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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Seriously. And now we know why "hospital sex" comes up. I want to vomit.
  2. Could be. I don't want to watch again, but wasn't she wearing her BC costume? Why would she be sparring in that and not just gym clothes like the rest of them do?
  3. Felicity's off with Ray feeding him diuretics so he stops looking so bloated in that suit. Digg's got the van idling by the door to Verdant, just in case someone needs to make a quick getaway.
  4. Why is Oliver having a crisis of faith? And why isn't the Arrow enough anymore? He hasn't failed to do anything as the Arrow yet - he's put away all the "villains" he's faced this year, like...I know the answer is "because plot reasons," but this (again) seems stupid.
  5. I never would've thought that anything about this show could be morphed into a romcom trailer, but someone did it and did it well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhsGJ6iB-Eo&t=149
  6. Maybe there's something in it for her.
  7. Yeah, he's tweeted about how useless Twitter is since his appearances on Seth Myers and Jimmy Kimmel's shows, even after both of them said during their interview that the reason they took notice of him was because people were tweeting at them non-stop. It's like...really, dude? Haha. And yeah, I think he was promoting the social media thing he was up against Robbie's fiancee for because it was an individual thing and he could claim that he "won," since he's uber competitive and something like that probably matters much, much more to him than the E! thing, so he can claim he's the best or whatever.
  8. Well, you know Stephen thinks Twitter is useless, even when his fanbase manages to get him on a few late night talk shows he's dreamed of being on since before he hit it big using it. So I'm not surprised he didn't do anything, really.
  9. I hope it is just the masks, just for my own amusement regarding the reactions.
  10. I'm preparing myself for Diggle and Felicity to not even be in this poster.
  11. Didn't he say that people would need more than meds/alcohol with regards to Olicity in 3x20, or did I read the question wrong? I can't go back and look at the moment.
  12. I wonder if Oliver actually goes to jail. I thought so because of that pic of SA in front of the bars, but that was before they showed an actual cell in the foundry. Regardless, she could still get him out of some kind of legal trouble, even if he doesn't go to jail.
  13. This is actually the first hiatus since I've been watching where I wish it was longer. I'm reasonably sure I'll still tune in next week, but this is the first time since I've started watching the show that I've considered skipping. Seems like this next stretch might be easier to take with some episodes banked, mainly because I'm not looking forward to more continued idiocy. So I'm curious what the ratings will be for 3x16 as well-I wonder if more people are feeling unenthused like I am.
  14. He put a question mark there because it was the end of a question. Technically I don't think she'd be called anything other than his cousin's fiancee/wife, although I know he probably wrote it that way because he's close to Robbie, who probably feels more like a brother to him than a cousin.
  15. Probably not. If they were trying to tie the worlds together, I don't think Laurel would be the character they'd choose to do it.
  16. The woman referred to in the post is withholding sex from her boyfriend until O/F get together, so MG is jokingly asking if her boyfriend is an Arrow writer, because if he's not then the woman is withholding the sex for something that the boyfriend has no control over (but he would if he was writing the show).
  17. Agreed on both accounts. I didn't watch anything past the second series.
  18. That interview was probably given before 3x17 was filmed-we know from BTS pics that SA and BR filmed together then, and that seems to be when Ray stops being the lead of his own show within a show and starts interacting with people who aren't Felicity.
  19. We haven't seen anything so far that indicates this is a shallow sexual relationship - all indications seem to point to it being an actual relationship of some type for at least a little while. And just because we've seen her being self-sufficient and emotionally healthy thus far (not to mention the fact that we have seen ZERO of her private life outside of her work with Oliver & Co. before this season) doesn't preclude her from being lonely and heartbroken and making decisions that she thinks will help her not be either of those things for a little while.
  20. If it is the Lazarus Pit, who did it? Nyssa, even though she seems pretty set in her grief? Malcolm as some sort of backup of his backup plan? Someone we don't know about yet? Ra's, for...some kind of reason?
  21. Yeah, he canceled one day of his con appearance that weekend to go.
  22. Maybe. I guess I just don't see the point in watching her go through everything she did to become who she was just so she could fall into a dumpster so her sister could take her place. It holds zero appeal to me, but maybe others will be into it, if she does only appear in flashbacks.
  23. Arrow, yes. Flash, maybe. But who wants to watch and get invested in the origin story of a dead person?
  24. Right, but Sara was still on the show in the present. Why would a new audience care about LoA flashbacks of a character that was on another show and isn't even alive anymore?
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