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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. See, I guess I don't figure there was much thought put into that scene since it's not really a way to disable someone without being able to fight. It's not like she took her shoe off and banged on a guy with it - she ripped her heel off, had to control the guy long enough to hold his arm still, and then had to have the aim and strength to be able to pierce his hand with the heel that wasn't connected to the shoe (which would've been easier). That, to me, is something that a capable person does. So I don't see it as something they did to show her being able to fight without skill, that's something I think they did to look "bad ass." YMMV, of course.
  2. Well, even if it was an intentional parallel (which...there's no way it is), it's not like he'd actually confirm it. It could be that he didn't realize that Laurel stabbed someone with a stiletto, either. It's a pretty minor detail that he could've forgotten about however many episodes later. As for the second comment, it's possible that he hasn't seen a final script for the episode, since it is an ep of The Flash and not Arrow, and AK was writing it. I don't think he's feigning ignorance there.
  3. True, but I hope that it doesn't buy him the right to tell the mayor when to call in the national guard, haha.
  4. Because apparently being the corporate sponsor of the SCPD buys your way into mayoral meetings? Hopefully it's explained before that scene. I also love that Ray actually responds to Quentin's comment even though he wasn't even in the room when Quentin said it. I'm hoping that scene hasn't been fully edited or something.
  5. Well damn, I hope he's returned by now. If not, that's one long-ass visit to his niece in Coast City!
  6. They had to axe that job so they could dedicate the salary to the buckle budget.
  7. I'll be the vocal minority here - she doesn't cling to Ray at all. The gunfire breaks out, he puts out his arm in a defensive stance, she grabs it and pulls him back. Yeah, he stands in front of her in a protective way once they start shooting, but that's a natural instinct, I think. Besides, Felicity has stood by during a fight just as often as she's managed to get a hit in. Yeah, she pistol-whipped Cooper, but she was able to get the jump on him. She didn't need to do that with any of these guys, and she's smart enough to know when she should get involved and when she shouldn't. I don't think they made her look weak to prop anyone up here.
  8. Well, her shoes aren't that expensive if she can just rip the heel off like that. That shoe seemed to have Payless-quality construction. Also, someone ripping the heel of of her shoe and then subduing an attacker long enough to stab him in the hand with it doesn't exactly scream "worst fighter of the bunch" to me. So, we're fast tracking the "bad ass," and instead of watching Laurel be a bad fighter, we're going to have to watch her make terrible decisions. Which I've watched for two seasons already and am not looking forward to at all.
  9. I actually don't really have a problem with her standing behind Ray in this instance. I was perfectly fine when she crouched behind Oliver under the stairs in the foundry when Slade went ripshit on everyone down there. It was just for a minute, and it's not like she had a place to take cover like she did in the boardroom when those guys came in and started shooting. I will say though if Oliver had been fighting on that table instead of Ray, she probably would've grabbed something to knock over the perp's head. That she didn't do anything like that to free Ray? I'm taking that as a good thing in my shipper heart, haha.
  10. Regarding that new clip: Ray isn't any less obnoxious when he interacts with people who aren't Felicity. And yeah - Laurel's going to be totally proficient at fighting, she's just going to get hurt because she behaves like a dumbass.
  11. If Katie Cassidy isn't worried about her con reputation and upsetting her fans? I'm not gonna worry about it.
  12. Yeah, she mentioned it during a TCA interview, I think. And I'm not sure why I got this impression, but I feel like this happens fairly soon, like maybe next ep or 3x12? With Quentin asking about the Canary in the next ep, I can't imagine that Laurel would be able to put him off until 3x15. When Suzanne Gomez was tweeting about the trilogy as she was watching it, she mentioned an emotional scene between KC and PB. Not that it necessarily means she told him. If I had to guess, Laurel maybe calls Nyssa for advice in the next ep or two. I wouldn't be surprised if Quentin already knows or has figured out that Sara's dead (not the circumstances of it, obviously), and when Laurel tells him we'll find out that he was just waiting for her to unburden herself or some shit like that that will anger me no end. But...maybe not.
  13. Who knows. We found out last ep that he cares about Oliver enough to risk his own life, so who knows what else happened between the two of them.
  14. I could totally get behind her taking someone out as long as she knew she was doing it.
  15. I don't really care about the practicalities of applying the lipstick so much. Both Sara and Oliver had/have eyeblack on under the mask that's never explained, and Sara always had on lip gloss. If they're going to address anything, address that godawful cheap-ass wig. Let Laurel put her actual hair up in a ponytail (I know, not practical) or a bun. That in and of itself would make things look less severe. Ditch the lipstick, because it just looks awful. Go for something softer. Do something about the neck area of that outfit. Everything together is just too much.
  16. Yeah, that's definitely what it is. Everything is way too harsh and there's just too much going on. She'd look better if she had the blacked-out eyes like Sara and got rid of the dark lipstick. Or unzipped the jacket. Or did anything other than what she's doing in that top left shot.
  17. IIRC (someone correct me if I'm wrong), but it was never explained outright. And if they're going to be used at all, I'd prefer it to be in a flashback and on Malcolm, so hopefully that's what it is.
  18. I really, really, really hope that at some point soon it's revealed that Thea knows more than we think she does. I don't know exactly what that could be, but...something.
  19. Really I don't want anyone being brought back from the dead. If I had my pick, I'd choose Sara. But that's not going to happen. If it did, they'd probably have her go off the rails so she'd be ruined anyway.
  20. If they use it on someone, maybe they use it on him? Maybe they'd introduce either canon side effects or some other kind of side effect that they didn't want to deal with for Oliver?
  21. See, this is the kind of batshit crazy stuff that I love.
  22. I love that when the guy asked him for proof he was like, "here's a pic of me as Arsenal yesterday." I buy it, because it's not really even a spoiler. Even at the TCAs SA said the Lazarus Pit existed, and that they wouldn't be used for Oliver....so, probably for someone else. Hopefully not a person named Laurel Lance.
  23. Haha, I had posted it further upthread. It could be used to give her the canary cry. Yesssss, douchey DJ actually is LOA affiliated. What is that about?
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