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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Not necessarily. Queen Inc. is on the front page of his magical future newspaper. When Oliver gets the company back, he'll probably keep/lobby to keep Felicity in her current position, so that could be where the big things come from.
  2. She'll take a hit for turning Oliver down regardless of whether he just came back from the dead or not. He loves her, he told her so, and since she's not waiting for him and/or doesn't trust that he won't run at the first opportunity, she's a terrible person (and many, many other words I would never use to refer to a woman), playing with his emotions/has a black heart/can't possibly love him, etc. ad nauseum.
  3. Felicity's character would survive doing anything with Oliver while she was with Ray, break or not, relationship or not. She wouldn't survive anything that happens with Ray while she's with Oliver. Sad but true.
  4. Yeah, I really want to know what they talked about, if anything. I'd love to see that scene, but mostly I want him to hear about it straight from Slade's mouth, because you know Felicity would know he beat himself up over doing it, and she'd never tell him how difficult/scary it was for her.
  5. He finally located the showers in Hong Kong.
  6. Someone on Tumblr asked MG about when Oliver realized he loved Felicity and (I think) with something along the lines of "I'll let you be the judge, but I'm curious about what you'll think after 3x14)." I wonder if Slade tells Oliver something about Felicity regarding her kidnapping, like...I don't know, something he said to her about Oliver loving her since he mentioned he thought Oliver preferred stronger women, or some kind of conversation they had that will shed some light on how Felicity feels for Oliver and maybe deepen the feelings he has for her, since it seems like they won't be in a very good place at that point in time.
  7. Felicity won't get sidelined, we'll just only see her with Ray. We probably won't see much of Diggle.
  8. That's why this is difficult to gauge, because I think he thinks that them not being together is what would make us mad. When I think most of us expect that. It's just the manner in which it happens that has to do with the angry making.
  9. You know, just because she tells him to "leave her alone romantically" or whatever "I don't want to be a woman you love," means doesn't mean that's where the conversation ends. Maybe she provides a list of reasons why she feels how she feels and Oliver tells her he's going to prove her wrong.
  10. I wonder if it's going to be like The Promise with Slade just taunting the shit out of Oliver with vague statements, Oliver worried about what he's up to, that he's going to tell Thea everything. The Promise was a dud overall, but I really did love everything in the mansion (except for the fact that Team Arrow was too stupid to check and see if he left behind, YOU KNOW, CAMERAS).
  11. I hope Oliver sees Tommy and Laurel making out like fools. I would laugh and laugh and laugh. Cut to present day Ray and Felicity making out like fools because PARALLELS
  12. I'd say it's fairly popular among the pop culture enthusiast contingent.
  13. Yeah, I just don't trust his judgment because everything is epic, you'll need tissues for this and that, and I've never felt any of those things. That's why I'm just not expecting whatever goes down to be that bad.
  14. Well, based on the summary for 3x14 I just posted in the SPOILERS ONLY thread, if Oliver does team up with Malcolm, he's a dumb shit. It seems like he does and he is. And hopefully if Thea doesn't know about the Arrow by that point, she finds out about it then.
  15. I think 1 and 3 are possibilities. I don't think 2 is. Honestly, if he's going to keep pursuing her (and he obviously is, based on that idiotic interview from AK where he talks about her dilemma being whether she should be with Oliver or Ray), she must dangle a maybe in front of him. So either she's not very convincing in what she says, or she tells him flat-out that she loves him, BUT.
  16. Yeah, this is my problem. I just can't fathom what that's a response to. Not because I object to the sentiment - obviously she's hurting. It's just who says something like that? Who forms words in that order? I don't understand. Even it being part of a longer sentence doesn't make sense.
  17. Look, I'm not counting out Fauxlicity making an appearance, but Oliver could very well do something Oliver-ish. He's coming back to Diggle being all, "Look what we did with this while you were gone, can you handle this not just being about you?" He's probably going to be having an identity crisis of sorts, so I won't put him doing something stupid past him.
  18. No, but MG said it's his favorite line and that the Oliver/Felicity scene in 3x12 is his favorite scene, so it must be her who says it.
  20. I'm sure he's right - MG spoiled as much. She's going to push him away no doubt, we just don't know why.
  21. I mean, it could still be. Maybe Oliver jerks her around again and she's had enough. I still don't understand that response though. Does he say "of all the women I've loved," or...why the A? Why is she grouping herself with others? I don't get it.
  22. Well, we kind of already knew that because of the "I don't want to be a woman you love," spoiler.
  23. Yeah, I just want to know what prompts it, haha.
  24. I think it will. And I think Oliver will have some kind of parallel with Maseo pulling that stunt with the virus and being willing to let so many people die to save Tatsu.
  25. I was playing the WORST CASE SCENARIO of things we think they wouldn't be stupid enough to do on the show, and as for the obstacle between Oliver and Felicity, I'm going to say Felicity walking in on something she misinterprets as being romantic between Oliver and Laurel. Mainly because a) it would be stupid and terrible and predictable and b) because I was trying to figure out why Laurel would've ever had a line about noticing how Oliver and Felicity felt about each other. Their nice moment in 3x13 could be an I know it didn't mean anything, I think you're awesome/Oliver sucks kind of moment.
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