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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I get why he wouldn't be with someone else at this point, because he's never made his feelings clear to Iris, so he's still holding out that hope that she'll feel the same way about him. Until that hope is dashed, he's probably not going to move on. Although there really does seem to be zero interest on her part, and she did make that sibling comparison, so...not sure how the show is going to attempt to overcome that. The Arrow/Flash showrunners love to keep it in the family. Laurel and Sara/Oliver, Diggle with is sister-in-law, Iris and Barry. Ray will probably wind up being someone's cousin.
  2. Yeah, it might have something to do with that scene we saw during filming of him being dragged away by the feds. Well, we don't know when the last time Felicity saw her was - hopefully it hasn't been that long. And I hope she flirts with anyone and everyone.
  3. Must've been a bad break up if he's coming after her like that, haha
  4. Maybe he did call her and she did ask him to come by? I'm trying really hard not to be annoyed by it since we don't know the whole story and these promos sometimes get cut in misleading ways, so what we're seeing may not be what we get. I'm happy getting more Felicity in whichever way I get it, so ultimately I'm not going to complain, but I think it's interesting that Felicity's identity question per the producers is whether she exists as more than the object of Oliver's crush and whether she has a life outside of the team and then they write the show so that nearly every one of her scenes outside of the team is with some other dude whose, you know, crush object she is at a job that seems to be becoming her life. Plus side is that at least she's getting recognized professionally and is doing rewarding work now, so I'll take that as a positive when I start to get negative about it.
  5. Yeah, I'm hoping that's not the way it actually goes. Yeah, Felicity could write a Fort Knox-esque program that is impossible to hack, but as its creator she should be able to stop it - no one would be stupid enough to write a destructive program that they themselves couldn't stop. Unless her boyfriend at the time was a great hacker too, and he somehow altered it. IDK
  6. Yeah, the way they're incorporating him is starting to annoy me, and I'm actually for Felicity getting on with her life and having a love interest that isn't Oliver. Can we see Felicity's place without Ray being there (or anyone but Felicity being there)? Not gonna judge until I see the ep, not gonna judge before I see the ep...
  7. I would absolutely hate that. I think what AK was getting at in that interview is that Oliver has been (and still is) afraid to tell Felicity (and probably anyone who he loves and who loves him) about the things he did while he was away, because he did terrible things when he worked for Waller, and he had to have done terrible things for the Bratva. I think it's more about coming clean about the things that made him who he was when he came back from the island rather than any specific lie between him and Felicity. Oliver is so ready to talk himself out of deserving love - even though Felicity is smart and no doubt knows his past is awful, and would be understanding of what he had to do to survive, he's understandably worried about what bringing all of that out into the open would do to his relationships. I also think AK was overselling in that interview, which is typical. Oliver didn't act like he had a huge secret on his conscience, he just looked hesitant to let her know that he hadn't been on the island the whole time. And we know he was definitely hesitant to tell her that considering she asked him where he learned to fly a plane at the end of "Unthinkable" and it seems like he never answered her question truthfully. That would've been the perfect time to come clean, if he was ready to. He could very well have some big Felicity related secret, but I really hope not. That would ruin things for me, ship-wise. I also agree with everyone else re: the time jump. If there is one, I think it'll be the length of the winter break.
  8. It was in his interview with the Wall Street Journal (it's on his Facebook page).
  9. I know the desire is there to believe there's some contractual reason that the producers are pushing Laurel's storyline, but I doubt any contracts are ever that specific. That's a creative kind of hand-tying that next to no one on the show side would ever agree to, even if it is for one of the network's bigger "stars." The simplest reason? Because they want to; it's a story (or they are stories, since they seem to be trying any and everything with her character) they want to tell for whatever reason. And even though there seems to be a large group of fans who don't like the way Laurel's arc is going, there is a large group who either do like it or are coming around to it or are glad she has something to do now. I don't know how it'll play out long-term, but at this point, generally speaking, while it does seem to be hurting some people's enjoyment of the show, it doesn't seem to be hurting the show in the eyes of the general audience.
  10. He goes to visit her in 3.07, not this ep.
  11. That's what he said, and I think that's exactly what he was trying to do, he just worded it in a stupid way, haha.
  12. Wow, mama. I guess they get taken from QC?
  13. Yeah, she's interviewing DJs in 3.07, but it doesn't say anything about the club reopening in that ep.
  14. Yeah, I just don't see Ray giving enough of a shit about Oliver to bother trolling him, but that's something this show would probably do. I haven't read anything about the club reopening, I just thought it would be strange for club to officially reopen to...a private business party.
  15. But per the spoiler, Ray asks Felicity to be his date to a work function. Why would he have a work function at a nightclub?
  16. Whoever is getting pushed around in that promo is wearing glasses, so it's either Felicity or her mom also wears glasses sometimes. So basically I don't know, haha.
  17. It does look like she was taken from the foundry. If so, MOVE IMMEDIATELY, YOU DUMBASSES. I wonder if her mother was in town before she was kidnapped or if she finds out her mother is in town after she's kidnapped, because she turns and hey, there's mom. There was a spoiler that said her mom showed up at an inconvenient time - is there a more inconvenient time then when one is kidnapped?
  18. Well, if Quentin knew and the cops were working on it, presumably she could work on the case in her capacity as DA. At this point, Quentin not knowing is to give her a reason to work with Team Arrow; if she was working on the case within the confines of the law, she wouldn't need to be down in the foundry every 5 minutes. The team still needs someone inside the SCPD, so Quentin's good until someone else takes over that role. Laurel could maybe do that, but I think they need someone who is not part of the team for it. I think they keep bringing up his health because he really is going to get sick when he finds out, thus vindicating Laurel's terrible reasoning for not telling him.
  19. I don't think he'll actually die, but something will happen that will "prove" Laurel was right to keep it from him. So, either he will get sick again, or he'll fall back into the bottle.
  20. It would've made more sense for Oliver to just tell the League to stay the hell out of SC business, because that's his domain and as long as Malcolm is there, he'll dole out justice as he sees fit.
  21. I think one of the main reasons (plot-wise) he's been kept in the dark is so that Laurel can work with Team Arrow to help find Sara's killer, even though sadly they seem to be more inept than the SCPD. Keeping Quentin in the dark means keeping the law out of the situation and giving Laurel more of a reason to be around. I'm sure it's for future dramatic payoff too since surely he'll probably either actually have a Redd Foxx-style heart attack or fall off the wagon when he finds out. Or maybe one then the other, just for the hell of it.
  22. Haha, oops. I missed that. Well, I'm okay with it being Oliver showing some sense too, since...yeah.
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