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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. HeyNow, I noticed the same thing. I mean, I graduated at 17 and was 11 in 6th grade. What was 15-year-old Dean doing in 6th grade with all of the 11- and 12-year-olds? When Finn joined Tori and Dean, he was waving his sippy cup around. A normal parent might have thought he was thirsty and needed a refill. A normal parent also might have spoken to him in soft tones, asked him how he was feeling, said she is sorry that he's not feeling better, and would have put him in a cozy blanket and cuddled with him. In other words, focus on him. These two? Not a chance. They ignored Finn and went about their usual nursing of wounds, attention-getting, and navel gazing.
  2. Massimo just becomes more and more lovable with each episode. He seems very innocent and wide-eyed sometimes, but then he teases Fawni with his knowledge of BDSM practices. His meeting with the director seemed to go well. I'm also liking the German Tank more as time goes on. He dispatched Bleona's fuckery brilliantly at the party. Fawni's after-party breakfast get-together looked great. So casual, great food, good people, no worries. Bleona Barfona was blessedly absent.
  3. Did I read somewhere, here maybe, that Barfona is not Belona's real name? Either way, it somehow reminds me of the movie Spinal Tap. Bleona Barfona, too perfect!
  4. Brandon to Kenya: Kenya! You have to get back to being Kenya! You know: you model, you act, you write, you sing, you produce! You luv producing! I would find the season much more entertaining without those two try-hards. And Cynthia. Well, yes, she's beautiful, but I have to say: so what? It's skin deep. And what's under that beautiful skin? Ain't interestin'! I find it really boring to hear Cynthia talk about how hot she is, to hear Peter talk about how hot his wife is, to hear everyone talk about how hot she is. OMG. Wake me up when it's over and when someone perhaps less beautiful but more interesting has something to say.
  5. I think the staff should have to put $5 in a jar every time they say the word "like." At the end of the season, they can use the money however they like, say for Jax's tattoo removal, bottles of Astroglide for whomever, chunky necklaces for Stassi, rehab for whomever, or professional cleaning for FI's apartment.
  6. Yeah. I'm not sure why parents would be expected to support grown kids--who are not kids at all anymore but are adults. Like, the kind who make their own money, pay for their own homes, and buy their own food. I could support my grown son, but why would I? These are not children, nor are they disabled adults who need special care. Grow up already!
  7. I, for one, was shocked when Teresa said that she is the kind of person who dots her i's and cross her t's. What shocks me is that Teresa realizes what those letters look like. I'm going with the assumption that she does not, in fact, recognize the letters. My guess is that she has heard that saying enough to be able to repeat it verbatim, unlike many other sayings that she starts and then can't finish. The twins' foobs have got to go. Or they need their own show. The proportions on those women are ridiculous. I think Teressa needs a little dog or something to pet, so she can direct her attention away from her chest for a minute. What was that all about? Very, very strange.
  8. Where, oh, where have I gone wrong in my life that I have never had, nor will I ever have, the chance to put on tight black leggings, stiletto booties, a jewel-encrusted black cape, and twirl around in a field while my "real man" husband scoops up the first dirt pile on the building site of our new manse?
  9. Good question, Fozzy. I assumed she was trying to brag that she's so huge there, she calls the PM for help whenever she needs it.
  10. OMG heatherchandler, I really did LOL at this gem: Thank you for making my Monday--and possibly my whole week!
  11. Oh, I missed something! Why did Claire leave? Thank you!
  12. I think Sandya is emotionally tone-deaf. That is, she is very sensitive to her own feelings, but she has no idea of how to read the room. Sensitive but not empathetic. I just don't think it's in her, and I'm not sure that it's her fault. It makes her seem childlike. Also, some designs have never been seen before because they should never, ever be seen. Like Sandya's clown-windmill ensemble last night. Oh, Fade. I will miss your kooky outfits, your soft-spoken commentary, and your wonderful overall self. Goodbye! Alexander's mouth breathing bothers me, too, but I have a son whose nose has been clogged for about the last 25 years. Nothing helps. Even so, he doesn't obviously breathe through his mouth all the time. Perhaps it is Alexander's anatomy, or he has big teeth?
  13. I am not a regular watcher of the show, but I did catch it last night. I really don't like Heidi, and I was annoyed that Chris didn't seem to be able to make any "I" statements. Rather, it was always "Heidi and I." We get it; you're married. However, I like to think that you are two separate beings who do not share a brain. Also, what is up with Heidi's makeup? Way too much and way too dark. Has she had plastic surgery on her face? I realize that she probably has breast implants. Anyway, that orange Barbie look is just gross to me. I imagine she is naturally a very attractive woman; however, under all the gunk, it is hard to tell.
  14. At first I was jealous of Teres-UH's amazing abs, but then I listened to her go on about the Giudices' court outfits and realized I wouldn't trade with her.
  15. I kept thinking that Andrea reminded me of someone or something. The lowered eyelids, the unmoving face. And then it hit me. She reminds me of Marge Simpson's aunts. You know who I mean? They have the very raspy voices. Cannot stand Andrea, and Lydia is dumb as a doornail. It was painful watching her try to speak in sentences when she was having her tete a tete with Gina. And I believe Gina was losing patience not only because Lydia doesn't understand that every woman does not need a man, but also because Lydia is so frikkin' thick. What a dummy!
  16. Qoass, yes, yes Korina was wearing the winning look, in sweater form, for her talking heads. I noticed that, too. I thought her design was terrible for three reasons: The very large print The strangulated look of the high neck of the dress tangled with the jewelry The thought of wearing that hot coat at a gala event (I guess if the gala event were in an ice house, it might work.) If the dress underneath had a different neckline, it might have worked, but no way did that work with the necklace, and no designer can convince me otherwise. I have to admit, I find Korina so heinous that I was happy that she picked upholstery fabric, thinking that of course it would be her downfall. Of course! Char was not very likable when she was ganging up with Korina, mean-girl style, against Amanda. Not that I am an Amanda fan, but Char and Korina should have outgrown that kind of behavior after high school, if not before.
  17. I have a friend who told me that she is a Reiki master, so I laughed out loud when Josh questioned his date about the "art." My thoughts exactly, Josh. Nailed it!
  18. I think Kate has a hard time smiling partly because of her better-than-you attitude and mostly because of botox, which freezes the muscles. The lines around the mouth are a common location for botox injections.
  19. Dumb Tamra often uses one word to describe many different situations. No surprise there. But the word that she uses is often the incorrect word for the situation. Can you guess which word I'm talking about? "Disgusting!" Only Tamra pronounces it "dees-cus-ting." Really grates. And now I read that Tamra has all kinds of things to say about Lizzie's "breast." Why is she so fired up about only one of them? Is the other one A-OK? Tamra is a horrible, rotten, ugly person, and I, for one, am happy to see that her ugliness is appearing all over her, from her scary evil black eyes, to her frozen face, down to her wrinkled knees. I enjoyed how Vicki held her ground with Tamra (especially the "gloves are off" gesture) and how Shannon seems to regard Tamra as some sort of science experiment. It's worthy of observation, and it can be interesting, but you are not emotionally invested in it.
  20. Is Ericka the one who describes herself as a successful businesswoman? I think there was another word in there, too. I'm just not sure exactly what that means. I'm successful in my career, but I wouldn't call myself a businesswoman, exactly. I dunno, it just seems like a weird way to describe yourself. But I guess all of these schmoes are narcissistic, or they wouldn't be on the show.
  21. Is her voice for real? I just can't imagine that anyone would talk that way, and I lived in California for 14 years. There, some women affect a monotone voice, which sounds like they're bored. But Kerry's is beyond a monotone. I get a headache just recalling the sound of that annoying voice. Also annoying? Her facial expressions.
  22. OMG, the above is a perfect description of Terry's and ... wait for it ... Madame's face! Which is funny, because that is how some of us on this board have been describing Miss Terry's other half!
  23. I don't think for a minute that Shannon was unexpected in Heather's house. After all, the cameras have to be set up, lighting attended to, and so on. Oh, and Miss Terry probably requires his time in makeup, too, to get ready for her closeup. (Sorry nc, I just saw your post up above.) Also, when I think of myself, I think of one name, just Jenny. I find it telling, and not much of a surprise, that Heather thinks of herself as "Heather Paige Kent."
  24. If my family were portrayed in a TV show, a really good title would be "Assholes." When you combine excessive drinking with so much simmering hostility--often based on childhood abuses--which has been on the back burner for, say, 30 or 40 years, this is what you get.
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