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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wonder what Oliver could possibly do to get QC back? Does he get some dirt on Ray or something? Because I can't imagine how he'd manage to do it unless he gets his business degree in the next few eps, which I suppose is totes possible.
  2. Plus the fact that they shot the kiss while Stephen had blood in his mouth probably prevented their tongues from battling for dominance (<----FANFIC, YEAH!!!)
  3. I guess he figures that we all expect them to get together when Oliver gets back, so he assumes we'll be really angry about whatever happens that results in them not pursuing a relationship, so maybe there isn't a lunge and that anger is just supposed to be over Felicity telling Oliver she doesn't want to be a woman he loves or whatever. Since MG said it's not Ray that's coming between them I guess I don't see how bad it could be, unless she tells him she doesn't love him.
  4. Chances we're getting the Ray lunge at the end of 3x12 and that's what's going to make people angry? He's not going to be the one who comes between O/F, but maybe she'll run to him after she shoots Oliver down.
  5. If he takes that dream as anything, it's that his love for Felicity (and perhaps his humanity, I can't tell) make it difficult for him to make the decisions he needs to make in order to carry out his mission. Kind of like Maseo had to completely detach himself to become Sarab - notice how he kept his eyes open when he kissed Tatsu? Part of him is gone. I'm just not sure if this is going to make Oliver realize he doesn't want to be like that and he was going about things all wrong, or if it's going to make him realize he needs to be just like that to defeat Ra's.
  6. See, my problem with it isn't that she would consider it (I'm putting my issues with Ray aside, because Felicity obviously doesn't share them), it's that Oliver's been dead for a week, and she's getting that close to this dude? I know this show moves at lightning pace, but it was too early for her to be looking at him the way she did, and honestly, way too early for him to be telling her he wants to put on that suit to protect her after he JUST told her that he felt bad about kissing her because he thought his fiancee would be the last person he kissed. So I'm the opposite - I wouldn't have so much of a problem with it if it happened while Oliver was alive and well in Starling, but after having just lost the man that I guess she loves, it was too much IMO. It's too soon for any of this. Even an ep or two of time before it happened would've been preferable.
  7. Well, MG isn't the best at gauging audience reaction, clearly, given he didn't think people would be upset about Laurel pretending to be Sara on two separate occasions to fool her poor father.
  8. MG said "I'm gonna go with yes" when asked if someone came between them, so Oliver must do some dumb shit like teaming up with Malcolm or...I don't know what.
  9. I'm just kind of confused as to what's going on. Do they go see him for some reason? What information could Slade have that Thea could need? And what would any of that have to do with Felicity? Unless Oliver also goes to Lian Yu to talk to Slade (to see what's up with Thea) and Felicity gets brought up? But what about any of this would horrify Oliver about seeing Slade again? Does Malcolm break him out for something? Does not compute - maybe it'll make sense after the next couple of eps. But probably not, given the way things are going.
  10. Also, I need help figuring out the Slade thing. He's gonna be incensed at Felicity for what she did, but they're not going to interact at all? But Oliver is "horrified" when he faces Slade again. And there were pics of Willa (and Malcolm? I can't remember) in his cell. So, does Slade orchestrate some kind of vengeance against Felicity for what she did from his cell? Is that why they don't interact, because he's still locked up? Is "The Return" Oliver going back to the island to find out what he did with her? And how do Malcolm and Thea come into play? Do they somehow do something with the thing and the whatzit? Can't figure it out.
  11. Did he ever say if this ep takes place in Starling? Because this makes me think it's Mama Smoak who's injured/ill, but why would she be in a hospital in Starling, unless something happens to her when she comes for a visit?
  12. After watching last night's after show, I'm kind of surprised he did this. I actually don't think it's directly related to them making Laurel BC, because it seemed like he gave it a fair shake last week and this week as well, and he did have some complimentary things to say about the way they handled things. I suspect that if they hadn't sidelined Diggle just to put Laurel out in the field that he'd probably still be watching. IIRC, those were the scenes where he felt the writers insulted the intelligence of the viewership, and I can't say I disagree.
  13. Okay, I'm officially out of denial now, bleh. And I can't tell what I'm hoping for more - Oliver regression and yet again telling her he can't be with her and her losing it or Felicity just having enough and (hold on, I need a sec) falling for Ray. I think that dream sequence was intended to let us know that he's still afraid of being Oliver - I mean, damn, Felicity was in the position of being the stabber with that sword. And it seems obvious that he's gonna team up with Malcolm, so...rightfully she'd be pissed. I'm just expecting Felicity to do something out of character to make it all work, and I haaaaaaaaate this feeeeeeeling.
  14. Well, I don't think she'd be back to be Black Canary.
  15. Easy - she's lying. Obviously it's an unlikely scenario, but it's one of the less gross ways to justify what Laurel did tonight.
  16. Even though we saw Oliver when he woke up and everything he said then made it seem like he'd come back to Starling City ready to live, I really do think there's some significance there in him thinking that loving Felicity and having a life will keep him from doing what he needs to do to get the job done (dreaming that he didn't go to save Thea because he stayed with her). This is why I'm so conflicted on what I think is going to happen when he comes back. He sounded like he'd be ready to fight for a life for himself, but that dream made me think he was still afraid to do that.
  17. Oh, I think she'd absolutely be Lazarus Pitted. Also, now that I've seen the episode and saw Thea talk Malcolm into staying and fighting, I think Oliver does make a deal with Malcolm (I'd been stupidly holding out hope that he didn't make a dumbass decision like that but oh well), and yeah, I'm back to thinking that's what's going to come between him and Felicity. And also ALSO now that I've seen that episode, I can totally see Felicity telling Ray that she doesn't want to be a woman he loves. Odds are she says this to Oliver, but I'm still listing it as a possibility.
  18. Sara coming back is legit the only way Laurel pretending to be Sara makes a lick of sense to me. It does Laurel no favors, now it's not doing Felicity and the team any favors. It makes zero sense unless they do bring her back. I mean, lie to him over the phone, sure, but to go and see him? They're just taking it too far, and there has to be a reason. It's either because Sara is going to surprise show up in Starling City, or to have Quentin get so fucking pissed off at Laurel for deceiving him that she feels okay running off to Nanda Parbat to train with Nyssa or something.
  19. She really wasn't very nice. And it's weird, because they managed to keep her very Laurel throughout, and while I wasn't actively rooting for her, I wasn't rooting against her either, and I did get a few laughs when she did dumb things. She didn't ruin the ep for me, which I expected, so I'm counting it as a win.
  20. It's not like she'd confirm it, especially if it's supposed to be a shock (which it would be). That's the only way it makes sense that they're going so far to keep Quentin from finding out. So until he does (which, watch - he will next ep), I'm keeping my tin hat on.
  21. Could be that the wedding never gets to the reception, with the way things go in Starling.
  22. Honestly, I could've gotten on board with Laurel in this ep until she worked with Felicity on that stupid ass modulator so she could fool Quentin. I was completely off when she went to visit him as Sara. But she didn't have any ridiculous lines, she wasn't good, she wasn't terrible. She was laughably bad in a believable way, but she was good enough at fighting that I could believe it would be a little helpful to have her around since they didn't have anyone else, and that she wasn't going to get herself or someone else killed (mostly). My impression of her is probably helped by the fact that I really do want to - if not like her, then at least tolerate her. She was tolerable to me, not necessarily likable. To me, she was still Laurel-esque in her attitude and stubbornness, but she was appropriately taken down a couple pegs when she realized maybe she wasn't so great after all. IDK, maybe because I expected it to be worse I didn't think it was so bad. Which isn't a complement necessarily, I know. The show definitely is a bit off the rails though, and I do think it suffers from Oliver not being around in SC. Two eps was enough, I'm glad he'll be back soon.
  23. Quentin's not going to discover the truth, because SARA IS ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE
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