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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought Oliver's little duct tape quiver/arrows/bows were pre-cgi but they're real, hahaha. I love it when the show reaches MacGuyvering-your-own-weapons ridiculous, not feats of strength with Laurel Lance ridiculous.
  2. Summary for 3x05 - The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak:
  3. Also - Roy can suddenly hack into FBI databases now?
  4. He's either brainwashed her, or she's using him and telling him what he wants to hear.
  5. Okay, thoughts: 1. Ray is a stalker, and I don't really like them making light of this crazy shit he's doing to get Felicity's attention. I liked him toward the end of the ep though. 2. Is it bad that I don't care who killed Sara? I care that she's dead, I just don't care who killed her - the mystery is not remotely interesting to me. And it's going to be the LoA, since Oliver wrote them off because they don't target their own. 3. I loved SA and EBR in the foundry (even though MG selling that as a sequel to their hallway talk is a huge yet unsurprising stretch), and especially SA at the end when he told Diggle that he didn't want to die down there. I feel like it was too early to have that revelation this season, but let's see where it goes. I think this sets up Felicity's trip to CC nicely though. 4. I said I'd rage if they didn't tell Lance, and I'm raging. I can't believe they buried her in secret in a pine box without ever telling her father. They are all shitty people for that. And it's pointless, but to set up some useless drama. Lance is going to go on a bender when he finds out, isn't he? 5. I'm at least glad that they addressed Laurel's alcoholism, so there's that. 6. Laurel. Go away, go far away. They took every single character trait that makes her insufferable and zeroed in on it. 7. TOMMY. BEAUTIFUL MAN, WONDERFUL FRIEND. 8. THEA, CAN'T WAIT. 9. I love that Roy actually told Oliver about the letter and that he handled the revelation with grace. Good for him, he's growing.
  6. I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?
  7. I agree with your first point, and wish I could agree with your second one. MoS was one big bathroom break for me, which is saying something because I thought I would be willing to watch Henry Cavill recite the phone book and I found out watching that movie that nah...not so much.
  8. She's in the love-to-hate category for me. She's a terrible person but a stone-cold bitch, and I dig that about her.
  9. Yeah, I can conceive of TPTB not believing that Oliver has fully evolved as a hero until the woman he shit all over takes him back once he's a changed man. They're being awfully heavy handed with the symbolism as far as Oliver and Felicity are concerned if they're not considering them endgame though, so if they get back together, I think they'll break up before the show ends. Of course, I'll be out at that point.
  10. While there's nothing in the narrative at all to suggest that there was ever a point in time where Oliver and Laurel were best friends, at least MG does say were. It seems like KC's operating under the belief that there's a present-tense aspect to that BFdom, which...come on, girl. Color me skeptical, sir.
  11. Yeah, I agree. I don't have any interest in watching Laurel struggle, and I don't have any interest in watching her become insta BC, so I'll take whichever one results in less of her on my screen so I can watch the people I'm actually invested in (or entertained by, of which she is neither).
  12. Or she could just use Sara's since she's getting pretty much everything else.
  13. Yeah, since it doesn't reflect anything that has ever happened on the show. Maybe that great idea the EPs pitched her was an O/L AU where he didn't treat her like shit and she didn't look past it for the sake of being Oliver Queen's girlfriend, and they both live happily ever after.
  14. Yeah, this one is a lot better, although nothing about it makes me excited to watch her arc this season, especially the tired rehash of the O/L soulmates bit, and how she thinks everyone sees Laurel as a warrior and fighter. It's chipping away at my hope that she wouldn't become a Mary Sue vigilante. I didn't even notice that Natalie Abrams wrote the other one, and that does explain a lot.
  15. I didn't explain myself correctly - when spoilers first started coming out and we all thought she was going to be insta-friends with everyone, I didn't really want to watch it. I want to watch her butt heads with them even less, since that seems like it's going to be the reality.
  16. I want to watch her butt heads with everyone even less than I want to watch her be instant friends with everyone. I think the butting heads is more realistic, but I was really hoping I'd find her less insufferable and annoying than usual. I'm also tired of hearing about her and Oliver's bond. It's like the kind of bond that Duck Tape has after it's been sitting in hot sun and humidity for 20 years. Sticky, difficult to shake.
  17. Sorry about that - I brought the topic over here from another thread - I forgot the BtS thread existed!
  18. They better tell him by the end of the episode, or SO HELP ME
  19. Maybe it's a life change and not a personality change? Maybe she'll be happier at work and take some time for herself. It doesn't have to be bad, although it is natural to assume the worst with these people.
  20. May I ask why? Honest question-I didn't read anything in that article that hasn't been touched on somewhere else. Wondering if I missed something?
  21. Yeah, I don't think they'll resurrect her, im just trying to figure out what the story reasons are for keeping it secret. I mean, it's not like anyone on the team had anything to do with her death, so they have no reason to hide it. No one in Starling knows about the LOA, so no one would question her outfit. Maybe they had to cover it up if Laurel moved the body (which it seems like she does, since she's already the foundry with Sara when everyone walks in, unless that's a misdirection), which begs the question, WHY WOULD A DA MOVE A BODY. She of all people would know better than to do that, shitty lawyer or not. So, then they'd have her act unprofessionally in order to push the arc? Ugh, just wait until it pans out, self. Just wait to see how it pans out. ETA: I know she's acted unprofessionally before with the blackmail and asking Arrow for help, but that's different than actually obstructing a case IMO.
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