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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I guess it depends on how Ray's going to play vigilante. He funds part of the police force (as mentioned in one of the eps in the "Black Canary" trilogy) and is in with the mayor so maybe his vigilantism will be "sanctioned" so to speak? So he probably wouldn't consider himself a hypocrite although he definitely would be one.
  2. True. The only thing we know for sure about that scene that's definitely not a trick is that Ray knows Oliver is the Arrow. What comes after that, nada. So, with Lance on the rampage against the Arrow, and knowing that Felicity is in cahoots with him, I wonder where that leaves her? Is he going to go after her as well, or leave her out of it (even though she'll most definitely be in it if Oliver gets caught and prosecuted, but this is Starling City, so maybe not)? I have to imagine that Laurel will be safe from his legal wrath. Just wondering if they're going to address the fact that legally speaking, Felicity is the most exposed since the Captain of the police force knows her identity. ETA: I forgot that he knows about Roy as well. So, him too.
  3. Not to defend what is probably ultimately going to be shitty writing, but Felicity does have a legit reason to be scared about Ray wanting to take Oliver down, and it's got nothing to do with his fighting ability. Considering he wouldn't have to know that Oliver is the Arrow in order to best him, saying that he knows that Oliver is the Arrow and that he's going to do something about it implies that he's going to a) out him or b) turn him in, both things Felicity has reason to be genuinely fearful of. Not only for Oliver but also for herself.
  4. I thought that Ray saying, "stay away from her" was to Oliver/Arrow, not the guy choking her? It doesn't seem like she gets rescued from the choking/stabbing/whatever it is (I think it might be a different scene), from what I could tell from the various quality clips I've seen. Could be wrong though, because of quality and fast-moving clip reasons.
  5. Haha, that too. They are in China, so I suppose the odds of him running into her twin are Arrow-level reasonable at one in a billion! My best case scenario is that she's a hallucination of sorts, although that doesn't sound likely. If they're going to kill someone off, they need to commit to it. Don't bring them back as undeads, don't show them in flashbacks, don't make them have evil/non-evil twins. Just commit to the decision you made that they don't have any story left to tell or whatever. Ugh.
  6. So, easiest explanation is that Shado's a hallucination. If she's really alive, then she must die again at some point in the flashbacks since Oliver never mentioned to Slade that the woman he was ruining Oliver's life to get revenge for was, you know, not actually dead. Or, she's a clone of some sort (why specifically she'd be cloned and how anyone would have her DNA to be cloned is beyond me, unless ARGUS did some kind of grave robbing on the island for test subjects - maybe that's how this OMEGA virus comes into play? IDK). And if she is a clone, then maybe that's how Sara manages to come back.
  7. No - Cisco knows Sara's dead. Caitlyn and Felicity have discussed the "Canary's murder" in front of him. If he says he loves Black Canary, then he's talking about Laurel.
  8. Impossible to know. Surely they were aware of the speculation about Roy when they cut the trailer, so either they included him dying because they figure we'd think they'd never spoil such a thing, or they would because they're trolling bastards.
  9. Well, Thea, Felicity, Diggle, Roy and Laurel are still alive, so I suppose he could get more defeated if one or more of them bit it. And maybe if everything he owns burns to ashes and like, someone manages to steal the remainder of his bank account. Then he could get his facial hair singed off for good measure.
  10. Do you happen to remember who it is that rescues Laurel from the gunfire (I think) on the street? Is it Oliver or Nyssa? Seems like someone shot an arrow with a cable up to lift them.
  11. Regarding this in the SPOILERS ONLY thread: These outlets seem to really be running with some of the quotes from that panel, because didn't SA say that Oliver was introspective and defeated in the back half (or maybe he said third) of the season? He didn't say anything about it going into further seasons, did he? Not that it would surprise me if he did, but that's not what I heard.
  12. Awwww, yay. But you know what happened to the last guy Thea banged. RIP DJ Douchebag
  13. From the full trailer, I wonder if Quentin saying "I got you now, you son of a bitch" is an editing trick, and he's just kind of talking to himself, not saying it as Oliver and Felicity and Diggle walk downstairs. And who was kissing? Was it Thea and Roy? I couldn't tell. I couldn't make out a lot of that, haha
  14. Shado cannot be alive because WTF was last season for then? Oliver would've known she was alive if he saw her in Hong Kong and surely he would've mentioned that to Slade before he stabbed Moira? When he threatened everyone Oliver cared about? They better be going with some clone-type shit to explain that.
  15. So, maybe the Arrow lookalike is the one who attacks the mayor's office and injures Palmer? @SleepDeprived - thank you for the recap! Some people on Tumblr were talking about Felicity getting stabbed - did you see that, or did she just get choked?
  16. I wonder when Ray decides to go after the Arrow/Oliver? If it's in 3x17, when he and Oliver have their initial Arrow vs. Atom squabble, then I suppose he either doesn't go through with he threat or Felicity manages to talk him out of it, since it seems like they're still together in 3x18. If it's in 3x19, then it seems like there's an imposter pretending to be Arrow (per lemotomato's post) - maybe riling up the city to turn the tide against Arrow? In that case the only thing Ray can do that would bring Oliver down is to out Oliver as the Arrow, since the cops are already after his alter ego. Would Ray actually do it, or is it going to be one of those things where he stands down because he realizes Felicity loves him and doesn't want to hurt her, therefore making him the ultimate NICE GUY?
  17. Yeah, it seems to be in the foundry. It looks like Felicity and Oliver walk down there and Lance and some SCPD officers are waiting for him. Felicity's wearing the same outfit in the both the pic where she's in the lair with Oliver and Lance and when she's getting choked or whatever by that police officer.
  18. It would also make her one of the stupidest people alive.
  19. Yeah, I just...I can't imagine this happening because I believe they'd write a lot of out-of-character stupid things to fit people to plot, but I cannot believe that they would have Felicity side with Ray about turning Oliver in when it would likely get her sent to jail too. I mean, taking Ray and Oliver as romantic interests out of the picture, that's just a stupid thing for her to do to herself. Although plus side for me if it did happen is I'd finally be able to turn off the TV in the 8 o'clock hour on Wednesdays, haha.
  20. But the theory is that Ray is taking Oliver down by going to the police (what else can he do to "take him down" besides expose him? Kill him?). If Felicity agrees to it, she's basically condemning herself because she's been working with the Arrow and Lance knows it. Regardless of what Oliver is doing that she does or does not agree with, I can't see Felicity being all, "Okay yeah, I think you should get this guy!" because he'd be getting her too.
  21. Yeah, that's why I just can't see her staying with him after that. If he thinks Oliver is bad enough to need to be turned in, what exactly does he think about Felicity, who he must know works with him? And if he is unaware that Felicity is the Arrow's partner, then why would Felicity stay with Ray for any reason other to not arouse suspicion while she figures out what she's going to do if/when Ray does send the cops after Oliver (and, by extension, her), since he's putting her in danger? Oliver doesn't have to give Felicity up. Lance knows she works with him - she's already screwed if anyone in law enforcement finds out that Oliver is the Arrow and decides to apprehend him.
  22. The only way that Ray can go after Oliver is by outing him as the Arrow. After that, it's out of Ray's hands. He turns Oliver over as the Arrow to the cops, and whoever they find out is working with him (Felicity, Diggle - and Ray obviously knows Felicity works with him, and so does Lance) goes down with him.
  23. Well, that'd be incredibly stupid of her since she'd be an accessory to most of whatever crimes they'd charge Oliver with.
  24. IIRC, EBR said Felicity needed to explore other options in response to a question about turning away from Oliver emotionally during the panel. She said that she wanted to feel the "nourishment and support and love" (or something) and that "Oliver wants that for her." But maybe she also said it in reference to Felicity's place on the team.
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