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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Didn't she say "what are you going to do?" The way the scene is edited it seems like maybe her response is either "What?" and the "What are you going to do?" is a voiceover from another scene, or that "What are you going to do?" is a part of another scene all together. And it sounds like Ray's response is "I'm going to stop IT," not him. Although it's tough to tell with the loudness.
  2. I wonder if Deathbolt in the Starling City Hydro uniform is a clue that powers are legit coming onto the show? I thought maybe this metahuman would be traveling over from Central City, but now I'm not sure. I guess he could be, if he kills an employee and puts the uniform on in order to gain access to the place because he needs it to feed his powers or something, but I'm afraid that this might be a clue that whatever made him meta actually did happen in Starling.
  3. He's totally going to do that and that's what's going to send Ray into his hero crisis because he couldn't save Anna when he wasn't a hero and he couldn't save Felicity when he was one. Or something.
  4. Not only is Malcolm's line dumb, why didn't he tell Oliver about that in the first place? If it's a prophecy, surely he knew before now? And it's not like he'd have a reason to keep it secret for jealousy purposes, because surely Malcolm would realize that Oliver doesn't give a shit about being Ra's al Ghul?
  5. So, the woman Oliver pushes to the floor before the guys break in with machine guns is Shado or "Shado" or Shado's twin - the striped shirt is the same. And it does seem like Ray thinks he's revealing brand new information to Felicity about Oliver being the Arrow.
  6. Yeah, he totally pulls a Slade. Don't know why I expected anything different. Unless they surprise me and Ra's threatens Quentin if he doesn't stop hunting the Arrow without telling him who he is. Although that wouldn't go along with Ra's needing to make Oliver's life completely miserable, so... Bonus: at least Lance has to break down the door to get into the foundry, haha.
  7. Also, damn. Quentin is really going in on Oliver in that promo.
  8. What did Felicity do to piss off the Starling City Hydro guy? :(
  9. It would be funny if Oliver revealed himself to Ray to get him to stand down or something, and then Ray tells Felicity that the Arrow is Oliver Queen because he thinks it'll be a revelation to her. Awkward, haha.
  10. I didn't mean that I thought Ray was going to tell Felicity that he knew Oliver was the Arrow and/or threaten Oliver to get her to admit that she worked with him, I meant that would be the purpose of that development plot-wise. So, Ray might threaten to take Oliver down, but I don't think the writers would have him do it, because the goal of writing that development wouldn't be to turn Ray into an asshole (theoretically speaking, because I know some people think he already is one) it would be to cause love-triangle drama.
  11. We were talking about this a few pages back, but I don't think Ray is going to try to take Oliver down. I think that was an editing trick in that promo. He's going to find out that Oliver is the Arrow, and maybe for a brief time during an episode he might want to expose him, but I think that might happen in order to force Felicity to admit that she works with him. And maybe to make Ray realize that Oliver was the "more than a friend" she was talking about, since he knew that the Arrow went missing. Could be wrong and he does go after him for real, of course.
  12. Mind fuckery is one thing, but changing the show so that all the relationships and character development people have invested three years in (whether those are good or bad relationships/character development) are non-existent? That's a really freaking terrible idea. They've had a lot of terrible ideas on this show, but that really takes the cake. Especially since it would mess up the spin-off timelines and what we've seen on The Flash.
  13. Nothing would piss off an audience more than letting them know that everything they've invested in over the past three years isn't real.
  14. They already have two ensemble shows - Arrow's not really about the Arrow anymore with all the new heroes coming up. So either they're going to embrace that and stop pretending it is about Oliver and his journey, or they're going to relegate the sidekicks to the background for action and plot-development purposes and focus on Oliver again. I think the second option is more likely than the first, but who knows with these people. I don't know how they'd incorporate powers either, but I don't really understand what "changing the show at a grassroots level" means if they're not changing something fundamental about it. The two most fundamental things I can think of is that there are no powers and it is about Oliver. And that he's a man on a redemption arc, so...maybe he's going to go bad for awhile, although...please no.
  15. Okay not a Justice League per se, but an ensemble, which is what the OP suggested and I was agreeing with.
  16. Yeah, maybe they are definitively shifting it to more of an ensemble Justice League type of things. As much as I'd hate that, I think I'd hate powers even more. And Stephen kind of somewhat confirmed that Thea is becoming Speedy, so I'm glad she's going to be in on the action.
  17. I made a noise, and it was not a good one. Powers, I guess? Maybe not, but with his comment about the door for powers being "kicked open," I don't know. Either that or he really does become Ra's Ollie Ghul for a bit.
  18. Season 2.5 #15 is out now if you buy it on iTunes. It ends in a terrible place. And I feel like I read most of it already based on the previews that were posted.
  19. I hate hairspray too - I hate putting anything at all in it actually, which makes it not stay so well in anything other than a ponytail, haha.
  20. It's the name of his suit: Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism And yeah, they should've just had Laurel be afraid that Quentin was going to relapse. That makes more sense than her being afraid of him dying or whatever, and it's still a terrible, awful reason for her to keep the secret, but it's better than what they did. Oh well, since this isn't the bitterness thread and to keep it on topic: the tides are turning regarding Oliver and Quentin quicker than I thought they would, unless he's just saying he's done working with the Arrow (this is understandable for personal reasons, but incredibly stupid for crimefighting reasons) and him actually trying to take down the Arrow doesn't come until that Arrow imposter comes to town (and maybe starts committing nasty lil crimes as Arrow and whatnot).
  21. Her hair looks unkempt in the stills, but it does look artfully tousled in the video IMO. I think maybe it was just falling out after so much movement. Happens to the best of us. And I think Felicity's garish looking makeup on the show is due largely in part to the fuchsia lipstick she wears so often, which the head of the makeup department has said is her "signature." I think it was intended to be one of her quirks - I wonder if she was initially supposed to be a little unknowledgeable about makeup? And as for the rest of the makeup she wears on the show, I don't think the glasses help much. She has to be very heavily made up to make her eyes stand out behind the glasses, and I guess they give her a ton of blush to balance it out. I don't think the makeup on this show is the best - they always did well by Moira and Sara. Felicity and Laurel with the lipstick and eyelashes, not so much.
  22. Was it ever addressed whether anyone on the team knew about Laurel keeping the secret from her father? I can't remember. I know there was the whole, "he deserves to know" thing at Sara's "funeral," but was it ever brought up again by anyone with Laurel on screen? Because there was nothing I recall indicating they were complicit in keeping her secret until that gross episode with the voice modulator (I can't remember which one it was. Midnight City?), but surely there was some agreement among them because wouldn't Laurel have been worried that one of them would express their condolences and out her as a liar? But yeah, it is/was stupid, and Oliver wasn't even around when the realest shit went down, so all he could say was that he didn't tell because Laurel made him promise not to and he thought it wasn't his place (still a stupid reason, but a reason nonetheless, I guess). Bleh. Now that Quentin's done with the Arrow, how's he going to fight crime given the rest of the SCPD is inept as hell?
  23. Regarding that asian promo, I really don't want to know what kind of dumbass thing Oliver says that causes Felicity to have that look on her face, haha. I couldn't hear what he said beforehand. Was it, "I couldn't protect Tommy or Sara. I don't know why I'm doing this anymore." or something like that?
  24. I don't think it'll be anything like that at all. Not that it might not be stupid, but every single comment about this episode has indicated that whatever this moment is will be a good one. The only reason I don't think it's anything bad is I really, really don't think that, Olicity shipper he is, he'd promote something like that if it was bad for them. It might not be something huge or ship changing or some kind of watershed moment, but I do think it'll be good.
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