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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He responded that she was Talibah, not Taliban. http://arrow.wikia.com/wiki/Mesi_Natifah
  2. I haven't seen anything like that on his Tumblr.
  3. She isn't dangling maybes. She's straight-up telling him that he's the only reason they aren't together.
  4. How is she leading Oliver on? She straight-up told him they weren't together because it was his decision - she's not promising him anything and not delivering, and she's not giving him the hope of maybe someday. She told him she was glad he was in her life, especially after he decided to stop going out and doing dumb shit to try and get himself killed. Would that not be true regardless of what her romantic status was with anyone else? They've been friends for two+ years - of course it would. And she said that she and Ray were a "something," as in dating and not defined. So how exactly has Ray been wronged in this scenario?
  5. I never said the Twitter campaigns were necessary, I said they were what got him on there. And they were - both hosts mentioned it, which also indicates he has a pretty enthusiastic fanbase on Twitter. To continuously harp on how useless it is is unnecessary.
  6. It would be especially stupid for Nyssa not to save Laurel herself if she could since she has a vested interest in Oliver not taking her father's place.
  7. I don't blame him for not liking Twitter at all. Facebook definitely seems more his speed and good for him, I'm all for using what works for you. But his repeated insistence that Twitter is useless every few weeks after he's benefited from it at least twice...he should probably cool it. But like I wrote above, his online assiness amuses me, haha.
  8. I don't think Oliver would have to turn himself over to save Laurel now that Nyssa's going to train her. They'll become close and since she's a link to Sara and Nyssa will probably care for her, if she died or whatever, I'd think Nyssa would take care of that.
  9. He does. Quite often. And I'd take him more seriously if his appearances on Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Myers (two of his stated personal goals for 2015) weren't the direct result of Twitter campaigns.
  10. He has a level of animosity towards Twitter that, if I didn't know better, I'd think they used to date.
  11. Because he's an asshat. I mean, he entertains me greatly, but he's an asshat.
  12. If it was a Lazarus Pit situation it wouldn't bother me so much, since there's not much point in telling people about something like that when a) they probably wouldn't believe him and b) he can't have access to it anyway. And it is possible she was LPed since Oliver seemed to maybe already know it existed. But then he wouldn't have been surprised to see Sara still alive in S2, but then again continuity isn't very important to these people, so that might not matter. If whatever that virus thing is can bring people back to life/clone them then yeah, that's useful information, haha.
  13. I think Ra's should call him Oh-liver in retaliation.
  14. We know Felicity is afraid of losing people, because she's said as much. But I don't think she has classic abandonment issues since she doesn't stop herself from forming emotional attachments in order to keep herself from losing them. I mean, I'm not a psychiatrist, but it seems to me if she was worried about losing people to the point where it would affect her relationships that she'd keep herself from forming meaningful relationships in the first place. So, while I think she has that worry in the back of her mind, it doesn't stop her from following her heart.
  15. It doesn't bother me necessarily, but I do think it's funny that Oliver, who has had Ra's pronounce his own name in front of him, doesn't pronounce it the way Ra's does. Rude!!!
  16. I liked the song too, and I thought that was a nice scene that never went anywhere (thankfully, because if it had I probably wouldn't have watched this show past the first season).
  17. Yes, he would have. So if that's actually Shado then he would've had to see her die again in Hong Kong or anytime before he got back to Starling. Otherwise he's a bigger idiot than I thought.
  18. Yeah, I posted this last night in the ep thread last night. I think that's Shado or Shado's twin/clone/whatever too.
  19. I really like Nyssa, and I think Laurel could learn more from her than anyone else too. Mainly because the only other person who could teach her is Oliver, and apart from that not being ideal or a good idea for many reasons, they're just too adversarial, all the time, even when it's not called for, to be in a student/teacher kind of relationship. I'm actually surprised they've managed to be out in the field together largely without incident. I hope this team-up does lead to Nyssa being on more often, not just this season, but going forward. And I really hope they do the training/relationship development justice without having large amounts of it happen off screen as these idiots tend to do.
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