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Everything posted by JBody

  1. You're Goddamned right there is. Would it be cool if I posted everything in Walter White voice henceforth? I really wish TWD had quit while they were ahead, sometimes. Most of the time.
  2. SAD is Sasha, Abraham, Daryl GA is General Audience (those who don't frequent message boards or chase spoilers) whilst GAH is Gale Ann Hard, one of the executive producers from the beginning. And with that, I've run out of usefulness here.
  3. Good point. Add another random band of roving psychopaths to the barbie, makes sense in this universe.
  4. There is no TL;DR version of this. I was thinking about the ending of The Walking Dead. I don’t think Kirkman has an ending for it: for him, that’s not an insignificant part of the horror. I find that an unfortunate thing for a television show. He never seemed all that interested in the beginning or end of the apocalypse, just the big old squishy middle of it. I tend to think that there may be something supernatural going on here anyway –never mind it’s zombies— but there isn’t a supervirus responsible for this. These things break the laws of physics anyway. The fact that Kirkman is involved in a new comic, Outcast, about demonic possession, kind of sealed it for me. Zombies being mere meat puppets for demons makes as much sense to me as anything. Now, I will get to what could have been a possible ending to The Walking Dead, under Darabont’s helm. Yes, yes, that’s ancient history, allllll the way back to 2010-2011, but I maintain that Darabont’s contributions have been minimized deliberately by AMC because of ongoing legal proceedings and I think it’s a travesty, to be honest. But there is consolation knowing that there are a lot of people out there who feel the same and hope he will be vindicated. Anyway, I think it would’ve been similar to The Mist (2007), directed by Darabont and starring his favourites: Jeffrey DeMunn (Dale), Melissa McBride (Carol), Sam Witwer (dead soldier in the tank from Pilot), and Laurie Holden (Andrea). Do I think this would be a good idea? Not necessarily. Not everything Darabont did was gold. And to be honest, I hated the ending of The Mist. But my point is, it HAD an ending. The synopsis, cribbed from wiki & imdb: “After a violent thunderstorm, David Drayton (Thomas Jane, who was supposed to play Rick Grimes -- rather glad Andrew Lincoln got it), a graphic artist, and his wife Stephanie (Kelly Collins Lintz) check the damage [….] David goes to a grocery to buy supplies, bringing eight-year-old son Billy […] They see a convoy of military trucks. As the town's tornado sirens go off, a panicked man with a bloody nose, Dan Miller (Jeffrey DeMunn), runs into the crowded store warning of something dangerous in the oncoming mist. A man disregards his warnings and is attacked when running to his car. The mist envelops the store, making it impossible to see outside, and a violent, earthquake-like tremor hits. Mrs. Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden), a religious fanatic, believes that this is the beginning of Armageddon. A shaken woman (Melissa McBride), against objections from the others, leaves the store to get her children, who she left at home alone. David and others investigate the loading bay generator and find that the exhaust vent is plugged. […] That night, enormous flying scorpion-like insects land on the windows and pterodactyl-like animals devour them, eventually causing the glass to break and allowing the insects to enter the store, where they kill two and badly injure one. […] Two soldiers commit suicide, and a third, Private Jessup (Samuel Witwer), reveals that the local military base was filled with rumors about the Arrowhead Project, the government's attempt to look into other dimensions, and the scientists responsible for the experiment may have inadvertently opened a doorway into a dimension containing the creatures that are now invading the town. […] David, Billy, Dan, Amanda, and Irene (Frances Sternhagen), make it to the car, retrieve Amanda's gun, and leave. Driving through the mist, David finds his house destroyed and his wife dead. Heartbroken, he drives the group south, seeing destruction (including a school bus and one of its occupants wrapped in webbing) and a gigantic multi-legged, tentacled beast. When they run out of gas, the group decides there is no point in going on. With four bullets left in Amanda's gun and five people in the car, David shoots the others rather than have them endure horrifying deaths. Determined to die, David gets out of the car. However, the mist recedes, revealing that the U.S. Army has killed the monsters and restored order. Among the survivors is the woman (Melissa McBride), who left the store at the phenomenon's onset, accompanied by her two children who she left to save. Realizing that they were only moments from being rescued and had been driving away from help the entire time, David falls to his knees screaming while two soldiers look on in confusion.” By the way, the look on Melissa McBride’s face is devastating. I will never watch this movie again because of what Thomas Jane had to do – I just can’t go there, being a parent now. So, it’s a simple idea and it’s been broached before, at this site and others, and in films like 28 Days Later, but The Mist overlay worked for me because of Darabont and the actors. The rest of the world is fine. North America is quarantined. Eventually it will end, and the real horror begins. I remember Bob telling Rick, “nightmares end, but they don’t have to end who you are,” but I’m not so sure.
  5. Yeah. On the episode thread for Morgan's Karate Kid/Mutant Ninja Turtles mashup I said I felt his character was being assassinated. I had a few peeps p'shaw the hell out of that. But I maintained that opinion and it appears it's only going to get several shades worse. I am really not liking the direction of the Show these days. Yes I say that every season at least once but this time I mean it! Why they want the GA to hate his character is beyond me.
  6. Thanks HalcyonDays. I'm def not into creating another thread. What if my theory involves plot points to another show/movie -- should I spoiler tag those, or because it's not TWD, can I speak openly about it?
  7. Yeah, what thread is the "All Seasons" or All Purpose thread? I have a theory about the overall show and its glorious end. This is likely wishful thinking, however. Why the Grady arc sucked, from my perspective (obviously): it sucked because it was shoe-horned into the overall narrative in a ham-fisted way, as a blatant and misguided attempt by Gimple et al to elevate a second/third tier character into someone the audience would root for and identify with, and then be devastated with their inevitable death. Other reasons it didn't work for me: 1. I didn't care about Beth at the farm, I didn't care about Beth at the prison, I didn't care about Beth at the funeral home.... 2. I knew that Grady was dead end and was likely populated by red shirts or people I would never see again (other than Noah, thanks for that Show). 3. I do not like blatant attempts at manipulation. Subtle attempts much preferable. 4. The fan theories I read about Grady were WAY more interesting than what actually appeared on screen. That's all I got, off the top of my head.
  8. YES, that is a superb analogy. Is that the right word? Anyway yes, that is what it would have been like, EXACTLY. I don't know what Gimple's on. Someone said he acts like he's got a kilo of coke and he's trying to cross the border every time he's on TTD. Shifty little piker, he is. I really really dislike this 1 day = 8 episode crap he's doing lately.
  9. I REALLY hope this info is wrong and they go Full Monty for the MSF. But you know, AL said he "dropped his script" when he read episode 9 so that's probably when they'll show all the carnage. I'm actually more curious about the time jump in episode 10.
  10. I'm assuming the crazies who trashed Terminus and turned them so EEEEVIL were Wolves. I've fanwanked bigger plot holes and contrivances for this show.
  11. Damned straight. It's something to do while I do laundry on Sunday nights, I guess? And I like to bitch about it. I keep telling anyone who will listen how excited we were in 2010 after we watched that first 6 episode season. I mean stoked, man -- the possibilities!!! How the times have changed.... Some redshirts die I guess. Deanna dies a "heroic" death. And that's all folks.... until February 2016! Be sure to tune in to see what actually should've been on your screens in November 2015 (i.e. Carl getting shot, Ron getting cut, Michonne doing the killin', other Andersons dying stupidly, etc., etc.). The MSF, which appears to be YET ANOTHER SET-UP EPISODE is an hour (well, 40 minutes) --no, no, we needed to have the Morgan episode be an hour and a half! Because Morgan! But really because it was the Into the Badlands intro! Hey, remember Low Winter Sun! Gimple is genius! AMC is genius! Look at our numbers!
  12. Sorry Ghoulina :) But you know I'd rather watch the golf club/funeral home episodes over the Grady episodes, that's how much I loathed the Grady episodes....
  13. Dammit lookattheflowers. Can you believe this tripe. Well I suppose that means the MSP will be one helluva humdinger. But will I care at that point? No. But I will watch, as I always do. Thank God for all you lovely people to commiserate with ;)
  14. I think this is really fucking stupid, by the way. Basically all the threads are tied up in the MSP -- that's why the Anderson family actors were back on set filming for episode 9, and so on and so forth. Time jump for episode 10. It's terrible to have an almost 3 month break between MSF and MSP, leaving the story the way it is -- there are literally hundreds of better options Ive read from fans, on how to structure this arc, some based on the comics, others based on the momentum of 6a. The good ol' TWD hype machine. I am curious to see how it shakes out after this. I will not be able to watch TTD that night to hear CH fawning over Gimple's "genius", and OH NOOOOOS Daryl's in trouble!!!, blahblahblah. They should have ended this MSF with the iconic scenes and have poor Carl utter "Dad....?" then fade to black. This dragging out of the arcs is getting beyond ridiculous. I will be collecting the old age pension by the time this show wraps.
  15. What fresh hell is this... I just read the complete MSF summary and it looks like another craptastic cliffhanger. Everyone trying to get through the herd covered in guts, and Sam freaks out and says "Mom" over and over, giving them away. CUT. Post credits scene has the SAD team meet up with Savior types and Negan's name is uttered. FINIS for 3 months. Yay. I just read this theory and I think it's a good guess as to the arc this season.
  16. "Seven Signs You May Already Be Dead": Moe Green helpfully explains.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4FZaLEjw9Y
  17. Yeah, it is ambiguous at best. I think the closest Daryl got to anything onscreen was his little chat with Beth in the funeral home, at the table, before he stupidly let all the zeds in through the door. That was NR's "butterflies in the stomach" moment, supposedly -- but yeah he trolls all the time with the fans so who knows.
  18. I'm going to throw it out there even though a lot of fans were upset by it, but NR said he was (or would be) playing him as "prison gay" and Darabont (who created the Daryl and Merle characters) thought it was a great idea. I don't know if they ever went with that though.
  19. I know this is going to sound awful but I kind of like her dead eyes and expressionless face. She's like a shark. It's kind of nice to see...err..stoicism in a female character. She won't dissolve in tears or panic at the drop of a hat. I want to see what really rattles her cage. Probably her precious druggie son biting it because aside from the obvious I feel she blames herself for his addiction. Anyhow I think it's rather interesting they have a high school guidance counsellor as the most well equipped ZA survivor (aside from the Salvadoran dude) based on her personality alone. She is the new Rick. Travis is the new Hershel/Glenn. I think she is the natural leader out of all the psychopaths to choose from and I think we've been lead to view her that way.
  20. Winning the internet today with a Dune reference!! Love.
  21. Yes to this post: I laughed, I cried.... ah that was good. There is just so much to snark on in any given episode I just don't know if I'm coming or going. But I will say this: Eugene is the one new-ish person I actually give a damn about and it's because his lines are drop dead funny, even in the midst of all the doom and gloom. We need levity on this show dammit. Has everyone forgotten the basic premise of drama or even tragedy?!? /taking rant to another thread
  22. Agreed. And it is doubly reprehensible, in my opinion, once we found out Denise is a psychiatrist, and as we all know they are physicians (not psychologists). She mentioned Pete never wanted her around (competition). Deanna et al should've taken him down a peg or two way before the CDB Anarchy in the ZA Show arrived in town. How this could've played out is debatable but it would've been better than what they did do, which was to sweep it under the carpet. * "it" being his abusiveness and alcoholism
  23. The ZA has forced Party City to move the decimal over 2 places to $199 for helium balloon treatment --don't know how these ASZhats can afford it. Hand-waving it again Show.
  24. Yeah, I liked how the recapper here put it: "Mystery solved! Badly! As everyone on the Internet had surmised weeks ago with all the squirrelly behavior and doubletalk on Talking Dead, Glenn Rhee is not dead!" Has anyone here explicitly mentioned just what the hell Spencer was up to, anyway? Because I don't believe his heroic cover story for one hot second. I think he was fleeing an impossible situation, saving his own skin, because I believe (based on what they've shown us) he is just that selfish. He had a backpack on -- full of crackers (like Kramer's briefcase on Seinfeld) -- that was his bug out bag, I think. Bastard.
  25. I don't know.... I don't think he'd Lucille a woman. He said he wouldn't do it to Glenn "because that'd be racist" so he has some ludicrous code about killing -- but doesn't it come down to an "eenie meanie minie moe" type thing anyway? I'm leaning toward Morgan -- they might incorporate him more and more into the group in 6b and then wham: the man who first taught Rick about the ZA and saved his ass, and has now cornered the moral high ground, gone in a senseless act of brutality. They have to make it as horrifying as possible because this big bad is the baddest (up to this point).
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