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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Haha, yeah. Apart from eventually losing interest or something, I think the rekindling of that relationship is the only thing that would make me stop watching. Laurel could become BC ten times over, then be elected to Senate and become President of the United States for all I care, I'd still tune in.
  2. They won't ever say that relationship is over publicly, but I hope NEVER is a word they frequently use regarding that pairing in private.
  3. Haha, right?! He's nervous, okay? He needs a few fingers of scotch to calm down!
  4. No one said they should address it in this interview - just that they should address it.
  5. Maybe because the EPs have admitted to struggling with and making missteps with her character? The audience is always going to have a problem with someone, but the people who run the show have admitted to having a problem with Laurel, too. (Personally, I don't care if they address it in interviews or not - I don't think they'll ever be able to get me interested in her, regardless).
  6. Oh, I know why he says it, I get that he's got to keep everyone interested. I just really hope they say never to that. I think the way he talks about Laurel as BC is odd too - it's very lawyery.
  7. Also, ugh: Say never to that, please. Please say never to that.
  8. It's the same clip, haha I'm going to be taking a pre and post-show Xanax. And I have my woobie blanket all washed and at the ready, prepared for use in the fetal position.
  9. Yeah, that's true. I really hope beyond all hope that he didn't know who she was before they met apart from knowing that she was a trustworthy, well-performing employee of QC.
  10. The spoiler reads: Oliver recounts the day he met Felicity (including an incredibly small detail about that encounter). So I think it's an actual detail about the day they met (her shirt color, her biting her pen, whatever), rather than something that led him to her office in the first place.
  11. This is the most useless argument ever, considering we'll never have the information required to argue from a fact-based perspective.
  12. I have absolutely no firsthand knowledge of why he did, but I'd imagine that once he started booking work it was difficult to keep a pet - the hours are unsteady and it probably wouldn't be fair to the dog to leave him alone so much. Maybe that's why?
  13. Yeah, I think they just don't have any new photos.
  14. Aren't all the promo pics from last season, since they didn't do a new shoot? That might be why they aren't releasing any.
  15. The argument over whether/when Felicity was a member of the team. I didn't really get why it mattered, but if you think Oliver and Diggle should be THE guys, it makes sense.
  16. Well, everything about the Felicity conversation over in the Team thread just became so unbelievably clear.
  17. Well, we know that Oliver (and maybe Felicity, too) breaks things off in this episode because of his Arrow v. Oliver identity crisis, that's why I thought that line might be applicable in that situation. But I do think it's to Diggle.
  18. Because I think it's less assy to say something like "it's my crusade, which makes it my decision" when speaking to someone about their place on a team you brought them in on as opposed to saying it to a woman you were at some point in the not too distant past pursuing a romantic relationship with.
  19. Well, she could if the people who form the team actually consider her to be one.
  20. Yeah, I thought about it, and I think he is talking to Diggle.
  21. That line about the universe changing has to be Diggle, and I hated the idea of a baby but him being a father is going to make me weep (in the good way). And this better not be Oliver talking to Felicity (even though I know it most likely is): “This is my crusade, which makes it my decision.” ETA: Maybe it's actually him talking to Diggle, when telling him he doesn't want him in the field anymore. Yeah, yeah, I like that better. Still assy, but less so.
  22. But a lot of her time in the present was spent in the foundry, which, like I said, is where most of Diggle's scenes are, and yet somehow the reasoning for Diggle's reduced screen time keeps coming back to Felicity.
  23. Where did I say that writers don't get things wrong? Not that it matters in this instance... And I'm not ignoring the first season, I'm actually taking it into account. Oliver began as the Hood, dispensing his vigilante justice and murdering people as he saw fit to cross people off of his father's list. When Diggle and Felicity brought him back from the island, and he committed himself to becoming a better man and vigilante and subsequently became the Arrow, you know, the guy who's trying to save the city instead of crossing names off of a list on a mission from his father? That did begin with the three of them, and that's the course Oliver is on now - and that's not the writers making a mistake, and it's not trying to make Felicity more than she is. That's the actual canon of the show. Edited to make this less snarky.
  24. She's a member of the team per the actual leader of the team, Oliver. He himself said that their mission started with the three of them (Oliver, Diggle and Felicity). By implying otherwise, yeah - you are marginalizing her. No one here is trying to make her more than she is.
  25. Sara, who also spent a lot of time at the foundry. Which is primarily where Diggle's scenes are.
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