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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Probably because no prison can hold him, so why bother trying?! I also figured it was because Oliver might've thought in the back of his mind that Ra's wasn't just going to let him decline the offer, so he kept Malcolm around just in case he wound up needing him. I want to give him credit for a contingency plan, haha.
  2. Seems like Ra's kidnaps him in 3x18 and they stay in SC? And isn't Laurel supposed to be there? I recall PB mentioning it in an interview, but maybe I'm wrong.
  3. It doesn't make much sense to me that a person whose whole job is to uphold justice wouldn't question why a person who had stopped killing—and even refused to kill to get Quentin's daughter, a woman he knew this guy cared for, back from a madman—just randomly started killing again, not even a day after saving the police station from a siege. And it's not just a random murder, it's a spree. I know the SCPD is full of morons, but that seems like the first question he'd ask when investigating, even if he is holding a grudge against Oliver and looking for a reason to go after him, but whatever. So, he goes after the Arrow, and no one tries to tell him there's a copycat? Or, the people who have lied to him (Laurel and Team Arrow) do tell him, but he doesn't believe them and doesn't even think to maybe check that out? Okay. So, Ray, who also knows - does he not tell the cops that there's a copycat? If not, why? If so, why doesn't Quentin believe him? Does he not care as long as he brings Arrow down? If so, what kind of cop is he? Is that his "dilemma" this year? Like, I get Quentin wanting to believe the Arrow is a terrible person, but I don't get not following that lead once that seed of doubt is planted, regardless of how angry he is. Because I want Quentin to have a moral high road, and if he's just going to go on some vendetta against the Arrow when there are people (yes, people who have lied to him, but people he's gone to for help, people he has personally seen do good) telling him otherwise is going to drive me crazy. Especially since in this scenario the bulk of his anger will be directed at Oliver while Laurel is punished by...getting the silent treatment? Lord. It'll also drive me crazy if for whatever reason no one manages to get the copycat notice to Lance and that's why he's giving Arrow a full-court press. The only way this won't bug is if Oliver does actually do something terrible - probably by accident - that Lance personally witnesses or...something.
  4. Seems to me that Quentin's issue is more than just wanting to get back at/punish the Arrow for keeping Sara's death from him. If that's the case, why is he waiting? He's known the Arrow was in on it for weeks, and twice he's been within Quentin's proximity - he could've had him arrested and charged with vigilantism and murder then, but he didn't. Seems to me since it's going to be coming after the copy cats show up in town, that Quentin's not going to realize or believe that the copycat Arrows are copycats, and he's going to go after the Arrow for things he didn't do because plot reasons that don't make much sense. Maybe I'm wrong about that. I hope I am.
  5. So, if Ray realizes that the Arrows are copycats, then he must the authorities, right? He's the city's golden boy and funnels money to the police force - surely he'd have some pull and they'd believe him? I'm just having difficulty understanding why Quentin is going so hard for the Arrow. Yeah, he didn't tell him about Sara, but he's been helping out the police force for however long now, and Quentin himself even encouraged him to kill during the siege. Laurel was the one who kept the secret and pretended to be Sara. If he goes after Oliver just because the Arrow kept the secret about Sara, is he going to go equally hard for Laurel considering she's out vigilante-ing too? Nah, no way. There's got to be something else to it. I feel like in order to fully explain Oliver having to be on the run and be a "public enemy" that something's got to happen before Ray can explain that there are bad Arrows out there. So he must get blown up or attacked at the mayor's office before he can let Quentin/the authorities know? Either that or Quentin just chooses not to believe Ray because he wants to bring down the Arrow so badly.
  6. I think the wedding must happen at the beginning of the episode. And maybe Ray finds out toward the end? I wonder if he makes some kind of public pledge to bring the Arrow to justice and finds out Oliver's the Arrow (maybe Oliver tells him after they fight in order to get Ray off his ass and make him realize there are bad guys running around dressed as the Arrow?), then Ray goes to the mayor's office to plead his case or announce that there's a copycat running around and say the Arrow isn't responsible for the rash of crime/murders, and that's when the attack on the mayor's office that leaves him injured happens? Maybe that will be the cliffhanger for the week? That of course will leave Ray with his knowledge that there are copycats and because the copycat Arrow is responsible for the attack on the mayor's office, the cops will think that the Arrow blew it up because Ray was going to go after him? PLOT STUPIDITY, STILL RIGHT AHEAD but whatever. Maybe they'll surprise me and something different will happen.
  7. Maybe it's something he promises in the episode? Other than that...I can't remember. I'm not worried about him being high so much as stupid. He wanted to be like the Arrow how many episodes ago - would he not realize that if there's a guy dressed in a green hood running around doing bad stuff that it might be a copycat? PLOT STUPIDITY, RIGHT AHEAD!
  8. That he would honor the promise he made to the city and bring the Arrow to justice. Did someone drug the water supply? Does no one stop to think that it might be a copy cat since the Arrow hasn't killed anyone in forever and a day (in TV time)?
  9. Maybe it's literal, as in Oliver and Felicity have an aerial stunt sequence? Haha
  10. ^He's a camera man for Arrow. Seems like it's for 3x21.
  11. So, are we getting into some love triangle business this week with the Arrow vs Atom "showdown?" Like, a triangle of anger? A love trianger? Oliver angry with Felicity for not telling him Fony Stark had a flying suit of wonders (this would be legit anger IMO, since it seems kind of important (to me) that Oliver know there's another vigilante in town vigilante-ing in the skies - minimizes the chance of Oliver and Ray and others getting injured) Felicity angry at Ray for not telling her his flying suit of wonders was actually operational (Turd of the Year IMO) Ray angry at the fake!Arrow for doing dirty deeds 'round town Ray angry at real!Arrow for being Oliver Queen and also generally superior to him in every way that doesn't involve doing math or having a bank account Ray angry at Felicity for working with the Arrow without telling him (I think he's gonna find out all about that this ep, and I also think he's going to figure out that Oliver was the "more than a friend" she was talking about.) Felicity angry at herself for having questionable taste in non-rebound rebounds Oliver angry at himself for being a love dunce Ray angry at himself for...nothing, because he's perfect
  12. I agree. And after a long run of self-destructive decision making, she wanted to let him know that she was glad he chose to stay in Starling and not give up on his mission, and it was probably a not-so-subtle message to let him know that she hopes he continues choosing that path.
  13. Could be about Felicity and Ray too. ::shudders:: If it is Laurel and Nyssa I'll admit that while I would hate that for the reasons previously stated, I'd be morbidly curious about what the reaction would be. And if this were The Flash I'd have to wonder if there was some weird kind of Firestorm-level fusion of Laurel and Sara going on, but that would kind of be impossible with Sara dead and all.
  14. Do these people understand how bisexuality works? At all? Anyway, I hope MG was just offering that Tumblr user a little something to cling to and that they're not going the Laurel is bi route. Not that I'm against more representation on this show or anything like that - I'm totally pro that, but it seems like it would be a step too far in the "am I my sister?" mess that is Laurel's issue this year.
  15. The upside is that his premiere hair was uneven and looked like it had been buzzed by a drunk person. This is a little more even, thankfully. He has such a beautiful face and body, but his head shape, well...it makes me believe he's actually human, haha.
  16. Since it's a shared universe, I'm guessing no. And Arrow and Flash will be sharing villains with whoever shows up on the new show, too, in addition to Captain Cold and Heatwave, who are already on there.
  17. I think they probably tweaked what they could, but there are probably things that happen in 3x18 that will make it weird for Felicity to leave town after, so there's only so much they can do?
  18. No, it's during an attack on the mayor's office. I forgot about this synopsis, haha. So I guess Felicity isn't so devastated and/or worried that she calls Donna and asks her to come. It was supposed to be before, but the network-mandated break pushed it until after.
  19. From the Spoilers Only thread: Please be trolling. Please. If not...yikes. I mean, we know they love their sister swapping on this show, but is she actually Sara? Are we in some weird Fight Club universe where they are the very same people?
  20. I wouldn't mind conflict between them either, but if it's about Oliver and his hurt feels, that would irritate me.
  21. What did MG say about it again? That we would see soon why he can't talk about it or something?
  22. If she's got an issue with Felicity over Oliver, that's really, really going to irritate me.
  23. If they do have a negative interaction, I wonder what it'd even be about? As far as we know, all Thea knows about Felicity is that she is Oliver's friend/former assistant/partner in vigilante-ing. Maybe she could notice Oliver looking a bit lovesick at her and she could not like that, but wouldn't she talk to Oliver about his feelings first before being nasty to Felicity over them? Then he'd tell her that he didn't think they could be together, which is his issue, not Felicity's. If she thought Laurel was still it for Oliver, what's the point of being nasty to Felicity about it? That's Oliver's issue - especially considering Felicity will be at the wedding with Ray, so it's not like she's "keeping" Oliver from Laurel or whatever. I guess maybe Thea could think she was stringing Oliver along, but then that would go back to them not being together being Oliver's decision, and she's not really stringing him along since he's the one who told her no first. I wonder if Thea knows or finds out that Felicity's the one who found out that Malcolm is her father and told Oliver about it, therefore "causing" her whole current crisis? Never mind the fact that Malcolm was pretty much going to come back and get her regardless after Moira died, but I could see Thea being nasty about that, if she was going to be nasty to Felicity about anything.
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