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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. I'm guessing that the pig was going to be raised for slaughter, as many pigs are. Tori overstated it a bit when she said that Lucy was going to be slaughtered. Yes, when it reached adulthood, but not before. It's common sense to not let a newborn leave its mother's care. I think that was about the first thing that Dean said, very strongly, upon Tori's big reveal: "That pig needs to be with its mother." Totally, totally Team Dean on that one. Very sad that the piglet had to suffer at their hands.
  2. I wish, for once, one of these broads would talk about how fortunate they are to be able to send their children to college. And how great it is that their children want to pursue higher education. Get a grip, ladies! Oh, also, going back the previous episode: Yolanda has sad hair, if she has a hair stylist do it for her, and that's the best he can come up with. It's a poor little cap of fried platinum hair. Not exactly her crowning glory.
  3. When Brandi was with the radio guy, it seemed that she was trying her best to be seductive. Which was totally weird to me, and I think to the man, too. I don't think he was buying what ol' Brandi was selling. A business meeting is not the place to go all googly-eyed, ya dumb you-know-what. I guess you use what you have, and Brandi has her looks. Kind of. But I don't think she's looking too good, with that frozen mug of hers. She looks especially bad in the open, with her Bride of Frankenstein pompadour and those big brown cheeks. Yikes!
  4. Motorboating is called motorboating because of the sound it (ostensibly) makes when you do it, you know, face moving side to side between the breasts. I can't imagine that doing the same thing lower, on a guy, would produce the same sound--so no, they don't know what they're talking about. No surprise there, though, really.
  5. I gotta say something about Rene in that long gray dress. I know she's had work done, but did the work include butt implants? It really, really looked that way. Anyone else want to weigh in? I am kind of fascinated by the whole idea. They don't move correctly with the glutes.
  6. I have a sister like Kathy. She is the oldest of 6, and everyone bows and scrapes at her feet. She's petty, mean, judgmental, dismissive, and manipulative. If you eat a potato chip, she looks at you cross-eyed and says she just can't eat like that. (Yeah, she's a skinny bitch.) I used to call her once a week from across the country, and it would take me about two days to get over it, by talking it out with my son and with my significant other. Haven't seen or talked to her in two-plus years. What a relief! I have the feeling that Kim and Kyle wouldn't miss old Kath much, either. She really sucked the air out of that bridal shop. Dumb witch!
  7. Leave it to perennial victim Brandi to try to engender support by saying that Eddie isn't paying sufficient child support. I'm with your wife, Drogo. I can't stand Brandi! But I'm not strong enough to resist the whole show.
  8. Yeah, that Isabel seems like a real turd. A turd with an enormous upper lip.
  9. I am shocked to see that this is Season 5! It is so trashy that I can't resist it. The Drita scene at Mob Boss, with each one of the gang at home calling, was too set up for me. Also, Drita saying that it's "impossible" to do all the things that she needs to do. Welcome to the club, honey! I'll save a seat for you.
  10. So it's weird enough that T put on those crazy lashes, wings, and makeup for the party, but when she left them on afterward? Yeah, she is definitely gone, girl! I wish we could have read Mary Jo's thoughts when they were chatting, and Tori said that Candy-gram will try to get info out of Mary Jo. Sheesh. Talk about self-centered and self-important. Also, no sympathy for the cryfest at Wexler's. At all. Tori, you were sheltered, fed, educated, and were not beaten, as far as we know. And you enjoyed a fabulous lifestyle, a spot on a hit TV show, and an $800,000 payday. I often think of this quote: "Life is hard. For all of us." Time to backburner yourself and put the kids front and damn center.
  11. That could be true. I guess I don't figure that Yo takes care of her children. I figure she doesn't really do any of the usual things that most of us fill our days with: childcare, cooking, cleaning, a job, doing your hair, packing your bags for your private jet travel.... But I could be wrong. To be honest, I had forgotten about the son. He hasn't been on the show much. At any rate, can't Mohammed share parenting duties while Yo's mom is so ill? Does he usually?
  12. I think Yolanda favors Gigi because Gigi is more like her, and Yolanda is a narcissist. Married to another narcissist. Yolanda relies on her looks, obviously, and they have gotten her far. She probably doesn't realize that it can be satisfying to make your fortune, or simply your way in life, in other ways. If she is so worried about her mother being so far away, why can't she go be with her for a month or two? It's not out of the question financially, and I don't see her having to clock in at a 9-to-5. Or would King David have a fit? And that Kyle--she's a caution! Pump is pumpin'! Get it, Mauricio? Again with a lame joke, again with the lame laugh. Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. You just aren't funny.
  13. I started to watch this episode, but then I read here about how terrible Honora (ironic name) was to Matt, and I deleted it about 10-15 minutes in, before being exposed to her rant. Thank you for the warning! PS: A magnifying glass is the dumbest survival item yet. So much for her being highly intelligent. Maybe compared to an insect or something...
  14. Thank you for the research, Rahul! Interesting to see the movie on IMDB, with not very much fleshed out. Steven Seagal is rumored to have the lead role. Sounds like wishful thinking, not that I'm a fan. I hope it works out for Massimo. He seems so genuinely happy to have gotten this break. I would hate to see him be disappointed. I laughed when Sascha's German friends showed up, and he said, "The Germans!" by way of introduction. They were all badly dressed and matching in their weird T-shirts. The styles seem very outdated, as does Sascha's idea that online is the way to go. Where has he been all these years?
  15. I noticed that, too. I think that's what happens when you have cheek implants, fillers, botox, and "enhanced" lips. Your face pretty much just gives up because it's too hard to move anything. Plus, after listening to her all these years, it knows by now that Brandi has absolutely nothing worthwhile to say. Ever.
  16. A really big part of being a parent is teaching your children how to get along with and respect others. That includes your stepsister. It includes everyone, really. Kandi and Todd should have spoken to the girls about how they will treat each other. Not how they should, how they will. These are the rules, this is our house, and you follow the basic rules of treating each other kindly. I have five siblings, and it was a wonderful learning experience. Riley and Kaela are lucky to have one another now, and they should be made aware of that fact. Stick together, girls! Each one can learn so much from the other.
  17. I'm watching! And I love this show. So I'll make some comments to keep the conversation going. I do not like Bleona, and I didn't think it was cute when she didn't read the damn instructions on the crescent roll package. Also, it's pretty easy to figure out how to roll those things: you start at the wide end and roll up to the pointed end. Ever eat a crescent roll, Bleona? That's how they look after they bake, right? Not so hard. But I guess when you need your two parents to wait on you hand and foot, and turn on your damn oxygen tent for you, while you sit inside like an overoxygenated princess, you don't learn life skills. Fawni's accent continues to grate, and her makeup continues to be tragic. Girl, I have your build--not much of a waist. So I don't wear really tight polyester that shows off that issue. Just a thought. She's been in the US for some number of years. The accent really needs work after all that time! It's all about the vowel sounds, girl. Massimo is just a love muffin. So cute, so earnest. Just love him. And he can cook! He can dress. He's a good friend, he's sensitive. When he was sprawled on the stairs at his place, in his boxer briefs, all I could think of was hang on Massimo! I'll be right there! I think Jannik is cute in his own way, and I thought he was very handsome in his photo shoot. The girlfriend is an entitled bitch who got the job, I think, by being a model, meeting Jannik, and then being hired by him. She's no genius. Photoshop "expert" or no. Ahem. And it was a really bratty move to put his photo in the trash. Jerk!
  18. And, speaking of Jax in therapy, it kills me to see him sitting there acting like a high-school kid, saying things like, "I broke her heart," and "I don't know why I do that" (about the dumb tattoos). He's such a tool. And he's not a young tool, either. I think most of us have pegged him at around 35. Time to stop acting like a confused young man, Jax. What a dumb cluck.
  19. Ambuh not only had trouble with the word "devote" vs. "devout," she also couldn't figure out that the plural of "divorce" is "divorces." Not exactly college material there. Has anyone else noticed the weird thing that she does with her mouth? I think it's a habit. Imagine that you just ate graham crackers and some of the mash has found its way between your front teeth and upper lip. (Sorry, gross; I know.) It's not pretty, but you have to swipe it off with your tongue. Ambuh makes that move pretty often, and not while eating. Very odd!
  20. But, but, she wears those big glasses. They make you instantly intelligent, right?
  21. I had to giggle at the phrase "mini-bat fixation," but perhaps I was set up for giggling after reading the speculation about frat paddles. I'll let myself out...
  22. This is hilarious. She's sitting there with two flip-flops on, a dress, a hat that she made, and she's not sick from drinking foul water. She looks completely at ease in the shelter that she built. Him? He's burned to a crisp, has the squirts and doesn't bother to walk away from the shelter to poop, and, worst of all, he's suffering also from being a complete asshole. This is one of several episodes that I've seen in which the women do better than the men who have military training.
  23. When first I saw Kyle walk in to the lunch with Lisa, I thought wow, Kyle's clothes are looking good. And then I saw the sparkly braid down the sides of the white pants. Not good, Kyle. Not good.
  24. My question for Brandi: With an ass that flat, why is it so hard to keep it tucked in your shorts?
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