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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I hope not. Not only because it'd be cheesy (and really stupidly dangerous since his suit is rocket propelled and he'd have a hard time actually flying without use of his arms if he's holding her), but because how big can the Olicity moment be in 3x20 if she's still with Ray in 3x21? Yuck.
  2. I think even then people would've wondered if Maseo was working on Ra's orders or if he had some sort of score he was trying to settle against Oliver. I agree it would've been interesting to see, but there's a time for nuance, and then there's getting your point across. They had a few seconds to let the audience know that Oliver was getting ready to pay for saying no. Having Ra's do the job himself was the clearest way to show that.
  3. To be fair, there probably are a large number of people who might not put together that the copycat Arrow was doing Ra's bidding. It's not like Oliver doesn't have his share of enemies -they just didn't want there to be any doubt in the audience's mind about who exactly was behind it. Arrow is popcorn viewing for a lot of people who probably don't pay super close attention to what they're watching. The show was just doing the legwork for those people.
  4. Only in Starling City could a criminal's known associates stop by for a lil visit at the jailhouse. Yes I know Quentin's the only one who knows they work together, BUT STILL.
  5. I don't think he is - his eye just looks a tad watery.
  6. I think TA must destroy the foundry too. It doesn't make sense for Ra's to do it, since he's trying to frame Oliver and that lair is full of evidence. The cops wouldn't do it either for the same reason.
  7. But blowing up the foundry without making sure no one's in it is so Laurel!
  8. Just what Oliver needs - yet another death for motivation.
  9. I'm pretty sure Lil' Akio is going to bite it, hopefully not while he's under Oliver's care.
  10. Well, the synopsis says that Felicity's pleasantly surprised when her mother shows up at the hospital for support, so it seems like that means she wasn't previously in town and just shows up because she heard Ray was hurt and she knows Felicity's and him are a "something." Although I suppose with the wording it could mean that MS was already in town and she Felicity's surprised that she shows up at the hospital. Yeah. AK said that they had to tweak the script to accommodate the timeline changes, but the way MG addressed it on Tumblr made it seem like the timeline was still going to be wonky, like something happened in Arrow 3x18 that they couldn't get out of by tweaking the Flash script to make things match. But, who knows.
  11. Plus, Felicity's not a break-it-off-in-the-hospital kind of gal. Yeah, maybe he gets shot or something.
  12. Did this dude have a panic attack when he got into some real action and that's how he landed in the hospital? Because he has nary a scratch.
  13. Well, I think it depends on how Ray knows that Oliver is the Arrow. I can definitely see why Felicity would want to go to Oliver and let him know that Ray has that information before she does anything, like...are they going to try to deny it? Can it be denied? How much do they want to expose regarding who's working with him? I mean, if Felicity tells Ray that's not Oliver, isn't he going to want to know how she knows that? Better to take a time out and form a plan, I think.
  14. I thought maybe Oliver would tell Ray he was the Arrow in order to get him to realize there were copycats running around, but I guess not. Seems like it'd be smart to keep TA under wraps until they're sure that Ray's not going to turn them all in?
  15. Yeah, hopefully it plays out that way. I was worried that she'd admit to knowing about it after Oliver and Ray already faced off, but since Oliver is in street clothes and not his Arrow suit, that seems to not be the case. Also, I wonder if Oliver exploits some kind of weakness in the suit (arrow to an electrical panel or something) that makes them go to Central City to get it fixed with the helps of the smarties at STAR Labs?
  16. It's kind of endearing that he seems to think that he was the first person to come up with "meme Monday," haha.
  17. Judging by that preview, all the good feels from this last ep are going to be gone. DAMN YOU AND YOUR SUIT, RAY PALMER.
  18. I think we're to assume that Quentin asked Laurel when Sara actually died off screen. She probably told him the truth, so he knows it's been months and months and I'm guessing since Felicity put him in touch with "the Canary," that he later found out was Laurel pretending to be her, he knew that Felicity was aware and, by extension, Arrow was too. But yeah, they should've put a line or two in there to explain what exactly went down, because at face value it is weird.
  19. He gets hurt in an attack on the mayor's office as himself though (I'm assuming, since the synopsis says that MS surprises Felicity with a visit to the hospital, so she must know that Ray was actually hurt, unless he's publicly The Atom), so it seems like his injuries aren't suit or superhero related, unless the synopsis is misleading.
  20. Could be, but how strange that he wouldn't do it right away? I thought maybe the end of 3x17 would be a cliffy with the attack on the mayor's office after Ray finds out that there are copycat Arrows, but that couldn't be it because Flash 1x18 would've initially aired before that, meaning Ray left to go to Central City between 3x17 and 3x18, presumably without making a case for the Arrow. Or maybe he did and he was dismissed and he's there for some other reason in 3x18? This is making my brain hurt. I wish! But didn't MG say on Tumblr that 3x21 probably wouldn't make Olicity fans happy, so sadly I don't think there will be fic-esque bed sharing!
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