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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. jnymph, this made me laugh out loud. Thank you! You guys are cracking me up. I had to mention this one, too, from happykitteh: "Doctor Princess Terry" is perfection. Also, I have to say again that I do not understand why these women use so much black eyeliner and heavy black mascara. It's horrible and makes their eyes almost indiscernible. When Vicki and Brooks were outside eating, I couldn't see Vicki's eyes, and I think they are pretty eyes, last time I could see them. These ladies might as well put black greasepaint on the end of a baseball bat and rub it in their eye sockets. Same effect. Yeesh. Less is more! It's funny reading reactions to the gym towels being in Tamra's home. My first thought was yuck, I would not want sweaty towels used by strangers in my home. I guess it's gross either way you look at it: gross towels from the gym at home, or gross towels from Tamra's kitchen counters at the gym.
  2. Jon Voight is just so damn creepy as Mickey. He is almost too creepy to watch, especially when he is dancing with (or otherwise cavorting with) younger women. He makes me squeamish. The way he wiggles his hips and tilts his head up and squints his eyes. Ugh. He is just such a slimy, reprehensible character. When he was in the ocean, before I realized it was a dream, I kept thinking: Drown, dammit, drown! And Showtime? Thank you for the first scene. I didn't mind it at all.
  3. Shannon has given birth to three children, and two of them were twins! Give her a break. She looks just fine. David would not look quite so studly if he had been the one to give birth to all of their children. Just sayin'. No one tells men to cover up their big bellies on the beach. Well, not that I've heard, anyway. No wonder women have such a hard time loving themselves and their bodies.
  4. So, Theresa, lots of people are going through the same thing, but no one talks about it because the people aren't famous? Uh, non, non, cherie. I doubt that anyone on this board has ever met anyone who has gone through the same thing. And she says things like, I don't know why this is happening to me. Hasn't she read the court papers? Or is that expecting too much? My thoughts about the big family reunion: Theresa and Joe are lucky to have such a big, supportive extended family. They don't deserve it. And Gia, on the other hand, doesn't deserve to have the parents that she wound up with. Milania is a much better fit for them. Someone was watching, realized that they made a horrible mistake giving them Gia, and tried to balance it out with Milania.
  5. I've noticed that Kristen and Josh's crib is pretty antiseptic looking. It doesn't look homey, or lived in, or very comfortable. The only color I can remember is the bright yellow clock on the wall, which seemed kind of strange. And there is a zebra rug, I think. Anyway, it's odd to see a home that contains two small children have this look. It looks like temporary housing. They're living there while getting another property move-in ready, or something. I was also a little curious about the mystery of what to do with the salad. Wash it and dry it? I've never had a salad spinner, so I just give the leaves a nice bath and pat dry with paper towels. No big thing. How can she have kids and not know the slightest thing about food? How can she be 37 or 38, whatever, and not know how to prepare a simple salad? What have they been eating all these years? To me, cooking is a basic life skill.
  6. I would love the opportunity to someday say, as Luann did, "He plays for LIZA, you cow!" And, actually, Ramona did look the part as she gracelessly stomped through the Birdland crowd, bumping into someone in her path. She looked like a cow out in the field, aimlessly bumping into another cow in the herd. She has the weirdest walk. Is it no hip action? Just shifting her weight from one hoof to the other?
  7. No one has mentioned this, I don't think, but in that segment with Sun Kitten Lizzie peddling her ruched-heinie swimwear, Lizzie wasn't the one who bothered me most. The bikini model was cute as hell, but her fiddling with her hair coquettishly every time she made a cute li'l turn in the suit drove me nuts. Cute turn, place hair in front to one side, another cute turn, place hair in front to the side, and so on. Sheesh. She looked like she was auditioning for something. What, I don't know. Also, I have to say that "Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On" is a really dumb name for a suit. I mean, one or two words, OK, but I find that name just dumb, dumb, dumb. And now I'm thinking that Lizzie is a dumb-dumb. If you take a look at her website, it's easy to spot several spelling and punctuation errors. That's not the caliber of work by someone who would have made valedictorian at my high school. And I'd like to think that she took a stab at proofreading the site herself.
  8. HunterHunted, thank you for a much-needed morning laugh! The visual is perfect. I guess Dr. Sonja doesn't realize that asthma inhalers have metered doses. Only a certain amount is delivered with each puff. And Aviva, you're doing it all wrong. Sure, sure, you can raise your pinky while using the inhaler to keep things "klassy," but you must exhale completely, put the inhaler to your mouth, inhale quickly and deeply, and then hold your breath as long as you can. Signed, Dr. jennylauren123
  9. I agree that David is a looker and has a truly magnificent head of hair, but that high-pitched voice is a deal-breaker for me (not that he was offering). He seems like a devoted father and a very nice, hard-working guy, and I feel for him being married to queen of the whiny hen-peckers, but that voice? Oh, no no no no no.
  10. essexjan, that pool is beautiful. I'm sure their gym doesn't come close to yours, and Ryan hanging around would make me think twice about membership at Cut Fitness. And speaking of Tam-RAH (tm Gretchen Rossi), she is looking very weird lately. Her face seems to be getting square in addition to being immobile. She has an odd pallor, which could be makeup. I don't know, but it's not good. And the ladies really, really need to lay off the very heavy dark eyeliner and mascara. It is aging them besides making their eyes seem small. I don't understand the need to pile that crap on.
  11. I really can't stand Ramona. I think she's rude, aggressive, and not very bright. What surprised me in this First Look was how much I despised her while she was merely holding her wine glass and sipping her wine in the scene where they were trying to convince us that Mario has an ounce of singing talent (answer: no). She can't even do that without being all twitchy and obnoxious (in my eyes). She always looks like she's thinking of the next thing to say, is ready to pounce, or is ready to go off on someone in some way. You'd think with all the Ramona Pinot or whatever that she might relax, but no. Gawd, I cannot stand her!
  12. I never knew that shorts were "out." Here in Washington, D.C., from spring to summer (in the sweltering heat and humidity), I wear them daily. I think you have to have the right legs for them, and they should be a good length for you.
  13. How about Noelle? She's constantly pursing her lips, or making them pout. She's the one I can't stand. And, also, Caroline's eyebrows scare me. And she has a professional do them! They're arched incorrectly--too close to the middle of the brow-- and the color isn't right. It's too brown.
  14. Deer and other animals are out all year, but saying it's deer season means that it is legal to hunt them from this date to that date. It's a way for wildlife management to manage the various animal populations.
  15. Vicki is only 52! As someone who turns 52 in August, I beg you, pretty please, to not qualify 52 as "pushing 60." I had to check on Vanderpump, too. She's 53.
  16. I agree! It's downright embarrassing when all Sonja can come up with, when talking to the men manning the grill, is "I like your cooking outfits," or whatever the freak she said. What were they supposed to say? "Uh, thanks Lady, we like to call these 'aprons'."
  17. I think it's funny that Lizzie complained about some people thinking that they can design clothing without having an education in the field. I can't imagine a design school that would accept her drawing of that bikini as adequate. I mean, that was the clothing design equivalent of a stick figure, right? Surely she can draw better than that. Right? Anyone here with a clothing design background?
  18. Mu Shu, thank you for making me start my morning with a big old guffaw. Priceless!
  19. Thanks, aradia! Did you check out the second link, in which she is suspected of "miming" while on stage? That had me picturing her actually miming. I guess we call it lip-synching, and the Brits call it miming. At any rate, it doesn't seem as though she set the world on fire. I figured there would be some footage of her singing somewhere. I'm going to keep looking. And….found it! So, not a singer: http://www.bustle.com/articles/28169-ladies-of-londons-caprice-bourret-has-had-a-surprisingly-diverse-career (Scroll down a bit for the video.)
  20. I just saw Caprice on Watch What Happens Live, and a caller asked if Caprice was the UK's version of Kim Kardashian. I don't think Caprice liked that much. So Andy asked her what she was famous for. She said she was on tons of magazine covers, and she also was in a stage performance of "Rent." Wha? I can't find any evidence of this. Anyway, she made it sound as though she's an actress. I have my doubts.
  21. Bella Roche, thanks for the laugh! This actually did make me laugh out loud!
  22. I thought it was strange when David said he didn't know how Shannon would ever be able to sleep in that room. Why? Just because it's smaller than she's used to? Because the bed is smaller? Does she have a phobia about the color blue? I honestly don't get it. What does she need, exactly, to be able to sleep?
  23. Mozelle, What Remains really is a beautiful book, and beautifully written. Be prepared to cry a little. I highly recommend it.
  24. I'm really surprised that Carl seems to think that he has a chance to win. I've seen two of his costumes so far, and both were just bad, bad, bad. Can he not see that he needs to up his game? Look around you, young man!
  25. Hi guys, Here is the extended fight between Luann and Sonja, Her Lady "Ships" Morgan: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/unseen-footage-of-rhonys-biggest-fights Enjoy!
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