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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. And he's only just getting around to looking at them three weeks later? He is a terrible investigator - even the SCPD would do better and that's saying something. IF ONLY QUENTIN KNEW I really, REALLY hope it's something they just came across recently.
  2. Although...why it would've taken them weeks to look at either of these things is beyond me. So maybe she didn't have it on her when she died. But then...how did they get them? You know what? I'm stopping.
  3. The piece of paper was in her boot. I'm guessing they found the pictures on a flash drive or SD card that she had on her when she died.
  4. Seriously, I think if there's one person we can eliminate from the suspect pool, it's her. Although it would be the ultimate troll move to name your daughter after the woman you just murdered, haha.
  5. From the speculation thread regarding Walter: Didn't a spoiler come out last week that he was in an upcoming episode, or did I make that up?
  6. I agree. And since the person who killed her said "Hello, Sara" I'm guessing she was the intended target.
  7. "She had a blank piece of paper, but why would she be carrying a blank piece of paper." Oh, Roy. You precious, naive baby superhero. I love Nyssa, want her around always.
  8. Isn't the company that manufactured the earthquake machine (and the second one, and the one that Milo Armitage tried to get his hands on) still a QC subsidiary? So, yeah, it kinda did. But, that's not really the point here, haha. I didn't think he would do it in a "Hey, that's great, let's be roomies!" kind of way, but like he wanted to be around to look out for her if she insisted on doing it kind of way. But yeah, that scenario is unlikely. I'd much prefer it if he got his own place like a big boy.
  9. Well, he's never struggled with living off of QC money, and that company has been (and apparently still is) up to no good, so it's not as if all of his money was ever earned on the up and up. Although I'm sure he'll be all hypocritical about it and give Thea a hard time if the plot warrants it. I don't think he'd want to live in a place where he'd be beholden to Merlyn, I was just throwing it out there as a possibility.
  10. Won't Oliver only get money from the rising stock prices if he sells his shares? I'd think he'd want to keep hold of however much of that he could. I also don't know why I'm trying to make sense of the financial aspects of this show. I think there is a mayor - didn't MG say that we'd find out who it is in 3x05? Also, I read somewhere that
  11. What @ban10 wrote - I figure that's how the "there are some places in the world where death is an illusion" thing was meant to play out in this scenario. I got the impression that unlike Tommy, Merlyn never actually died. Although that does leave a person to wonder what exactly they did with his body? Did they bury him? If not, didn't they wonder where he disappeared to?
  12. It was weird for me in that I thought we'd get to see how she became friendly with these people, but she's giving Diggle comforting shoulder touches, so...I guess not. But months later she's still at the point with Felicity where Felicity's asking her if they're friends? IDK
  13. The fact that Oliver suited up while wearing a sling is killing me. Looks like Digg and Laurel are friendly.
  14. I'd like Oliver to have a controlling interest in QC again, but to realize that he has absolutely no business running that company. If he wanted to get involved in it, it'd be nice if he recognized that he needed to learn a lot and maybe started an internship of sorts to learn the business on his own and sort of work his way up. If he wants to commit himself to crime-fighting 100% I'd be okay with that for now, but I'd like to see him plan out the rest of his life and start think about what that looks like when he's no longer able to suit up.
  15. Yeah, Oliver's terrible at telling whether people are actually dead, but there was no reason to keep Tommy's death a secret, and since he has an actual grave site it seems they had a proper funeral for him (unlike Operation: Bury Sara), and therefore people actually saw the body. Unless the Lazarus Pits are being introduced in this universe, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call shenanigans on this kind of plot twist.
  16. Well, to be fair Oliver and Laurel were only hugging in the episode after Sara died, and Oliver was supporting her - he didn't allow anyone to support him (Felicity did try, and while he was very candid and emotionally open with her, I think at that point in time, being only a day or two after Oliver broke things off, it's understandable why they didn't touch each other, even at a time like that). And since they're stupidly keeping Sara's death a secret, Oliver was the only one around who even knows Laurel well enough to be able to offer her comfort in that way. I'm not sure how much comforting he'll be doing for her now that she's decided she wants to go vigilante.
  17. Right, but it's not as if there isn't a good narrative reason for things to be weird between them. Twice now Oliver's told Felicity he loved her while not being able to (for what ever reason) commit to her, Felicity told him that she wasn't going to wait around for him to die and then made good on that, and Sara died and Oliver vowed to find her killer - a mission which it seems Oliver is throwing himself into at the moment. So, their distance to me is warranted and normal and IMO necessary if they're going to come out of these first few episodes in a good place - a LOT has happened. Now, if the writers start making them have stupid little tiffs that result in the cold shoulder for eps on end, then I'd worry.
  18. But they've interacted once since Felicity told him she wasn't going to wait around for him. She went to work for Ray Palmer, and Oliver took off for Corto Maltese. Oliver comes back and Felicity takes off for Central City. They've had one episode of this new normal and they're not going to be together for 95% of the next episode from the looks of it (but she won't be around Ray Palmer, either). Like...give it some time. We have almost nothing to judge post-date Oliver and Felicity on. If it's still like this in 3-4 episodes, then start to worry.
  19. But by and large, from what I can tell, they aren't staying true to the comics, are they? I mean, the characters are the same (some of them anyway), but the relationships are different. Black Canary is huge in the comics, and in quite a few iterations she is Dinah Laurel Lance. The showrunners have to manage a balance between the expectations of comics fans and the expectations of their general audience, a large amount of who probably know jack about the comics. Sara worked as the Canary, and a lot of fans liked her, but a lot of fans were waiting for Laurel to take up the mantle. That would've been a huge deviation from comics, and one it so far seems like they were unwilling to make. Yeah, they could've had Sara's middle name be Dinah or some other kind of trick, but the comic audience's expectations were already set with Laurel. To me it seems like they are going with what works for the general audience with Team Arrow and Olicity and such, and trying to go with what will keep some of the comics fans happy, by having Laurel become BC. I think, and have thought since we got the spoilers about Oliver meaning the "I love you" and him asking Felicity on a date that this is all #2, like Ceylon5 wrote - it's a compromise between the OG Green Arrow canon and what is happening organically on the show. As always, I'm not saying Felicity's safe, because who knows what these people will come up with, but they're not killing her off any time soon. I don't think they'll kill her off at all.
  20. Just in The Calm alone though they had Diggle telling Oliver he was fooling himself if he tried to pretend he didn't love Felicity, they had him flat-out tell her that meeting her got him on the road back to being human again, they had her cradling a freaking sunflower in the aftermath of the explosion, they had him tell her that he couldn't tell her that he doesn't love her, and then they had that damn light saturation after the kiss. This show is like anvils to the head every five minutes, but they can do subtlety - they just choose to bat you over the head with heavy things most of the time. It's rough right now because it would be rough in real life, so that really doesn't concern me, and honestly I thought they were fine together in Sara. That moment in the foundry was very sad and difficult to watch, but it got them both to better places by the end of the ep. It's just odd because usually we have some kind of resolution right away when they have a falling out. I'm not so bothered by it yet, especially since there was only 30 seconds of screen time with them together in it after the dirt throwing ON SARA'S PINE BOX COFFIN AT HER SECRET BURIAL WITHOUT HER MOTHER OR FATHER THERE (won't ever be over it). I think things will be better by ep 5. Not back to where they were, but better.
  21. I think so, or else they're wasting a whole season on trying to get him there. I think the end goal of the show is to have him be a healthy (or as healthy as he can be), well-rounded man who has the life that he wants as Oliver Queen and the life that he wants as the Arrow. At least, that's how I hope it plays out; that seems to be where the show is taking him.
  22. I'm not saying it didn't anger him, but I don't think it was a motivating factor or a reason for him to quit Twitter this time, because he was actively involved on the site after that incident with his wife happened, and only pulled back after the 3rd season of the show started airing.
  23. IDK, I think they're both dealing with this in a healthy way so far. Oliver realizes that he's not relationship material right now, so he tells Felicity and she walks away. She tells him she's not going to wait for him, that she's not going to live for the mission alone, so she goes out and finds something meaningful outside of that. He realizes that he made a wrong decision, tells Diggle he doesn't want to die that way and takes steps toward a relationship he's ready to deal with: Thea. He was going to tell her the truth, but stupidly got talked out of it. He's just not ready for Felicity yet. However bullshit his stated reason is, he has a valid one too - simply realizing that he's not ready is reason enough. Someone like Oliver definitely needs to work his way into a healthy relationship...it might be frustrating to watch, but I think he's on his way.
  24. I think if it had something to do with his family he wouldn't hesitate to say so. He's specifically talking about negativity directed toward the show/characters and him being tired of reading that negativity. I'm going to believe a spade is a spade and that what he said is exactly what he means.
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