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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Oh, I thought this was from the round of interviews that they did this week with SA, KC, JB and WH (I didn't actually listen to any of it).
  2. Not sure about DR, but EBR was (is?) out of town.
  3. Same. The only time I'm okay with it is when the peanut is the progeny of my OTP and they're getting their supremely cheesy and perfect HEA on the last episode ever.
  4. Not sure if this is in response to my hope that he already knew about the kid. If it is - it was a (granted, unlikely) thought I'd had over the hiatus, but I just want the revelation to be as drama-free for Oliver as possible. What could be less dramatic than already knowing? I know it won't happen, haha.
  5. I'd like it if he went ahead and confided in someone (preferably Felicity, since it seems like TPTB intend on following through with that relationship) about what happened with the miscarriage so everything doesn't come falling down when he inevitably finds out about the kid.
  6. So, if Oliver sees the baby's mother in Central City, is she going to have the kid with her? If he sees her with a kid and doesn't put 2+2 together, then he's a bigger idiot than I thought, and if he sees her and puts 2+2 together then I guess the kid storyline is going to be dealt with sooner than we thought, which...ugh. Although I guess I'd rather the show just get it out of the way now instead of leaving it out there like an anvil dangling over Oliver's head. Do you think they'd make it so the woman actually had a miscarriage and just took Moira's money? That's too much to hope for, isn't it?
  7. Eh, I figure there's a lot of things Oliver did with his money that was never mentioned.
  8. And, you know, there's also the issue of explaining yourself properly, which I probably didn't do. :)
  9. Right, I just meant that I don't think that it's a nickname that he'd only allow the people closest to him to use, rather it's a nickname that only people who knew him before he was shipwrecked would even bother calling him.
  10. Oh, definitely. But him paying child support could very easily be written in without being a retcon at all. Granted, I absolutely think they're going to have him find out about the kid in real time - the temptation for the dramatic payoff would be too great for the writers to resist, I think. Unless they want to use that as a driving wedge between Oliver and Felicity, or whoever it is that he's dating next season (no thank you).
  11. I don't think anyone who got to know him after he returned to Starling would even call him Ollie. It's a carefree frat boy kind of nickname - the type of thing the people who knew him then would've called him - not so much now.
  12. No it wouldn't, and he wouldn't look like a loser. That guy is in no way, shape or form ready or able to be someone's father. If he knew he had a kid, and the kid is safe and happy, staying away from him/her is the absolute best thing he could do.
  13. HAHA. I think Ollie vs. Oliver is something that fandom generally reads too much into - I don't think it means much regarding pre and post-island Oliver.
  14. I still hope that he actually does already know about his kid. But if they went to the trouble to get the girl who played the mother to come back even for a sighting, that's a strong indicator that they're still planning on pursuing the story, which I really wish they wouldn't.
  15. Same. I was hoping the kid would be a loose end that would never be tied up.
  16. I think this scene would've come off a lot better if we'd seen Felicity and Laurel interact in the foundry a few times before it happened. Even though it's obviously not Laurel's first time going down there for Arrow business (she had the code, after all, and she did have Felicity's phone number), it is the first time we've seen her down there, outside of when she first found out Oliver's secret. So, since it's the first time we're seeing her interact with the team during team business, it's a bit jarring to hear her talking to Felicity like that, regardless of the reasons. And I agree with the LaCroix pronunciation - a vast majority of Americans would've pronounced it the same way. Him being from Quebec would mean jack shit to most of us, haha.
  17. The only thing that makes sense is Laurel hooking her arms under Sara's (Sara's back to Laurel's front) and Laurel pulling her (or dragging her) along while she walks backwards. It also explains why Laurel had blood all over her suit, since the back of Sara's head was bleeding.
  18. I'd be more worried about fans losing interest in the ship if they hadn't already given us a taste of it. Now we've seen Oliver being romantic with Felicity. We've seen him kiss her. We know he loves her. If there was still any question about feelings, yeah, maybe people would jump ship for Ray. They're pushing Ray and his chemistry hard because they know the interest in Oliver and Felicity drives a lot of the buzz about this show, and they've basically taken that away, leaving the spotlight on previously minor characters, and pushing a character arc featuring a not very popular character. So I think the push for Ray and Felicity's chemistry comes from, "look, this is pretty great too!, it'll tide you over until we get where we're going" instead of them trying to distract everyone so they can get Oliver and Laurel back together on the sly.
  19. Isn't it supposed to be Jean Loring (Moira's defense attorney)?
  20. Oh, I don't think what Roy actually did matters, and I don't think Felicity would give that advice to Laurel - she probably thinks Laurel already told Quentin. When Roy showed Felicity the letter and she told him that he needed to show it to Oliver, Roy gave her a pleading look like he was hoping she would do it for him, since Oliver would be less likely to get angry at Felicity, i guess. That's when she told Roy that Oliver needed to hear it from him, and I thought the purpose of that scene was a callback to her telling Oliver about Merlyn being Thea's father, and also to let us know that she wasn't going to get in the middle of revealing a secret again (at least one that she didn't uncover).
  21. I hate the keeping Quentin in the dark storyline so much that no, I wouldn't judge her at all if she told him. But when Roy showed her the letter Thea left him, she specifically told him that Oliver needed to know and that he needed to hear it from Roy. So, I'm guessing she's out of the revealing other peoples' secrets business. But I think Quentin will find out by accident, either by Oliver or Felicity offering their condolences, thinking that Laurel had already told him.
  22. Or it could be in a box somewhere and Oliver was too scared to tell Felicity it died.
  23. That's an imposter fern-the other one was in a different pot. #ferngate2014
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