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Everything posted by JBody

  1. Whoa. That adds another layer to this story. Thanks for the link.
  2. His head would explode a la Videodrome. No joke.
  3. I dunno, canon for this show is kind of pointless --my hat's off to anyone who could take the time and trouble to create a wiki/bible but I must wonder what's the point when there's no rhyme or reason for anything other than DOME. My pet theory is they had a new crop of writers for S2 and told them to never mind any of those supposedly critical plot points from S1. Thus, Under the D'oh! can continue in perpetuity.
  4. Ok, that was baaaaad, even by Under the Dumb standards. No visible breath? They should have had water crystals stuck to their mouths & noses if it was that cold. Show isn't even remotely trying any more. Just fuckin' with us, I guess. Don't see how Snookums will be able to slog through this dreck of a season.
  5. I've hatewatched almost from the beginning. Like many, I had somewhat high hopes but after the Angie imprisonment thing and no real repercussions from that, amongst other things, I realized I couldn't take it seriously enough to give a real shit about the characters. This season is even worse. I can't follow it because nothing makes sense. The answer to every question is: dome. Why did such and such happen? Dome. Why did so and so do that? Dome. The shark jumped with Maxine's old abandoned cement factory fight club. Now it's on and I don't really watch it. Kind of check in every 10 minutes or so to see what fresh stupidity has transpired. Last night DH and I both laughed when Julia, intrepid town reporter, observed the leaves changing colour, and asked Rebecca, intrepid high school science teacher, what it meant, to which she replied, scientifically, that leaves change colour when it's autumn. I can't even... why does this show get the honour of recapping when Extant doesn't? Does Extant have to get on UTD's shit level first? Sorry, had to throw that pet peeve in there one more time.
  6. I guess aside from the issues of using them for entertainment purposes, newborns on teevee never look like newborns IRL because most of them -every single one I've seen, including my own- look downright freaky. It would be more realistic to have a newborn doll or CGI something. Funny on a show about an alien/human hybrid when a newborn is kinda alienish, big dark eyes, all wrinkly & squishy anyway. It is bugging me too, this idea that Molly is the incubator or mere host: half its DNA is hers, she is its mother. Along with the AI, it brings more questions of what it means to be human. Forgot to mention, even the Walking Dead used a several months old baby with what looked like a little grape jelly smeared on her cheeks (when Lori delivered Judith via emergency c-sec).
  7. One of the better eps I've seen. I wanted to bang the brother and sister's heads together like a coupla coconuts but they came around decently in the end. The decor was tasteful and period appropriate. Gordon seemed to give an actual shit about the outcome. Babe was cute. I really hope they succeed. .
  8. I wouldn't disparage the writers just yet. After all, they wrote Ms. Dodd's lines. They have shown that John hasn't reckoned with all the implications of his creation and they are showing him grappling with some of the dark realities now, ref. Frankenstein. At this point I'm concerned that it won't have a satisfying ending but I suppose that hinges on whether there is a second season.
  9. Yep, I assumed the alien baby projected Katie as a little girl because it gave him more leverage with Sparks. First off, if he saw Katie as she was when she died he would be consumed with guilt all the time: no good. Instead, the alien picked the Katie that we've seen in the picture on his desk. I think it's even the same dress. That way he can "start over", as I believe he said to his wife. He isn't reminded of how she died every two seconds. Of course it's all completely batshit crazy but that's where Sparks and Mrs Sparks are now.
  10. Yep. It reminds me of that moment in the museum when Ethan learns about evolution and extinction (wasn't very accurate IIRC) and he asks Molly if she's weak. Looks like Ethan will be the saviour of humanity rather than its destroyer. I imagine that's how the series ends. I really hope it gets picked up for a second season but.... again, 2 hours of this is tough going at times. There's a lot to process and I think I would have preferred them to be aired one at a time. Oh yeah, I don't think they'd allow Odin to hang around the lab for hours on end.
  11. Soooo...is Extant getting cancelled or what? If something as immensely stupid as Under the Dome/The Following/The 100 can survive and this doesn't, there is no justice in this world. I read a "review" where the critic gave it a thumbs down and hadn't even watched a single episode. What the hell.
  12. Yeah, Charlie was good. John should take some pointers from him. I think Gordon (evil old Chandler, yes?) was extremely pissed that Kryger showed him up while he was off in his futuristic opium den. He's the Head of Security! The shame!
  13. Ghoulina! It's only been 2 months since my last check in ;) Cannot WAIT for October.
  14. The acting and writing for this show is above par, I think, for the SciFi/horror melodrama genre. So, so, so many other bad acting and bad writing candidates: Under The Dome (top marks), The Following, The 100. And yes, I hatewatch them all. What is bugging me right this very second is the lack of decent recappings for Extant. This show needs good TWoP-style recapping! *sobs* Never trust a guy named Odin. He would NOT be allowed into the lab. I know people are creeped out by Julie but I felt bad for her when she was trying to explain herself to John and he buggered off mid-sentence. I think he's a dick. The exchange between Sam and Molly was priceless: they understood each other! RIP Kryger (I think he's dead, Jim) I wondered about Julie's use of paper and pen. Would she be considered one of those people who like antiques and/or who deliberately use low or old tech to prove some kind of point? Trying to think of a contemporary example. Enver Gjokaj -- last seen in 2 eps of the Walking Dead. Nice to see him again. bluebonnet, holy shit but I think you are totally on to something there. Explains a lot. Nitpick: ok, so Kryger burns his own fingerprints off and transfers old evil Chandler's prints onto his fingers and uses that to scan his way into the ISEA building. But how come he didn't need to switch out his eyeball too? They very clearly showed us that the doctor at the beginning needed a hand scan AND an optical scan in order to gain entry.
  15. Nice work ottaDbusdriver. That could be a springboard for hours of speculation but I just can't, with this show. It's not going to matter ne xt week or year anyway. I think this show is chock a block full of "profound" mythological symbolism. I wish someone else had the time/energy/will to scrutinize it properly.
  16. Awkward misdirection is this show's forte. But I was thinking that dear Pauline is supposed to be a patient who is lucid enough to "teach" other patients. Oh, and I also love how she has a private and totally bizarre convo with her brother right in front of her students -- they're crazy, who cares! Anyone else see Barbie watching the protestor or whatever scrubbing the billboard of Aktaion Oil Company, Barbie's Dad's company? Was that meant to convey it's an evil corp a la Halliburton? I do wonder though why I wonder about anything on this show when it's clearly been demonstrated over and over that nothing really matters in this world... there is no external/internal logic to speak of. Or canon.
  17. Eeek! Sorry bmoore4026. Should I cross post that thing into speculation?
  18. Speaking of Max, her real estate holdings company was named Osiris: Osiris is an Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead.* Now we get Aktaion Oil Company, Barbie's Dad's company. In Greek myth, a hunter who, for having seen Diana [Artemis, Goddess of the Moon] bathing, was changed by her into a stag and was torn to pieces by his own hounds.* And they have landed in a place called Zenith: the highest point reached by a celestial or other object: "the sun was well past the zenith"* the point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer the time at which something is most powerful or successful Soooooo..... is this dome thing a terranium of the dead, you know, an inverted salad bowl of lost souls?** *wikipedia **a la Lost = purgatory (not 100% sure about that, didn't watch it)
  19. Maxine's Fight Club. If I had to pick the pivotal moment, that would be it. In general: I couldn't take another second of this drek if weren't for this site's recaps, and its forum, and last but not least, Snookums' recaps. I'm from the TWoP migration and wish to thank PreviouslyTV for helping me to continue the hard slog of hatewatching such ridiculousness. I really thought The Following was the nadir of inanely scripted tv but the scribes at UTD have plumbed new depths, bless them.
  20. Carl's Hat didn't know what to think. The Python was taking a dirt nap outside the compound (with a Colt Commander, two Uzis, a Remington shotgun and a Bowtech bow*). How convenient... Katana and Crossbow were also seething at this turn of events. What to do, what to do... Maybe it could sneak out the slighty opened door where Python's owner was mumbling over and over “thays gone feel purt stoopid when thay find out thays a’screwin with the rong people” and go wake those lazy bastard guns. Maybe it would get filled with holes like swiss cheese by those shots with the infinite ammo cheat outside; maybe it'd be grilled up on the bbq alonside rack of human; maybe it'd be confiscated like Pocket Watch, Ugly Poncho and Riot Gear but HELL, come on now, it wasn't a half bad plan, come to think of it. Any outcome would be better than stuck in a metal boxcar with a dozen stinking humans in a Georgia summer........ *AMC Story Sync
  21. So happy to see my favourite TWOP TWD forum peeps here :) Has anyone seen Ghoulina?
  22. I don't understand how anyone can watch this show and NOT hatewatch this show. Also, I HAD to make sure Snookums was here. Those recaps at TWOP were worth their virtual weight in virtual gold dammit.
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