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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Real talk: I FUCKING LOVED THAT Everyone talking, nothing happening the way I thought it would (apart from the offer). Oliver and everyone communicating, him telling Ra's no. Ra's being the other Arrow. I loved it, oh god.
  2. Really? It was uneven, like he took a razor to his head in the dark, haha
  3. They look like they're on a beer crawl. And Stephen shaved his head, hello sir.
  4. I think it'd have to be a situation where Oliver waffles about it then feels super dejected about life and accepts, then has some sense talked into him too late in the game and decides he wants to fight for a life for himself and declines. Then when Ra's rains down hell on him, he relents and goes to Nanda Parbat, but with a plan (that we will probably be ignorant of since these people love their "gotchas"). I don't think it'll happen. But I want it.
  5. I know this is far-fetched, but instead of her fighting, I'd rather her enter into some shady secret deal with Oliver to overthrow/trick him.
  6. I wonder if she has a choice? The only way others can leave is if they die for it - I wonder if Ra's will hold her to the same standard?
  7. I'm really worried about the "daddy issues" angle, because while I appreciate that Laurel is maybe feeling the full weight of what she did, she only has herself to blame for that. Nyssa was disinherited. So, she's angry at her father, and Laurel is...what at hers? She disappointed Quentin; Ra's disappoitned Nyssa. How are they going to bond over that? The only way is, I think, if they have Laurel be angry at Quentin, which...yeah.
  8. So have I, and I've been watching every week. They were kind of friendly last ep?
  9. I love his response because it's so inadvertently emo, like he's sitting around scribbling in his moleskine notebook about his online poll existential crisis.
  10. I enjoyed the ep, but the thought of time travel in the hands of these people makes me nervous. I'm glad for the clues, and hopefully in the future if they're going to "erase" events we get those again. It just seems like a potential cheap trick for big OMG moments that don't mean as much as they could. I hope they use it judiciously.
  11. I'm going to laugh so hard if Oliver finds out that Felicity and Ray are dating/whatever from Ra's. He was, but SleepDeprived is talking about the blonde guy dressed up as the Arrow whose face we saw when Oliver unhooded him. Fortunately (or unfortunately, I guess), he was not DJ Douchebag.
  12. It is being given merit, we know this. Oliver gave up the thought of having a life to be the Arrow (this is why Ra's says he loves a woman he knows he can't have - I don't think it has anything to do with Ray, Oliver's been thinking he had to be alone since the first ep of the season). Ra's is just letting him know that the people he's trying to save are going to turn on him. The people he's working with in SCPD are going to turn on him, they're going to hunt him, and he'll die for it. I don't think it's a prophecy so much as a promise, because Ra's is going to make sure it happens.
  13. If that is his LoA name (although, would he have a League name if he was becoming the next Ra's?), then I guess he's really joining up and I'm really glad that Felicity, Diggle and Thea are there with him. Although why in the hell are they there? Is it some ploy to bust him out or did they make a deal that he could have an entourage? Are they just there to see him off? I really don't understand what is happening, haha.
  14. Same. Although I did think to look up Batman arcs, so I'm learning.
  15. Well, I mean all signs point to it being Thea to Roy. They're supposed to have a moment, MG said we'd see Roy's place this ep (and there's that still of him reading a book in his bedroom). Thea seems to be in more emotional turmoil than Oliver, and she goes after Malcolm (who is sleeping on the couch in her home) with a knife. I would be really surprised if it had anything to do with Oliver and Felicity, I'm just preparing myself.
  16. The only thing that makes me feel slightly better about that dialogue teaser is that I think Oliver would be lost and confused after coming home from Nanda Parbat, and if that was the case and he needed/wanted some reassurance from Felicity, seems like he'd go straight to her house when he returned, and based on the comic preview it seems like he goes straight to the foundry when he gets back. Ultimately I guess that doesn't mean anything though - he could have a nightmare or...something and go to her house because reasons. I had myself uplifted, but now I'm down again. I still think Thea to Roy makes the most plot sense. Oliver to Felicity makes the most drama sense, ugh.
  17. Yeah, I would feel marginally better if she asked him not to go, but dude that's just...it's too much. He's already seen them kiss, and we can just start 3x16 with him being in the know, but I doubt it because it seems like they're going to pick up right where they left off? Or maybe they'll flash back to Oliver's dinner with Ra's and he'll already know. I just really don't want to have to watch him find out about it. It does make sense that it would be Thea since she probably wouldn't want to be alone with Malcolm but...the urge to inflict max manpain has to be strong for these writers.
  18. I'm really hoping it's Roy/Thea and I'm going to hold onto that hope until Ray pops out of Felicity's bedroom half naked while Oliver's standing there all broken in her living room. And then I'm going to start a kickstarter for a new tv.
  19. Haha, it's okay. We all have to take what we can to get through. Ra's is just so nasty and he went straight for Oliver's heart while he just sat there in his robe looking like he had the meat sweats.
  20. That clip of Ra's and Oliver is the first time I've ever wanted to kick Ra's in the teeth, haha.
  21. I tuned in with about 10 minutes to go (I'm three or so episodes behind - I'm really not invested in this show although I wish I could be), and was basically sitting there with my jaw on the floor, haha.
  22. I don't think an EP has come out and said someone was going to die before. We pretty much figured Moira was going to bite it when she did though (someone spoiled that on Reddit, I think). The fact that they did it makes me think that it might not be permanent, but who knows.
  23. She had a different cell phone case at Paley, too. She used to have a black one (I know this because I wanted to buy it, haha), but it was white the other day. THIS ONE IS BLACK, OLD PIC.
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