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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought she originally had a talk with Oliver that was supposed to clue her in that this was a good time for her to visit Barry. I could've sworn that was a spoiler at one point. It must've gotten cut?
  2. Yeah, there was a scene with Felicity in a pink dress (I think) asking Oliver about gunshots. Was that for sure from this ep? I can't remember, although I did think it was. And we did get a reaction to Felicity having a new job, they just left out the important part of, you know, Felicity telling him who she'd be working with. Gah, some parts this season are REALLY clunky.
  3. His square butt chin is really doing it for me here.
  4. Yeah, I think he's a good guy. I wonder if he got wind of some nefarious goings on in the Applied Sciences division and is trying to suss out what they were up to. Not so he can do something with those plans, but so that he can make sure that no one else does.
  5. Oliver also came off of 5 years of torture and hell that molded him into the kind of guy he was when he first came home (who probably didn't care if he died), whereas Laurel's standing there making a choice to try to live that kind of life because it "puts out a fire" or whatever and he's trying to talk her out of it. He's using Quentin as a bargaining chip, hoping she'll change her mind, trying to make her realize she might be making a mistake. "Think of (whoever)" is a pretty common tool to use when trying to talk someone out of doing something stupid with their life.
  6. I'd see your point if people disliked Laurel because of the ship. But people disliked Laurel pre-ship, in fact that dislike is one of the reasons the ship even exists. I'd like to see them be friendly, but I don't have a problem with Felicity calling her out for asking for a favor, because Felicity and Laurel don't know each other, and all last episode Laurel was calling the shots (which Felicity followed, because she was desperate to catch the guy who killed Sara, too). I don't mind her standing up for herself, and clearly she did what Laurel asked, so...
  7. I'll write it off because a) I didn't think it was that bad, considering we've never seen Laurel actually being friendly toward her, only asking her to do things for her, and b) she was a bit frazzled with all those calls coming in when she was right there with her boss. She told Diggle it was a bad time too, so clearly nerves were at play.
  8. Yeah, I liked her in the AA scene too. I wish they had just let her have her moment instead of having that abused woman share her story, because I was completely taken out of it because all I could think was, "Gah...she's going to try to kick that guys ass now, what an idiot." Also, she missed her chance to tell Quentin that Sara died. If he'd forgive anything, he'd forgive it with his daughter in a hospital bed all beat up. Ugh.
  9. The Laurel wanting to be BC arc would've been a big ol' stinker to me anyway, but it would've made so much more sense to have her already be disillusioned with the law. I mean, she worked at CNRI and was in the DA's office last year, you can't tell me she hasn't seen fucked up domestic shit before. And NOW she wants to do something about it? NOW she's dissatisfied with the legal process? She could've gotten disillusioned without Sara having to die, and that would've been a much more compelling story. I mean, as compelling as it can be with her.
  10. Loved everything about this ep but Laurel's weak-ass reasoning for wanting to become Sara. She's all of a sudden disillusioned with the law? How many wife beaters has she seen walk in her law career? She was super fine being DA just two weeks ago - everything was peachy. They really are just writing her wanting to single white female Sara allllll around town. I don't know why I expected any different, but I did. 1. Felicity has an EA? Giving her Oliver's old office? YESSSSSS 2. Thea? GIRL, YES 3. Roy? Sweet little puppy? YES 4. Oliver actually attempting to be a brother for once? YES (I loved those scenes with Thea) 5. Diggle being all grrr over his family? YES 6. Felicity calling Laurel out, asking if they were favor friends? Or even friends? YES, FELICITY. YES This ep made me not miss the Felicity/Oliver interaction so much, but I need them back in good standing soon. Did I miss it or did she not tell him she was working with Ray? And did I also miss where she found out about Barry?
  11. I think the turn around was so they could get that light behind them in the shot when they part - this show looooooves its lights.
  12. I don't have anything against EAs - I used to be one. I have something against taking a character whose interests and skills and education are in a specialized field and shoehorning her into a position that she doesn't want to be in and that leaves her unfulfilled. If Felicity wanted to be an EA, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But I guess this is a moot point since it doesn't seem like that's going to be her job.
  13. Plus, the show relies on us (too heavily, IMO) to connect the dots of a group friendship that extends beyond what we see on screen. It's obviously not doing that great of a job, but Sara must've met Lyla at some point, and they must have gotten somewhat close. When Oliver asked Diggle if Lyla would give them access to A.R.G.U.S. systems to search for Sara's killer, Diggle replied that she'd give them access to A.R.G.U.S. to find out who did it. So, Sara was Lyla's friend too. They failed at ever actually showing it, but they are telling us here.
  14. Haha, same. You just stay wherever you are with Ra's al Ghul and his merry men, training it up in Sara's jacket off camera. DAs investigate break-ins? Okay, show. Oh, how I wish they'd gone some other non-vengeance route to her being the BC. Angry, humorless Laurel is like...my second least favorite Laurel.
  15. Yeah, who knows what she told them about that.
  16. I didn't get the impression that they were trying to sell that Cisco and Caitlin hadn't ever met Felicity - I mean, they wouldn't know that she was working with the Arrow. Barry did introduce her to Iris in that clip though, is that the part you were thinking of?
  17. See, I think that's one of the reasons why they put Oliver with Sara (apart from slowing down the Olicity train) - so they could check off the Arrow/Canary romance since they probably realized that Lauriver 2.0 wasn't going to fly.
  18. Me too. Especially now that I've seen in the previews that Barry has to leave and what Felicity says to make his excuses.
  19. They do enjoy their sister swapping on this show.
  20. So, did Sara have two jackets, or did she ask Laurel to give her back the one she gave her? If there is only one jacket, I hope to god Laurel had the sense to have it cleaned before she put it on.
  21. But, I mean...Laurel IS BC in the comics. I think TPTB have shown a willingness to compromise with some areas of canon, and it seems like this is one area where they're not. And even though there has been a large amount of dislike for her character, they aren't entirely wrong in trying to see what happens when Laurel's brought into the main plot, because there does seem to be some excitement for Laurel to become BC from the fanboy contingent, and I still don't think the casual viewer knows enough about Laurel's "destiny" to even realize that's what's happening or care that much at this point. It's not my favorite idea, but as a last-ditch effort to see if it makes her character work? I can see why they'd try. There's more leeway with the O/L relationship canon-wise, since it was always rocky and there are iterations where they're not even together. L/O didn't work as a couple, it was one part of the first season that was pretty much universally panned and is still brought up in articles about the show to this day. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they'll try it again, but Olicity is their publicity bread and butter at this point, and IMO there are other potential problems on this show that are worth the down payment of worry. This? Not so much.
  22. I'm not sure delusional is the right word, but I think KC's hopeful to regain her spot as the lead's love interest. But if there's anyone in the cast who knows what the long-term plan is, it's SA, and I don't think he'd go around saying things like he thought the ship had sailed on L/O if that wasn't rooted in somewhat firm information. Like I wrote above, I don't think L/O are completely out of the picture, but I think KC is wishful thinking rather than speaking from a fact-based place.
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