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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. I actually missed the Turn actors here even though it's a different show. Guess the actors have almost become the actual people to me. You are probably just referring to the history and not the other show, but it made me think of all of them. The actors here were fine, but somewhat lacked the gravitas I've come to feel for the Turn GW and BA. And Peggy Shippen was just there. I tend to love any Revolutionary War stuff, but it was just okay here. Add me to the list who thought Lucy looked like Red Riding Hood.
  2. Yes, you may call me V, Betty. As they should https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/12/13/energy-dept-rejects-trumps-request-to-name-climate-change-workers-who-remain-worried/?tid=sm_tw&utm_term=.f48ce9720a4c http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2016/12/12/vote-audit/95358702/
  3. As far as I know, we adults haven't done anything more than what we do with the students. It's possible I've missed something, as I am split between schools and am not a teacher. So I don't attend all trainings. I'd likely hear about something so significant, though....
  4. Wow. I work in public schools, but we didn't do anything that involved. We do lockdown drills, fire drills, weather emergency drills (some called by different names now).
  5. Even before the article, I was pretty much with you. I am truly feeling like we now have proof that we are not truly a democracy and many of our supposed leaders (the GOP) do not actually care to try to preserve it when doing so goes against their selfish interests. I have generally always known that they cared more about "winning" or other things more than they cared about the people they are supposedly governing for, but seeing the neverending evidence to this extent is astounding. I'm having a hard time being positive and imagining that we will get through this like the other side supposedly "got through" Obama's presidency, considering that our entire democracy wasn't being threatened. Maybe we're more headed the ways of the ancient democracies that ultimately fell. :-( Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm having a hard time thinking positively right now. If humpty trumpty had won fair and square and there were no questions, I would have still been horrified and afraid for the future of our country. Yet I wouldn't have necessarily doubted the US as a democracy. But I can't see any of this playing out in a way that shows us reinforcing our democratic ideals. We're not going to have a new vote, the electors aren't going to decide to go with the popular vote, even if electors went with an alternate republican - the fact that a republican was the leader would have come out of questionable means that led to the original republican being voted in....
  6. Fun times http://www.vox.com/2016/12/9/13799904/trump-corruption-conflict-of-interest
  7. No need for a special, independent committee, huh?
  8. Some additional information on the hacking info. contained in this article about potential later attempts at hacking: https://www.yahoo.com/news/suspected-russian-cyber-attack-waged-on-clinton-campaign-just-days-before-vote-130057960.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
  9. So much for McConnell http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/309936-mcconnell-rejects-special-committee-for-russian-hacking-allegations and as people have referenced regarding the electors wanting info http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/309938-electors-press-for-intelligence-briefing-on-russian I'm frustrated by mentions that the electors voting Hillary or any other unprecedented thing would be a constitutional crisis. It already IS a constitutional crisis in my mind! But if Hillary actually should have won/did win, then she should be president and I don't care if the shit hits the fan. Although I know that is unlikely to happen anyway. I'm with the ex-CIA dude that we should vote again.
  10. I was just looking up the actress who played Angie in A Cinderella Christmas due to a discussion my friend and I were having. Interestingly, she was a trained ballerina at one time. Not sure how long she did it, but if she wasn't so young, she could have been in A Nutcracker Christmas. Or she could have anyway if they shortened the timeframe between the past and present, since she'd still be out of practice with dancing even if not a lot older.
  11. I think you're giving them all too much credit. Sure, some of them might be making decisions due to blackmail. But I have no doubt that some of them really don't care because they still feel they won and will be able to manipulate humpty trumpty (or one of the other great names) to do whatever they want. Winning is more important than the country or its people to some. I've suspected for a long time now, but recent events give pretty definitive proof.
  12. And my dog got her picture taken at Petsmart today with Santa - even though she's culturally Jewish like her family ;)
  13. Hmmm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/russian-interference-could-give-courts-legal-authority_us_584be136e4b0151082221b9c? so why not https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/scotus-invalidate-election-results-2016-order-new-election
  14. I actually read that Amy Acker danced until she had to have surgery in high school. Not sure what she has done related to dance since, but I guess she's rusty and potentially limited by the old injury. So we either have a professional dancer in the role whose acting isn't great, like Sascha (got confused by someone calling him Seth), or an actress with some dance experience like Amy. Maybe since this story was different from the others, and I generally liked it, I wasn't as nitpicky with it as I am with some of the other movies. The main thing that bugged me was SO many commercials.
  15. Wait - where did we get that Amy Acker's character was supposed to be 22 in real time? That's impossible. The present time is 8 years after her initial shot at Sugar Plum (they had the 8 years later thing written on there). She couldn't have been 14 at the end part there, having dated her costar for years. If someone heard 22, it must have been that she was 22 then and 30 in real time.... Anyway, I generally enjoyed it anyway. Agree that the male's acting has never been great, but I can see why they did it in service of having much of the cast be real dancers. Is there another male in acting who used to be a ballet dancer? Just curious.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/12/10/robert-baer-new-election-russia-hacking-nr.cnn
  17. Saw someone on twitter suggest we start calling Trump "Russian Vice President Trump." So many people have come up with so many good names.
  18. Yeah. A handful of years ago, there were flurries on Christmas but it didn't stick. But palm trees and people in light clothing just doesn't look right.
  19. https://twitter.com/SoVeryAwkward/status/807405517207404544
  20. I need snow and cold. :D But I'm from the mid-Atlantic/northeast and have always had winter weather, so it just doesn't feel right to me otherwise. Though it certainly doesn't always snow right when the holidays occur. It's just a somewhat colder temperature. This year has been pretty warm, which is making me sad. I want my snow! However, since I know snow, I'm bothered by the movies with clearly fake snow.
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