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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I guess the suit being a wildcard doesn't necessarily bother me, because if the guy's fighting with tech, isn't it always going to be a wild card? He could have used that suit and tested it for years and still have something malfunction in the field and hurt someone. - this is why I think super suits are generally stupid. So it'll always be an unknown entity -I don't think not being field tested is such a huge deal all things considered, especially if it seems like they're outnumbered by faux Arrows and need the help.
  2. One thing Ray's got going for him is that with the suit, he conveniently doesn't really need to know how to fight (unlike Laurel), so I don't think it's necessarily his lack of training that they'd be worried about, it's the wild card nature of the suit. Does everything work properly? Will it misfire and hit some civilians? Has it been tested enough? I mean, he'd need to know how to fight for sure, at some point, but it's not as urgent as it is for Laurel, and I don't think he's necessarily a liability without "proper" fight training. Fony Stark has lasers or electricity or whatever ridiculous thing. And he can fly, so (this is so ridiculous, but I digress)... Obviously the suit's going to need some tweaks/have some issues, hence the trip to Central City.
  3. I never said Felicity was right, but she does have a valid argument. There's something to be said for having extra help when you need it, depending on what you need it for. If they need the help and Ray has a weaponized suit (that he built and therefore probably knows how to use), then I can see her wondering what the harm is in him helping them fight criminals and fighting Oliver on not wanting Ray in the field, because it seems like part of Oliver's issue (per SA) is going to be that it's Ray, not necessarily that he's some unproven yahoo.
  4. Yeah, seems like that's exactly what she's arguing, given they seem to be fighting a never-ending army of Arrow dopplegangers courtesy of Ra's. Maseo said that for every one Oliver took down that two more would take his place. In a situation like that, maybe an extra set of hands, even if it is an untrained set of hands, might be helpful? Edited to remove testiness! Sorry, mods.
  5. Well, 'growing to love' and 'being in love with' are two different things. She even referred to him as a friend in the very same sentence. Not sure how much of this is EBR putting a spin on it and how much of this we're supposed to be getting from the show (because if I thought she was 'growing to love' Ray, all her interactions with Oliver last week kind of made me think Ray wasn't all that to her). Regardless of love or not love, she cares about the guy. I don't really think this undermines her and Oliver's relationship at all. I wish I cared about Ray even a little bit so this would at least be interesting instead of off-putting to me, haha.
  6. She's not supporting Ray going after Oliver, she's supporting Ray being out in the field in his suit (which it seems like Oliver and Diggle will be against, if the interviews that came out today are anything to go by).
  7. Yeah, paired with the comment that the newbie vigilantes aren't so trained, and EBR saying that they need the help that Felicity's siding with Ray in her fight with Oliver, who I assume says he can't take the risk (because he doesn't think that he can) or something.
  8. Last week's ep was such a nice departure from the new norm, I just don't want them at odds again. Although I do hope that Felicity tells Oliver something along the lines of, "Just because you think you can't do both doesn't mean he can't."
  9. Bleh. Excitement for this episode dying...
  10. I can't imagine them killing off an infant, good lord. But - if they're going to be introducing Oliver's kid, then maybe they'd do it to give him more fear about getting involved because of enemies using kids to exact revenge? Although Sara could get kidnapped or whatever and still live and that would still drive the point home for Oliver, I'd think.
  11. I thought that too. But the background is similar to the one that was behind Atom during the confrontation with Arrow in the stills that were released. He was talking about the LoA members though-Maseo is saying that Oliver won't be able to kill all of them because for every one he takes down, two will take that person's place. So Oliver would literally be killing these people, haha.
  12. I wonder why Maseo would tell Oliver he couldn't kill them all if he wasn't killing some of them? Ugh, show.
  13. Wouldn't he wonder why Arrow was killing dudes who were dressed like him? Looks like they're all in hoods and wearing quivers. Common sense would have to come into play at some point, haha
  14. "I now pronounce you man and Ra's. You may kiss your assassins." Wedding of the century IMO.
  15. He did say wedding, but he's also a level 10 troll, so I take nothing he says at face value. Could also be something as simple as Oliver running through/interrupting a wedding while chasing/running from someone either in the past or present day.
  16. Nothing in particular and maybe they're just talking around whether or not they get along so as not to spoil it, but it's just a general sense I got from the few comments I've seen about it (I think MG or one of the other producers mentioned it as well, I can't remember).
  17. In technical terms, if we're talking "wedding" as in "commitment ceremony," it's Oliver donning the duster and finger embellishments to become Ra's.
  18. I wonder what the reason behind the Thea/Felicity scenes and why the reason behind them is a spoiler. I mean, they're sitting next to each other at the wedding. And they kind of make it seem like they won't hit it off right away, and I wonder why.
  19. Oliver marries himself to the League! What a fancy ring that will be. The bouquet is a scimitar, although no one wants to catch it.
  20. That's what I was wondering, although it wouldn't make that much sense because Felicity by far has more legally damaging knowledge of what Oliver's done, so if anyone was going to get married for legal protection, I'd think it'd be them. Haha, I can't believe this is actually being discussed. And yet, I can.
  21. Impossible to tell. If he means year, I'm sure we'll get to read all about whoever's courtship in the 3.5 comics!
  22. Maybe Maseo and Tatsu get hitched again? I can't imagine it would be Felicity and Ray. It wouldn't be Oliver and Felicity, haha. It wouldn't be Roy and Thea, unless they both lose their minds and elope in the next two eps. Maybe it's a fake wedding for some kind of bait and switch? Laurel and Oliver for some kind of weird fanfic-y legal reason? Ahahahaha
  23. After reading the 3x17 comic preview (which I can't post, unfortunately), seeing that Ra's is still trying to persuade Oliver to accept his offer, I totally think he's gonna off either Thea or Felicity and use the Lazarus Pit as leverage to finally sway Oliver into accepting. Like others, I think Thea is more likely, but surely he's got something in store for Felicity since he specifically mentioned Oliver loving a woman he couldn't have, but....who knows. Maybe he'll tell Ray to propose or find an Oliver clone and stage a fake makeout session for Felicity to walk in on and then I'll start calling him Ra'ssip Girl?! ETA: with that interview EBR gave recently where she talked about what Felicity would be willing to sacrifice, any chance she sacrifices herself for Thea?
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