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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. LOL, I love Laurel wanting vengeance for Sara's death but being all pissy toward a person who is a) motivated to get it and b) much more capable of doing it than she is. I guess it only counts if she or Oliver gets it? Also, TELL QUENTIN HIS DAUGHTER IS DEAD, YOU AWFUL PEOPLE
  2. I think he listed her accomplishments as a way to let her know he had indeed been paying specific attention to her, instead of just offering general praise such as "I foresaw great things from you."
  3. Well, she was at a coffee shop with a cop, a CSI, and a grad student. Could be that she didn't want to sound like an a-hole by telling them that she was a VP of Whatever at QC. Saying she's in IT brings her more down to their level. Like you wrote, she also might not know, haha.
  4. I think it varies by person, but most of my friends with Masters degrees refer to their class as the year they finished undergrad.
  5. Yeah, I think Felicity's under the impression that Oliver's not as serious about her as she could've or would've been about him, had he not backed off after their date. And she's right to have that impression, since...well, he let her go, regardless of the reasons. I hope he somehow finds out that she thinks that eventually, when he's ready to pursue her again, because the swoons for this girl (me) will be epic. And I'm glad that Felicity didn't go into a bitter rant as well. In the end, in this instance, it doesn't matter how Oliver sees her since he told her it can't happen now, maybe not ever (DAMN YOU, OLIVER).
  6. If he is, I don't get why he wouldn't just say that. It would be understandable, instead of specifically mentioning that he doesn't really care for Twitter reactions to the show. That makes it seem like he's just picking up his toys and going home because he doesn't like what he sees.
  7. It must've taken Laurel a really long-ass time to get Sara down to the foundry, since it was already morning the next day (or even afternoon) and Oliver and Felicity had already changed clothes.
  8. Also, that chat between Barry and Felicity on the train gives us some insight as to why she's trying to move on so quickly, and why (per the producers) she might think she's Oliver's "crush object." That being said, she's such a smartie - I'm so glad she has a better job at a place where her talents will be utilized, even though her boss may or may not be shady as hell.
  9. Awww, I feel like she was different, but not out of character. Fresher, I think...friendly and light in a way that she can't be on Arrow because the stakes are higher for her in Starling City.
  10. Oh, no, I definitely agree. I just wish, much like with the 2.5 comics, that we could get a complete picture of the characters on Arrow by just watching Arrow. It makes sense that she'd say something like that to Barry, it's just that...IDK, I wish it was all on the same show.
  11. Can we discuss my heartbreak at that train scene though? She doesn't think Oliver feels the same way about her as she does about him. I mean, I'm not surprised, it was just...really sad to see her talk about it so wistfully. I'M AFFECTED
  12. Yeah, she was precious. I like watching her and Barry together (although I feel like the two of them are best in small doses). And I also wish we'd gotten to see how she felt about ending things with Oliver instead of on another show, but I'll take what I can get.
  13. Not sure where to put this, so...per her conversation with Barry in The Flash, Felicity was listening to Oliver's conversation with Barry on the rooftop and that's how she found out he was the streak. So...she and Oliver both left the hospital and went to the foundry? Separately? And then they worked together right after (assuming that's why Oliver was dressed as the Arrow when he went to meet Barry, love that he said he'd be right there and took the time to change). Kudos for getting right down to business, I guess.
  14. He's always been a douche though, he didn't just turn into one. I think his douchiness is just a coping mechanism, and I do appreciate that he spreads that douchiness out in even measure among the people he loves and cares about. Not that I think it's okay, it's just that he wasn't just being a humorless tool with Felicity last ep, he was a humorless tool with Diggle too. Although I don't think he's treated Felicity badly this season, but apparently I'm in the minority. He came close at the beginning of the last episode, but...eh, I can hand wave it, and I think editing choices made that scene come off worse than it should have. He's an emotionally stunted, scarred guy who is getting better in baby steps. And the people around him who love him call him out on it, which I like. I do hope he gets to be less crankypants soon though. I enjoyed some of his lighter moments in Corto Maltese.
  15. Was that actually in a trailer? I thought it was just a dialogue tease.
  16. He probably just realizes that fans of the ship are getting kind of restless, considering all the selling of it they did over the summer. He's mentioned on several occasions that she's briefly in the ep, so I think we'll still see her tomorrow night.
  17. See, I don't think the sex came out of nowhere, but I do think that the relationship did. My preferred method of fanwanking it is to say that Oliver realized that he wasn't in a place where he could be in a relationship with Felicity (because she's the girl you commit to, and because he's got so much to lose with her if he screws it up). He told her as much in 2x06. He acted impulsively with Sara, then chose to continue it because it was familiar, she led a similar life, and he knew she wasn't going to expect all that much from him. With Felicity, I feel like there's this daunting level of "better man-ness" that Oliver feels he needs to attain - not because Felicity is putting that on him, but because he's putting it on himself because of some idealized notions he has about her. I think she's fully aware of who he is and what he's capable of, and she trusts him, but he doesn't trust himself. So, the Sara hookup was Oliver taking the emotionally easy route like he's always done, like he did again at the end of The Calm.
  18. Yeah, I think she'd be superfluous on Flash. I'm excited because a) I love Felicity, and b) I'm not nearly as invested in the characters on Flash as I am on Arrow so I watch with approximately 100% less trepidation that they're about to f**k something up, because I really don't care that much. I love that we learn more about Felicity in 20 seconds on ANOTHER SHOW than we have on Arrow. Okay, I know that's not true, but it seems like it.
  19. Wow, she has a Masters from MIT and was doing random tech support for Queen Consolidated? I hope there's more of a story behind that. Next week, preferably.
  20. She said Felicity only planned to see Barry a couple of times, so she must've bought it there. Maybe it was a last-minute find and that'll be part of the joke?
  21. Felicity's a little awkward and very much overdressed Aw, I'm glad that's going to be addressed, haha. I can't wait to watch this - I think her and Barry are precious.
  22. Well, I just meant encouraging with regards to what she actually says to him, not what can be gleaned from it. Instead of saying something along the lines of her daughter deserves the best (or similar, because I don't think Oliver would ever consider himself the best candidate for anything good), saying that her daughter deserves to be loved or to be looked at the way that he looks at her, or something generally encouraging within the headspace that Oliver's operating inside of right now. ETA: Not that Felicity doesn't deserve the best, she does - it's just I'd like that idea to be conveyed in a way that doesn't phrase the sentiment quite that way.
  23. Yeah, it would be a missed opportunity. I'm hoping whatever observation Mom makes pushes him forward to make him want to fight for her instead of providing the opportunity for 'I'm not good enough for her' angst.
  24. I think the "I have no hope" thing is just an awkwardly phrased version of something along the lines of, "I'm hopeless when it comes to figuring out complicated relationships."
  25. He got hurt during a mission in chapter two and oliver doesn't want to take him to a hospital.
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