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Everything posted by FaithsMum

  1. Dammit WireWrap, thanks for picking up on my typo - that's what happens when you rant at almost 3am! :) I'm sure you'll all understand because Yo is lucky to have 10% brain function, mine is at 6%. Someone tweet her and let her know! :)
  2. Thank you. :) The thing I don't get about Yo is that when you're chronically ill, it's really fucking boring. It's the forefront of your life and you get really sick of talking about it. I drive my husband insane because when he asks how I feel I always say I'm "fine" - it isn't that I'm being intentionally dishonest when I'm not fine, I just get sick of the sound of my own voice with regards to my anorexia. I want to babble about everyday "normal" things like Real Housewives and what book I'm reading or something funny one of my kids did or said, you know? But Yo is addicted to the attention that being sick brings and, for me, and everyone else I have known with chronic illnesses they're fucking tired of the attention. I almost hate her for using it to manipulate people - Kyle let that email go because she's "sick" since no one wants to be the person who nails someone who's struggling to a wall. I do get why they allow her this but it pisses me off since being sick doesn't give you a free pass to be shitty. When I'm snarky and grouchy and in my mean girl mode, you can bet the people around me call me out on it... And so they should! I don't get a free pass on being an arsehole because I'm unwell. That isn't fair on them and it's not good for me. I hate that Yo knows this and uses it to manipulate the others into accepting whatever bad behaviour she throws at them. I'm fascinated by her social media presence - I have been around since TWoP but I post intermittently depending on my health. If she's so sick she can't get out of freaking bed for months or watch TV, how is she managing to take a fucking selfie, figure out how to upload it onto Instagram, write a coherent caption etc? You know, since she only has 10% brain function or whatever it is. She is sick, but not the kind of sickness she thinks. Crazy over here recognises crazy. :) Jesus, this woman is bad for my blood pressure, lol.
  3. I do not understand this woman. I'm way behind and I'm currently binge watching (just finished the "ponies are by the pool episode," lol) and off I hopped over to Yolanda's Instagram. Jesus fucking Christ. My health sucks too, I have anorexia and unmanaged epilepsy but hop on over to my Instagram (or any social media) and there are no gratuitous IV pictures or me looking skinny and sick in my hospital bed. Eh, I don't even talk about it on social media. I guess Yolanda is just a beacon of human kindness in a way that I can't be because I don't want to be the poster child for eating disorders, I just want to be well. I don't know how, if she's as sick as she says she is, she can even be bothered posting all this shit on social media let alone even doing the show at all. She doesn't want to "raise awareness," she wants attention and it's distasteful. Like LVP I apparently don't have any empathy either (it must be an English thing, lol although I am a nurse so that's kinda worrying!) because there is not an iota of me that feels sorry for her.
  4. Just because don't have periods doesn't mean you can't ovulate - or don't occasionally. I haven't had a period for five years (malnutrition) and I have a three year old.
  5. Even Aleeah doesn't look quite convinced that it isn't bullshit.
  6. Thank you! It's really pissed me off - one of the other things about addicts is that we all suffer from Special Snowflake Syndrome during the height of our addiction. The whole safe word shit just buys into it; Leah is so fragile and so different from the other girls (and their families) that she's given a safe word for her mother to yell out and the conversation ends. Other symptoms include Leah's never ending whines of "no one understands what I'm going through" all freaking season long and the perpetual victimhood. It is one of the more difficult things to overcome because it means accepting that actually you're not all that special, all that different or all that complicated. Everyone has problems which are important to them; yours are no more or less important and the world doesn't owe you a free pass when you fail to take your disabled child to therapy or your kids to school. It means accepting that you are responsible for your actions. While you hope the people who love you and who you love can forgive you, addiction isn't an automatic free pass for bad/reckless/hurtful behaviour. In many ways, my husband and children are greater victims of my addiction and eating disorder than I am. So Leah, you're not different or special - you're an addict. There's lots of us about.
  7. So I'm way behind; binged watched the season today and just finished watching the reunion. Jesus Christ I want to blow my brains out. Wtf is all this coddling of Leah from her family and Sad Panda? Fuck me, I wish my therapists would buy into my shit like this. I am hospitalised for anorexia and I'm an addict (I am not clean because I am prescribed diamorphine which I have no legal right to refuse to take since my hospitalisation is forced) Leah would last about three and a half seconds with my psychs - oh and there's no safe words either - because they nail my arse to a wall on a regular basis... As they should. Addicts are experts at denial (and anorexia is no different in that respect, it's just another form of addiction) Mama Dawn has spent the entire season playing into Leah's denial and victimhood. You know, this is all Jeremy's fault for not being supportive and divorcing her and Corey's fault for daring to be interested and concerned about the welfare of his children. When I gave my husband similar bullshit (not about lack of support, just overall denial and outright lies; "eh? What? I'm fine! No, I ate before when you were at work") the response I got was "I love you but I don't believe you." Addicts do not get better with coddling. It is absolutely possible to be honest while being empathetic and supportive. My husband, friends, family and therapists manage it. Addicts already think their addiction is everyone else's issue because they're FINE, they're just a bit tired and stressed out. Even buying into that a teeny amount is not going to do anyone any good because addicts can take that teeny amount and run a marathon with it. We hear what we want to hear and make the rest up to justify our addiction. Support from family and friends is so crucial in recovery and they're actively preventing her from getting well because they won't tell her the truth. Drew is also full of shit that children aren't damaged by this. Yes, yes they are - even if the parent gets well. I have three daughters and every night, I hope that when they're older, if they can't understand, then they forgive me and that I haven't wrecked too much damage on them with my many absences (this current one is more than a year, so far) among other things. I really, really wanted Drew to say "you know what, Leah? If you don't sort yourself out and get better, your children will become you" but of course he has to do all the kids will be fine, you're fine, there's nothing wrong now, you're all better shit instead. This show is bad for my blood pressure, and I have a bad heart!
  8. A physical dependence on a drug and an addiction are not the same thing. Many become physically addicted to legitimately prescribed opiods, but they don't necessarily become addicts since there has to be a psychological component. Eh, I'm the latter since I'm an addict but I have known quite a lot of people who have become physically dependent but tapered off with no problems since they had no emotional attachment to the feelings opiods produce.With most antidepressants, you're advised to taper since they can produce some withdrawal-like symptoms which may not be comparable to opiod or benzo withdrawal but are real side effects, all the same. Many cold turkey them (I have) and are fine but for others, they do need to taper.
  9. I'm just watching the reunion now and I'm so infuriated I want to punch my iPad. Ramona did not fall asleep, she just wasn't the centre of attention and like the child she is had to act out to bring the attention back on her. I've always enjoyed Ramona (although wouldn't like to know her in real life, she makes entertaining reality telly) but she is losing me this season and I'm beginning to find her insufferable. She's so fucking rude. On the off chance she genuinely did doze off, Carole and Dorinda are talking about their husbands. Show some courtesy to two women who buried their husbands far sooner than they ever should and fucking listen. It's just polite and decent. But then this is Ramona is who is neither of those things. Anyone else I would give them the benefit a doubt while still saying they're rude and believe they truly did drop off. Ramona? No.
  10. I've always been largely indifferent to Kristen but, damn, I feel bad for the woman. Discovering your piece of shit husband is on AM would be humiliating and heartbreaking enough without it all playing out in the public eye. I would hope she will leave him but I'm not going to criticise her if she doesn't. I hate it when men treat women badly but when the woman doesn't respond how the public thinks she should, the venom becomes directed towards her and she's labelled "stupid" or its said she deserves everything she got if she decides to stay. No. Josh is in the wrong here. Kristen's world just blew up around her and whatever we think of him, she loves that man who is also the father of her children; whatever she decides to do she deserves compassion. That's not to say I hope she doesn't kick him to the curb. Josh has always given me the creeps and I imagine this has come as a shock to exactly no one but I believe Kristen genuinely loves him and this must be hell for her especially knowing he signed up while she was pregnant with their daughter. Nice, Josh, nice - you piece of shit.
  11. Bethenny is like a dog with a bone about the dresses - and I for one, am glad. I actually mostly enjoy Ramona but she's like a badly behaved child whose parents have given up trying to discipline. Her behaviour is dismissed because "oh you know what Ramona's like" and she's so obtuse and unable to see why she is wrong that she wears the other person down until they just give in. She issues fake apologises designed to dismiss and shut down a conversation. The fact that Ramona can easily afford those dresses makes it worse - she isn't some single mother below the poverty line taking food for her child. People can use whatever euphemisms they like such as "take" but the fact is Ramona is a thief who stole something which did not belong to her. The cost of the dresses and Bethenny's personal wealth are irrelevant; I could easily afford to replace my iPad but that doesn't give someone the right to steal it because it isn't theirs to take. It just countinues to reinforce Ramona's level of entitlement. She isn't a child/teenager who made a mistake, she's an adult who stole from someone else and refuses to even see, let alone acknowledge, that what she did was wrong so Bethenny can keep on at it, for me. I much prefer to watch Bethenny nailing Ramona to a wall than have to listen to Adam-gate drama for the umpteenth time which became tiresome, like, ten episodes ago.
  12. This whole Adam/Carole/LuAnn/Nicole shit is almost as tiresome as book-gate. I've followed Nicole on Instagram for a couple of years (judge me all you want!) and she's as annoying as Adam with all this hipster shit. Nicole is not unattractive by any means but they both look like they need a good wash and an introduction to a hairbrush.
  13. We're not that lucky that Maci will give up her famewhoring. She'd have to get a real job then. Not to mention Amber the abusive jailbird. Oh wait, she didn't have a problem with Amber appearing on the show. Just Farrah who committed no crimes. GTFO Maci.
  14. I agree. My Mum always says that the more people who truly love your kid, the better it is for them. During my sporadic visits with my pretty much a stranger bio dad which, at times, made me feel insecure because my brother didn't have to go, but I did, my (step)dad would tell me I was one of the luckiest little girls in the world because I had *two* dad's/their families who loved me and wanted to see me. I would probably have been six at the time, and it was such a huge thing to me that I still remember that particular conversation with my dad and how comforted I was by it.Can't see Javi (or Kail) for that matter being as reassuring to Isaac especially because step families get a hell of a lot more complicated once there are bio children of the step parent.
  15. I'm a stepdaughter and I have one too. She's 13. You are right that as a step-parent you don't want to behave as if you are somehow replacing their bio parent but there's definitely a fine line to walk between that and making the kid feel as part of the family as any other kids you may have. When Javi said "your son" to Kail, he was making a point that Isaac isn't his and it was intended to hurt Kail, I think. He could have just referred to Isaac by name. I would never refer to my SD as "your daughter" to my husband because of the implication. Sure, she isn't my daughter but she's as much a part of our family as our other kids and it's important that she knows that and also that my husband doesn't feel stuck in the middle between his child and his wife. I would be lying if I said I loved my SD like my own kids but that's *my* issue, not hers and I would never want to make her feel less than her sisters.
  16. Oh, I agree that it's different although I did see my bio dad somewhat inconsistently until I was 11. Anyway, colour me shocked that it is Jo who has turned into the decent person/parent out of this shitshow! Javi is an attention whore and the fame has gone to his small little brain. Whether Isaac has a father or not, his affection for him shouldn't be dependent on Javi's feelings for Kail in that moment. I'd be interested to see just how much Javi wants to play superdad when the cameras aren't around.
  17. I agree. Over time, this will eventually result in Isaac feeling an outcast in his own family since Javi's acceptance of him is dependent on how he feels about his mother at any given time. Javi really is a piece of shit. My brother and I have different dad's. It's a little difference since I happily have no relationship with my bio father and my stepdad and mum have been together since I was two. I call him "dad," my children call him "grandad" and I began using his name when he and my mum married. I feel so lucky now because I have always, always known my dad loves me just the same as he does my brother and he sees me as his daughter in all the ways that matter. My dad was young when he and my mum met - twenty - and it was made clear that she and I came as a package. Javi needs to grow the fuck up.
  18. I've just been on Jenelle's Instagram. Jesus. What's almost as disturbing as what she did to that poor dog is that the vast majority of comments are in fucking defence of her. It makes me want to weep for humanity since I figure these are all young girls who will one day procreate and if she's their role model then the next generation is fucked. I had to come here to restore my faith! It's interesting reading how Jenelle will struggle to get a job with her background in the US. I'm a nurse, and a recovering addict. I'm on longterm sick right now but otherwise gainfully employed - my addiction is the worst kept secret in the hospital I work in. However, unlike Jenelle I do have a clean record and I was a student nurse when I developed an addiction. Like many, I developed it through a legitimate injury and discovered I liked the peace they gave me; one I didn't have otherwise. I did not steal drugs from work but I feel very lucky right now that between my addiction and my anorexia, I wasn't written off. On saying that, if Jenelle was working in any medical facility I walked into, I would fucking run out of the door screaming.
  19. I'm giving that couch a year, max - especially with two little kids. I love chenille jumpers and blankets and it's not the hardiest of materials. I get a few years out of my jumpers before they start going bald and I'm not using them everyday (plus I hand wash them) I also didn't think they were a thing either since I can't imagine anyone with half a brain buying one unless they like to have their couch re-covered on a regular basis. But then this is Kail and she's an idiot so there ya go.
  20. I agree with everything you've said! I too am taking him at his word, I just don't think he's that naive. He's a conman, for sure - but conman usually have emotional intelligence if lacking in academic. Brooks has proved that with "affirming" Vicki... And it continues to work everyday because how many years has it been? To most of us he's slimy and smarmy but he honed in on exactly what Vicki needs and ran with it. I just can't see that he's so stupid he would think he can fake cancer and get away with it especially when he's gotta know how disliked he is by the viewers and they'llbe a handful digging to try and confirm his story either way. If he is lying then I believe he's lying to Vicki too. While I don't think she's above making shit up in an attempt to both give herself a storyline and make Brooks appear more appealing (the fur coat etc) to the people in her life and the audience, I just don't think she'd go there with cancer. Vicki's a needy, insecure nutjob (and I love her for it!) but she's never struck me as a stealth manipulator or someone with the ability to pull such a blatant, disgusting lie off convincingly. As you said she has too much to lose; Vicki loves money even more than Brooks. There's no way she's sacrificing her insurance business or being the OG of the OC for Brooks. Briana's a fucking idiot for saying that he didn't "look" sick. I'm a nurse too and a similar age to Briana (I think I may be a little younger) so we've likely been nurses for the same amount of time and I've seen many, many patients who didn't look "sick." My Mum's friend died of oesophageal cancer on Christmas Eve. Other than losing a little weight, until the last week of his life he didn't look like a man who was dying. Even with the weight loss he wasn't thin and if you'd not known him prior to his illness, you would not have known. Until two weeks before he was admitted into the hospice, he was walking miles every day and doing everything in his daily life he had done before. Hey Briana, was he not sick either you fucking moron? I get that she doesn't like Brooks but plenty of lay people know that you don't have to look sick to be it and I think her comment says far more about her as a person than it does about Brooks.
  21. I could be wrong but my understanding of sea salt is that it's less refined and therefore wouldn't you need more than normal salt for the same taste? Any chefs out there, I'm happy to be corrected!
  22. I think they're hideous too... And I'm 27, if that makes you feel any better! :) I like a nice pair or stilettos but loathe clunky platforms. I don't think they're sexy at all.
  23. Simon still desperately trying to clutch onto his fifteen minutes there...
  24. I hope Lisa and Kyle have both sent Brandi text messages saying "checkmate, bitch!"
  25. I agree. I don't believe that those pyjama's were Bryn's and think it was purely for attention because without the caption that they were Bryn's pyjama's makes them just another photo she's posted on social media. Since I do have an eating disorder, I am currently thinner than Bethenny (and also quite a bit shorter - I'm 5ft - with no boobs, fake or otherwise) and I could not fit into clothes meant for a four year old. I do wear children's clothes but that's because adult sized clothes don't fit me at the moment and it's not something I'm proud of. I'm too old to be wearing pyjama's made for a seven year old... And as underweight and short as I am, I still have an adults shape in the sense that I have defined waist and hips still - and so they do not fit me as well as those pyjama's fit Bethenny. The shorts she was wearing, if really were Bryn's, would not have been as well fitted as they were.Everything about that situation was fucking weird and disturbing - and I say that as someone who more or less likes and gets Bethenny. I know I can't speak for every little girl on the planet but I have three and they have always wanted to play dress up in *my* clothes, not the other way around - just as I did with my mum when I was a kid.
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