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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. Nadine and Erik both are clueless. I am sure that they do not have that kind of money. They wish they did, but they do not. I am in the same business as Erik. It pays well, but it does not make you rich. Not $10K on baby stuff and bring a nanny on your $50K vacation kind of wealth. Plus, you can tell that Erik is not a hustler, at all. He might have the smarts, but he does not have the hustle. He's the geeky kid who made moderately well. Nadine probably brings in about zero dough, but she believes, because her father said so, that she is a pretty pretty princess who needs 9 hours of sleep at night, must never be awakened from her gentle slumbers, and must chew her food so as not to upset her delicate system. PS: Does Erik call her "Pie" because of her pie face?
  2. Carole was a "fit model" or "fitting model" for Jordache jeans, meaning that she was used to determine the proportions and fit of the jeans. Behind the scenes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitting_model
  3. I think this is what Bethenny's gravestone should say. When she might (or might not) be someone's "late" wife.
  4. I think Jessica is what happens when you raise a daughter to believe that she is a princess, that she is always right, that she deserves everything, that she is unaccountable for her actions, and that she is better than everyone else. Also, I don't think that a guy hitting on someone, even in a very sexual way (considering the flight, the drinking, the hour), is a huge deal. It does not sound as though GG was taken advantage of. Sounds like he tried, she said no, and he backed away. So what's the big deal? I mean, at her age, I'm sure that she has been hit on before, by married and unmarried men, and she has turned some of them down. End of story. Also, GG: Turn down the makeup about 23 notches. "Clown" is not a good look. Thank you. Yes! I need a boudoir photo like that!
  5. That dress flew out the window and then flew back in, like a boomerang! Ramona's a liar. Spin doctor. Bullshitter. Thief.
  6. Nadine takes an hour to eat a salad because the Dumb Princess read that chewing 9000 times ensures better digestion. Did I mention that I can't stand Nadine? Her poor schlub hub goes out and gets her French toast, and even then, Madame is not pleased. Nadine: FU! Only a truly sad sack like Erik would put up with that kind of treatment. And his mom? What a piece of work. You abandoned him! You really did. I mean, sure, you think you heard God calling, but that's no excuse, lady. You did it for yourself, not so Erik could grow up faster. You can try to spin it, but I'm not buying it for one hot minute. Sheesh. And she seems to possibly have brain damage from her alcohol days.
  7. Even after the REM song, "Don't Go Back to Rockville"? I guess that might be true. It doesn't look like the Bethesda that I grew up near. I'm a Silver Spring girl (famous from the Fleetwood Mac song, by the way).
  8. I can't stand Ramona, and I don't feel bad for her at all. She was terribly smug about her relationship with Mario, and she is still peddling their union as "beyond special," or some shite. No, Ramona, that was not the romance of the century. Sorry. Mario is a player, and you're just nuts. And, worst of all, you have no compassion. The only reason she's trying to act human lately is because she has had her comeuppance and needs support from the people to whom she was despicable before, like Lou. It's the barter system with her. No one had the perfect marriage, perfect husband, perfect child like she did. No one is a savvy businesswoman like her. No one is as busy as she. She's The Amazing Moaner! Not buying it, Moaner, not even when you talk about the humiliation while moving your eyes around, all practiced and Kardashian-like, for sympathy. Not even when you try to squeeze out a single salty tear.
  9. Unpopular opinion alert: I thought Melyssa looked terrible on the date. So overly made up. She does not need all of that makeup. Less is more, especially when you are as naturally beautiful as she is. Dude didn't seem very interesting to me. Nice to look at, but nothing else. Not enough substance. Pretty boys are just that, often.
  10. I am thoroughly enjoying Mark Rylance. His acting is very different, in that he acts mostly with expression. However, I find it very effective. I find him extremely talented and watchable. If I need action, I won't pick a show like this one. His action happens below the surface, and that's what makes him fascinating to watch. It's all about subtlety.
  11. I was so surprised, and I'm not sure why, that the photo of Cynthia was just a silkscreen. I had imagined great labor involved in removing Big Cynthia from the wall. Should have known that Peter wouldn't be caught dead doing any heavy lifting!
  12. Well, we finally found the one career that Phaedra is not suited for: Baker! But I did think it was very cute that she tried to make snowmen with the boys. They are both beyond precious. Pretty 'Pollo should have thought long and hard about the importance of being a father, and the importance of being the main role model for sons, before he did what he did. But then, Phaedra should have thought more about marrying someone like him. I believe that Phaedra will do everything she can for those boys, and they will be more than fine. Sometimes, one parent is better than two.
  13. Kathryn: I majored in Political Science, AND I went out and bought, like, 30 blazers, so.... Kathryn, Kathryn, Kathryn. She strikes me as being devoid of personality, which is a very strange thing. I think Whitney said she would complain no matter what kind of commercial they made, and I tend to agree. I did find it interesting that Kathryn seemed comfortable in TRav's mother's presence, although, once again, Kathryn had nothing to say. I would think she'd be a little nervous around TRav's mom, wanting to say the right things and all.
  14. Has anyone else been bothered by Whitney's tongue (insert bad joke about TRav here)? It sits seriously forward in his mouth, and it is very active when he smiles. Squicks me right out! I'm a little sad that I've mentioned it. I'm afraid that it's one of those "what you have seen once cannot be unseen" things. Sorry PTV pals!
  15. If my daughter asked me what I thought of her play, I would probably answer politely, "I know what you were trying to do," too! Is Melyssa happy that she had the chance and the body and the face to be a video vixen and make all of that money? Or does she think she would have become wealthy (for a time) doing something else? If so, I wonder what? I can't see it, honestly. She wrote a play all about her, and she seems to not have quite the fire that it takes to be successful in real estate. In other words, buckle up, grow some, and grow up!
  16. I loved Janet's top with the cutaways on the shoulders. Very nice. And the darker man at the speed dating event? Yum. Lydia is very dull. And I'm not talking about her hair. Wolfie is a prince. Chyka's husband is charming, as well. Pettifleur hasn't had a moment in life that isn't about herself. Case in point: Taking her son out to buy a suit. Me, me, me is very boring, and making people tell you how great you are all the time is not very nice, especially when they are working on commission or accepting an expensive suit from Mum. Manipulative to the max. Pettifleur looked much better with her toned down makeup later on, when she was lunching with? Jackie? Jackie: You're full of shit, but nice try trying to get us to believe that you talk to angels. Also, she was quite the busybody telling Gamble and Rick how to act at Chyka's dinner. Talking to angels doesn't make you the boss of anybody, not even the angels.
  17. Erik: (Earnestly, of course) "If anyone can do this, it's us." Right, Erik, because so few people in the world have had babies. This couple just irks, irks, irks. Her overtime mouth, his constant puss-face. The constant "I love you" and "Oh, pie!" Really, they bug!
  18. I think I understand Nadine and Erik better now (or know all that I need to know). Erik, at the age of 42, somehow thinks he needs a mentor. By that age, you'd think he'd have found someone to look up to, and that sourpuss dad of Nadine's would not be my choice. Nadine, a grown woman, still envisions herself as daddy's perfect little angel. She is insufferable, and now we all know why. It's not an accomplishment to have flown on the Concorde three times by the time you're 8, by the way, or whatever that BS was. She didn't do something to deserve it. She just happened to be daddy's little angel.
  19. Jackie Warner? Of the reality show "Working Out"?
  20. I would not let Katie come near my eyebrows! Just sayin'...
  21. Kathryn seems perpetually upset and depressed, which is really a shame because she has a beautiful, healthy baby girl. I was a 20-year-old single mom, without her wonderful lifestyle (think no family support, a waitress job, baby in daycare, small apartment, no nights out), and having my wonderful son made everything better. Unfortunately, I think she might have a naturally dour personality. Or she is spoiled beyond words. She is not desperate. I do not think her family would desert her. Find a reason to smile, Kathryn, if only for your sweet daughter, if only because of your sweet daughter! Single motherhood can have a happy ending--mine did--but you will need to try. It's not all about you anymore, honey child.
  22. If I had to trade places with any of these women, Chyka would be my pick. She seems likable, funny, relaxed, *she apologizes sincerely*, and her husband is charming. I wouldn't mind having a cool job and getting to shop for the finest clothes and having a nice daughter tease me when it's time to throw out the old stuff.
  23. That's a good question, but it happens. I live in the DC Metro Area, and we sound very different from people in Baltimore, Maryland. We're only about an an hour away, but we have different accents, for sure. And the Baltimore suburbs have different accents, too. We used to say, "I'm from Dundawk, hun!" (Dundawk being Dundalk, Md.). Wilmington, DE, has a different accent from down state. It's closer to the Philly accent.
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