Yeah I'm that person. In Show time they've been there fourteen days. That is a blink of an eye yet look at all the destruction CDB hath wrought. I applaud Rick and the Widow Anderson not wasting any time but on the other hand the whole story line makes me a tad queasy. Motion sickness?
  8. JBody

    S06.E05: Now

    Also agree with Cletus that it was an odd choice for Maggie's speech to occur in a sewer but I'll take what I can get. That was the only moment I felt anything, really. Which kind of bothers me. But hell, these are ASZhats -- stop trying to make me care about them, they're all a bunch of assholes. Ok, so you meant to characterize them as assholes? Then why should I care when the walls come down... oh Show, sometimes it's simply not worth the effort with you.
  9. JBody

    S06.E05: Now

    Lol peach, you nailed it. And now the main cast is super-sized, bloated like never before and they're adding new people all the damn time, so that means we can only focus on a handful (or none --Hi Morgan! I love you but...well, I did love you, Pilot and Clear, but now... and there was the execrable Grady story arc, a misguided attempt to make poor Beth relevant before she died) of characters per episode. This show.... if I wasn't so heavily invested after all these years I would've quit watching by now.
  10. JBody

    S06.E05: Now

    I've been watching this thing for five years and this is the first time (that I can remember, anyway) I've said uh think I'll throw the load in the dryer; no need to pause. So my viewing of it was a bit choppy. Maybe Nashville is right and the ethos of FTWD has somehow seeped into the mother ship. Rick is becoming a parody of himself. The only time I see past the Ricktator, to the person abiding inside that person, is in his interactions with Michonne. And with Carl and Judith of course, but then he's Dad. With Michonne it's like there is still a Rick inside there... somewhere. I don't like his interactions with Jessie; they come off as predatory. Surely not the intentions of the writers, but... Also laughed when Ghoulina mentioned her skin-tight black pants and ankle boots as a clear sign she had gone over to the Rick side, her son be damned and all, he's just a whiny cry baby -- so what Rick killed his Dad. And her mini-Ricktator speechifying after gently poking out that walker's eye. You go girl. Also wanted to say that I read the whole Porchdick burial was handled way differently in the comics, out of respect for Jessie's sons, which would make more sense to me. But then we wouldn't have discovered the walker roach motel quarry, which allowed Rick's stupid plan to take place. Stupid Show. Someone mentioned upthread that the pacing of the show has been off since season four and I agree. That's Gimple. Marvelous writer; written some of the best TWD episodes ever; yet I am not at all happy with how these arcs play out per season; the capsule episodes or whatever one wants to call them grind momentum to a halt. So many threads are left dangling too -- look at all the cliffhangers that have been resolved by being hand-waved away or glossed over: Rick in the RV being the latest example. I hate wasting my time with people I do not care about, which is 99% of the ASZhats. They are beyond help. Maggie's speechifying, however -- that got to me. It was a call back to the emotional high water mark (for me) of season three and Lori and Maggie and Hershel and all these heart -rending feels... That was the only point of the show worth its salt. In tears! Lauren Cohen can sell the shit out of it when she wants to (or is allowed to). Spencer is a selfish asshole and therefore has a high chance of survival.
  11. oops forgot we're in Virginia now. Do they have kudzu there? I think we've all noticed how remarkably similar Georgia and Virginia are *winkity-wink*
  12. Uh oh peach you mentioned kudzu. Kudzu! Where the hell is all the KUDZU?! That is all.
  13. Agree. Even if one is sheltered behind walls and most walkers are trapped in a roach motel for walkers, it beggars belief they wouldn't be practising self defence training 24/7 --they know the world's gone to hell, hence why they can't leave whenever they want to go to Starbucks.
  14. Ugh. No. Kill me now, Carol.
  15. Lol. If I liked effervescent leads I wouldn't be watching TWD that's for sure.
  16. I will chime in with agreed. I watch it now a little less engaged than I used to be because otherwise it's just exhausting. Rab01 you make some fair points and if I weren't on my stupidphone I would reply in more depth. I think I'd like to see real community building going on, not the false front of Woodbury or Grady --although Show seemed to be blaming psycho leadership in those instances.
  17. Yup. Also noted was the Anderson family actors were back on set for ep.9 which led some to speculate that they were filmed as walkers (and then not seen after that). Father Pee Pants is also supposed to redeem himself somewhat by helping Rick get Carl to the infirmary. They are filming the finale ep.16 this Monday I think.
  18. Yup. And another thing, this idea that once the constraints of society are gone (laws etc) it devolves into dog-eat-dog (psycho-eat-psycho?) world: where do they think laws come from in the first place? People. So don't tell me there's no group out there trying to rebuild who aren't totally evil (not counting the ASZhats who knew next to nothing about the state of the world). But maybe there hasn't been enough time lapsed in show time. They have chosen, however, to not show us thus far, six seasons in.
  19. This is what I was trying to say when I complained about Morgan's uber-peacenik stance as being strawmannish because really, over and over again, Show has demonstrated that "killing is the only option," as you say, and anything else is just irresponsible. He got his philosophy from Eastman ---great, another hermit. We all know this doesn't fly in a group setting, we knew that before we knew Eastman. I really want to see a workable alternative to that, not pie-in-the-sky BS like Morgan's espousing (and in the middle of the Wolf fight too -- really Show? That still pisses me off because you just hammered another nail in Morgan's coffin). I guess we have Glenn (possibly RIP) and Maggie, although she's been in the background for the most part. Yes, killing is the only option. Also sociopaths rule this world. AWESOME. I would really like to see something other than this bleak misanthropic re-hash of seasons past -- maybe I'm a dumb optimist but I keep hoping for a viable alternative to crop up, one that isn't as ridiculously unworkable as Morgan's is... I don't know if I'm making any sense but I am just disappointed in Morgan's development; it smacks of character assassination somehow.
  20. Yes! Snookums. Thank you. I followed her recaps on The Following as well, another show I lost interest in. Cool!
  21. Toilet paper was a popular subject in olden times on this board (and the other one). I believe we're all hoarders of the stuff. Oh yeah I watched Under the Dumb. There was someone who did hilarious recaps of that crap either here or back there. I should go see if they're still at it. Is UTD still at it? I just realized I have no idea.
  22. I was just wondering the same thing! And also Pete Martell.
  23. Yeah seriously there are ways around this. People did brush their teeth before modern plastic toothbrushes and toothpaste fer cryin' out loud. They used twigs! Or even actual brushes! And stuff like tooth powder from salt, chalk, ground egg shells or oyster shells (yum) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/12/AR2009041202655.html Also the dog thing -- just convenient and expedient. The dogs were gonna attack them anyway. But yeah I was always annoyed that someone didn't go through the library (other than the "Self-Help" section, YUUU-JEEEN!) looking for books on how to ID wild foods. That hobby has became pretty popular over the last decade or two. We saw CDB foraging for mushrooms in S1E2, they should always be doing that, ALWAYS. It would get kind of boring though (but not to me, I think I'd rather enjoy them looking for arrowroot in the swamps there). I like a bit of "reality" in my zombie sci-fi postapocalyptic fantasy fiction, I guess.
  24. Also sorry for your loss, Anela. ********** I don't want to post this after these sad notices but there's nowhere else to put it, so. Remember on TWoP when you had little achievement titles after reaching a certain number of posts? I wish we had that here. I remember I was inordinately proud to achieve "Couch Potato" level. I know, I know.
  25. mandolin, yeah I guess it was a combo of filming spoilers (when the actors who play Jessie and her two sons were on set, and also they haven't been seen on set in months) and show source for the MSF rumour. But it's actually still not 100% confirmed so it's classified as rumour. Forgot to add that Michonne kills Ron for what he did, like instantly, without thinking, to protect Carl and Rick. I wonder if she lops his head off? Pretty gruesome all around, although I didn't care for the Anderson family much anyway. Although Sam was cool. I wish he could've been spared to keep following Carol around and learn a few tricks for living in the ZA nightmare.
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