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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Felicity doesn't have to have referred to Oliver as her friend in their first meeting - all she has to do is tell her mom that she and Oliver are just friends now. Besides, IF this is a line from MS, she doesn't have to have seen them interacting to make that observation. Seems like Oliver's going to get arrested in this ep, and there are stills of Felicity at the SCPD station, so maybe he gets taken in, she gets a call at the hospital, and her reaction tells MS all she needs to know about who Oliver is to Felicity?
  2. Donna could always give Felicity something to think about. Much as I wish it to be, I don't think she's going to break up with Ray in the hospital, but I do think that Donna's going to plant some seeds with Felicity. If that line about "just friends" is from her to Felicity, I wonder in what context Felicity's dad comes up? Does Donna talk to Felicity about settling, or following her heart? Maybe Felicity's dad's the one she settled for because she couldn't have who she wanted? IDK.
  3. I just feel like whoever is saying it is saying it to Felicity, because Oliver's been up front about his feelings for her-I don't think he'd deny wanting to be more than her friend.
  4. I mean, Ray IS Felicity's boyfriend. I don't see any logical reason why she'd try to convince her mom that he was just her friend. Oliver, on the other hand, she definitely would.
  5. The "moment you've been patiently waiting for" was because the writers were promising that tease once they reached a certain number of Twitter followers. But I don't see any scenario in which Felicity tries to convince her mom that she and Ray are just friends.
  6. I don't think so. Donna shows up at the hospital to offer her support after Ray gets injured-she must know they're more than friends or else why would she make the trip? I mean, maybe it's because she heard someone shot an arrow at Felicity, but if she's coming to the hospital, she must know Ray was the one who was injured. Although who knows with this show.Plus, MS is in the hospital with Ray and Felicity, so she'd "see" it in Felicity's eyes of she was claiming Ray was just her friend. Saw implies past tense, like the last time she saw Oliver. But then again maybe they're talking outside Ray's room so again, who knows. I've just made my brain hurt.
  7. I know it's terrible, but thinking about it makes me laugh too. Like he's just lying there smoking, all alone. I wonder how long it took Oliver to figure out he was missing or if he came to at the power plant all alone.
  8. It wouldn't make sense if she wasn't on the comms during that confrontation, because isn't she always? But it really wouldn't make sense if she was because a) these fools are talking about her like she's not there, b) Ray electrocuted her friend and c) he's calling in fake 9-1-1 emergencies to trap them. And then she goes and apologizes to HIM after hearing all that? Nah. But then...did Roy not tell her Ray electrocuted him? Did Oliver not tell her that Ray set them up? Did they purposely keep this information from her so she'd still think she had a great, wonderful guy? It's all so gross, haha.
  9. I've never seen MG mention putting Olicity stuff in the 3.5 comics. The only comment I've seen from him about them is that they are already planning on what to put in them, nothing specific about storylines or anything.
  10. Well, not only that but it kind of invalidates a lot of his righteous anger over the Arrow skewering people. So he's a hypocritical dick, too!
  11. We do know now that he's a great guy to go to if you need a jump start or a quick power up on your rechargeable batteries. Or if you just really want to see a passerby electrocuted into human bacon.
  12. So, how does Ray plan on going around vigilante-ing? Is he going to strike criminals with 10,000 volts like he did Roy? Because it seems a tad hypocritical to me to go after a vigilante who is killing people by, you know, trying to kill him, and not even hitting him but his lil sidekick who didn't even do anything wrong (that time).
  13. *If* it is my fave crack theory of an Oliver/Felicity airplane wedding, I think it'll be one of those "I might die and five minutes of being married to you is better than never being married to you at all" or some such schmaltzy thing.
  14. Oliver suggested that he and Sara get a "more permanent place," because he figured Sara was tired of staying with Laurel and he and Sara couldn't sleep in the foundry with Roy there in his Mirakuru coma (<---I'm paraphrasing here, but those were his reasons when she asked if he was serious). When Sara asked if he was asking her to move in with him as in we should find a permanent place as a couple, he never answered her. I know that Oliver cared for/loved Sara, but when he mentioned that I think he was thinking that they both needed a place to live and they were in a relationship, so why not find a place to live together? Not a friends-with-benefits roommate situation, but he clearly wasn't considering it to be "moving in together" moving in together in the context of taking their relationship forward.
  15. It doesn't bother me that he's asking people to buy it, it's bothering me that he wrote to "vote with your dollars." Vote for what? Is it some kind of message that they'll only keep Olicity as the main pairing if the comic sales are high enough? I thought they were supposed to be writing their own story apart from what the fanbase wanted? And yeah, MG had been asked repeatedly about the wine, but he also answered that question: Oliver gave Felicity the wine the day after the Undertaking, and they shared it on his birthday or whatever. I don't blame him for wanting to make a little bank off of it, but he's the one who left that tidbit dangling, so if people repeatedly ask him about it, serves him right, haha.
  16. I've purchased about half of the issues, but all of the ones since Felicity's been kidnapped. So, I'll buy this one. But the "vote with your dollars" comment is not a good look. Is that his not-so-subtle way of saying that if they sell enough they'll keep Oliver and Felicity as the main romantic pair? Because otherwise, vote for what?
  17. Really? I actually generally liked their interactions save for that terrible line about Oliver being glad if Ray got killed. It was Felicity's interactions with Ray that I hated a lot.
  18. What he needs to do is realize that what he thinks she deserves and what she wants are two different things. I think this last ep opened his eyes to that a bit.
  19. I hope not. IIRC, she's like...17, maybe 18.
  20. No, there weren't any HK flashbacks in this ep.
  21. I can see Ray proposing. Absolutely. But if Ray and Felicity are the people who get married? Well, I actually hope that happens because I would rage quit this show, and I have never done that. We started out the season with Felicity wanting to be with Oliver. Hell, even though she tried to move on she was still hoping the two of them could be together in 3x12. She started dating Ray one episode ago, and in that episode she referred to her and Ray as a "something" and pretty much told Oliver that if he would just decide to have a life that she'd be with him. This past episode she admitted—TO RAY—that she had feelings for Oliver. Ray admitted—TO HER—that he didn't trust her. Yeah, they ended on a high note, but...good lord. An engagement, I could see. A wedding? In the next six-ish weeks with the storyline running in real time? Hell no. I admit that Oliver and Felicity would also be ridiculous, and that's why I listed it as cracky, but at least there's an established relationship there - one that's spanned longer than two episodes. I could see it happening though. I mean, the EPs would certainly get a laugh out of riling up the shipper base with an ending like that, especially after the not so fake fake "I love you," in 2x23. I don't expect that the season 3x5 comics would be such a big seller though, so...whoops.
  22. I'm glad you both posted this, because I didn't even think about Oliver maybe beginning to have a change of heart. I just figured he was trying to stay out of her business, haha.
  23. He actually BOUGHT that bottle? Goodness. I kind of liked the previous canon version MG presented with Oliver drinking it with Felicity after the Undertaking on his birthday, but this is cute, I'll take it.
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