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Everything posted by Trini

  1. A couple of reports about the Prison Break WonderCon panel: https://www.tvinsider.com/151019/the-prison-break-team-shares-revival-teases-at-wondercon-2017 http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/832933-prison-break-returns ----------------- 'Here's Everything You Need to Know About the Revival' 'Inside Fox's Prison Break revival' -- Quotes from the cast and producer about the revival ----------------- And a couple of reviews: Collider -- a negative one, but he admits that he was never into the original run. Paste Mag. -- also leaning toward the negative side. It seems that if you were able to roll with the original series despite its flaws (and even the best season had problems) then you'll be able to enjoy the revival. "Testosterone-fueled soap opera" is a very accurate description, IMO.
  2. It goes with one of the more 'out there' theories, but maybe Nora Allen and Savitar(/whoever it ends up being); or Nora Allen and Cisco for "two who have never shared a scene".
  3. Not too many comments on this one. At least it wasn't a tattoo case! I like Patterson - stop putting her through all this torture! Again, please let her get a vacation. Didn't have any strong feelings about Jane/Oliver, but I liked that Jane was trying to have a personal life outside the FBI. Well, TV safehouses are never safe, so I expect a Sandstorm attack by the end of the season. Even though it makes no sense to have Roman free, it does allow him to do more stuff. Reade and this drug arc... ughhhhh. It was either this or a Reade/Zapata romance, wasn't it?
  4. I think this time at least there's a better reason to time travel than other times when it was dumb. Maybe we'll finally see this Future Flash that has managed to make so many enemies. I guess I don't mind that there's time travel on the show - it's been here since the pilot - and it's one of the Flash's powers, so I'm already expecting it to happen every so often. Cisco/Vibe has become so powerful, so quickly that I'm a little afraid they'll do something to him so that he's not upstaging Barry/Flash.
  5. He can act. I just don't think this role is a good fit for him. I'm open to my mind being changed, though.
  6. Nice to see Cecile again! But tickets to Hamilton that can’t be used?? Use them for currency. I do want to see a double date at some point. So in the first scene at STAR Labs, they’ve got the board with all the future headlines, and “Music Meister gets 6-figure book deal” is NOT crossed off, but “STAR Labs Museum Closes” is crossed off. So did it close offscreen (a cut subplot?), or did it NOT close and that’s why it’s crossed off?? My guess is the former. No, just NO to Cisco defending Caitlin taking the Philosopher’s Stone fragment and lying about it. I feel like the writers threw Caitlin under a bus with that development. Thought that Abra Kadabra was menacing, and I hope they do more with him if he shows up again. (Although, I don’t want him to escape from Gypsy.) Too bad Joe had to get the idiot ball here. He knows better than to trust the word of criminal. Glad to see Gypsy again, and some incremental movement with her and Cisco — but they should have just skipped the cliché backstory of a dead partner/lover. Still not a fan of them pairing up Caitlin and Julian, but at least Tom Felton is selling it on his end. Not feeling it from Danielle. (And not just this episode, the previous few, too.) Maybe she doesn’t like this subplot either. And while it's still silly she didn’t go to a hospital, I did like that they showed off her (TV) doctor skills. I guess it’s good that they have scenes where Barry is considering his options, but on the other hand, we know he wasn’t going to let Kadabra go free. He needs Iris to keep his head straight. A Joe/Iris scene!! Not enough father/daughter moments. It always great when they give JL Martin material to work with. Did not miss HR at all. When the show puts their minds to it, they really know how to do a cliffhanger. They made Cisco cry! :( I already shared my thoughts on the Killer Frost arc, but I have to say that was a really powerful scene of the birth of Killer Frost.
  7. This goes with "two characters that have never shared a scene before" - http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/31/spoiler-room-westworld-greys-anatomy-once-upon-time/
  8. Blindspot taps Garret Dillahunt for guest spot
  9. Look at this! They know they can do better, but refuse. ------ I'm still holding on to my theory that some version of Barry is Savitar, but I've seen some good arguments that it could be Eddie Thawne. Eddie might have motive, but how he got turned into a speedster is a big hole, though. From the promo, it seems less likely that it's Wally. I really hoped that Savitar was just Savitar, but they insist on making it someone we know for shock value. HR and Jay Garrick are also possibilities but I don't think it's either of them because they can't make them bad guys or kill them AGAIN. Anyway, I'll laugh if it's Barry under Savitar's mask, because it's supposed to be a shocking twist, but it's the first theory people started putting out there. ---- Also kind of worried about the lack of Joe in that promo....
  10. People always forget my man LL! I know it's NCIS, but still. I like to use the "dvd test" when figuring out who the leads/important characters are. Which characters got put on the DVD cover? More than one? Which is/are most prominent?
  11. Hee! Loved the shout to PB. LOVED IT!
  12. I have some broader thoughts related to this that I'm taking to the Series Discussion thread.
  13. In 3.11. ::SIGH:: And all she did was sop up blood. I'm actually surprised they didn't have Cisco assist. On the other hand, Caitlin did save Iris' arm (and life) a few episodes ago, so why not have her try and return the favor?
  14. This article is about The Flash movie, but it mentions the show: But Smallville was on when Superman Returns came out. Anyway, I don't see having a TV and a movie version of the same character as a problem. What might be a problem is the TV show running through every major Flash character and story by the time the film is actually released. There'll be way more comparisons/rankings/etc. than just Grant vs. Ezra.
  15. http://tvline.com/2017/03/30/once-upon-a-time-season-6-spoilers-snow-charming-sleeping-curse/ I think it would have to be one of the new characters (Julian, HR) with someone who is only recurring, or a former cast member, maybe. Or Savitar and... ??
  16. Really hoping Valerian is good and not just pretty visuals*. Still unimpressed by the casting (the two leads). *... Although, I would still go see it for the pretty visuals.
  17. Vulture recap/review: Comics Alliance (conversation format): Den of Geek:
  18. More reviews: Blastr: Polygon: Geek.com: TVOvermind:
  19. "Abra Kadabra" reviews: IGN: AV Club: JoBlo:
  20. "Abra Kadabra" recaps: EW, Collider, BuddyTV, ComicBook.com. ---------------------- David Dastmalchian interview:
  21. The Legends can't lecture Barry because the entire premise of that show is about screwing with timelines. I'd would love more Flash/Legends crossovers, but the showrunners of Legends seem to be not as friendly with the Flash showrunners (as opposed to Arrow). I don't want to lose the only other female regular either, but they've been so lazy with Caitlin and this KF arc. ^This is what they should have been doing this this whole season, but instead powers=evil. I'm just not optimistic since there are only 5 episodes left.
  22. Aaaannd... one more: Villains: **Abra Kadabra
  23. I think it's also larger, more overall issue with the show that they center almost everything around Barry. He is the lead, and central character, so it's understandable, but they could do better. Nearly every other supporting character services him in some way. -------- Re: "Abra Kadabra": I loved the serenade proposal, but I thought they would treat the musical as a one-off/'what if' episode; with not much actually affecting the rest of the show. But they actually had Iris mention Barry's singing in the next episode -- so it's canon that he sang for her?! I was really surprised by that. I also had a story in my head that Gypsy would be taking it slow with Cisco because she's been hurt before, and that came true is this ep!
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