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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Could be. Even still, makes sense to me that he'd use the tip to prepare her brunch.
  2. Right, but who cares about common area shenanigans when the only people living in the house are involved. Banging a dude on the couch when your brother can walk in is a big NO.
  3. I make scrambled egg breakfast casseroles in the slow cooker all the time and they come out really good. Nice and tender. I suppose anything could get rubbery in there if you cook it too long. Not sure why Oliver would've chosen that method, except for the fact that the neighbor was probably a working mom and pressed for time, and it makes sense to me that he'd make use of her tip and serve her the results.
  4. I was really skeeved out by Thea doing it with DJ Douchebag in the living room last season, so I'm glad we're not going to get any common area shenanigans this season.
  5. I thought Felicity was just feeding Oliver a line about the email so he wouldn't be onto her.
  6. Yeah, Oliver refused to break down for Sara. And he was so distraught over Moira, he didn't even go to her funeral. And didn't he not go to Tommy's, either? Didn't he run off to the island for that (I could be wrong, but we didn't see him at the funeral, either way)? With what he said about not feeling guilty about the darkness or whatever, but feeling responsible for taking care of it, again...to me, it seems like it's someone he cared for, but not like a Felicity, Diggle, or a Thea. Or Laurel. Given what he said at the grave site -if it is Quentin- I don't think he'll blame himself at all. But I think he'll have a renewed purpose to take care of what ills Starling City, which will further him along his path, making it more of a willful thing instead of an obligation.
  7. IDK, nothing about Oliver hiding the ring worries me at all. And everything I got from what he said and the way he acted indicates he has issues with himself and his life in Starling City, not with her. I don't think she was being thoughtless and insensitive at all. He clearly had a dream of getting out of Starling and leading an idyllic life. She was with him on that, and gave it a trial run for herself, but soon found out it wasn't for her. Still, even though she was bored and she hated it, she tried to make it work—for him, because that's what he wanted—and to still have a piece of the life that she loved for herself without disturbing or displacing his dream. When he asked her about it, she was honest with him - life in the suburbs was boring for her (not life with him) and that she missed the purpose their mission gave her life. So, she came clean immediately - why would he be doubting who she is, when he specifically said and we have actually seen that he doesn't think he can be a hero and have a personal life? The only thing that gave me pause about the EP comments regarding the ring was that they only came up with it as an illustrative device for Oliver & Felicity's relationship status in Ivy Town. I hope there were some discussions about what was going to happen to it after it got put in the bowl, because it's Chekov's ring now, haha. Oliver's concerns all last season were that he couldn't be himself and a hero, and he never did resolve that, so it's understandable why he put the idea of marriage on hold, and I firmly believe that it's 100% about him, not them.
  8. Much like we can't draw anything from the funeral attendance, I think the same holds true for Oliver's reaction. If he hadn't cried, we would know the death wasn't a big deal. IMO, that reaction isn't big enough for some characters, either. I think he'd cry for Quentin, especially if Quentin died in an honorable and self-sacrificing way, and gave Oliver some closure before his death, which—if it's him—I'm sure would happen.
  9. Let's make it filthy and headcanon that they had sex a couple (few) times, and he got up and started to get dressed, then she seduced him back over, and during round whatever, he was the...uh...giver, not the receiver.
  10. Sadly, Cisco never got a chance to meet her.
  11. Helping the kid was cute, I just wish he'd said something less ridiculous to her, haha.
  12. What she's saying is that she doesn't think that Stephen would be so gleefully trolling if he knew Felicity was getting killed off, not that she's safe just because he likes the character. He might not even know who it is (he says he doesn't, who knows if that's true), so reading into his reaction is probably pointless.
  13. I don't think they need examples at different stages. Thea is what happens when you use it on a nearly dead person, Sara is what happens when you use it on a dead one. I imagine she's going to be messed up enough that they won't dare try again, regardless of how long the person has been dead.
  14. Yeah, that's how I took it, too. Especially since the ring was lighting up his face, and he seemed happy.
  15. Yeah, I'm okay with it post-show. I'll only be bothered if it's Felicity, and if it is then my Wednesday nights would be free, so that'd be a win for me.
  16. I'm pretty sure Sara's gonna be the cautionary tale of why you don't put actual dead people in there. She'll eventually get right, I'm sure, but she'll do something super fucked up first. I'm guessing no one will WANT to use the LP after that.
  17. Tissue warnings are the worst. I hate them, and I'm usually not even remotely close to as moved as the content creator seems to think I'll be, haha.
  18. I don't want Oliver killing Quentin. I am looking forward to it coming out that Quentin's working with Darhk, given how high and mighty he is with Oliver and his morality.
  19. I wonder why they didn't just have her ask if he regretted having that tattoo removed? He could've still replied that he didn't need it anymore, and that way it wouldn't have seemed like Felicity had absolutely no observational skills.
  20. They're moving Oliver into a place where he's not a mess, so I doubt they're killing anyone who's gonna give him manpain. Could be me, but he didn't seem super devastated by whoever it was, just angry and resolute that he was going to take care of whoever was responsible.
  21. Must be a little bit of a nerve wracking time for everyone but Stephen Amell then. How fun for them!
  22. Would it be different if the death is revealed at the beginning of the season like this, in order to alleviate cast tension? They know someone's getting killed off-it'd be pretty difficult going through the whole season wondering if it was your character. Seems like it would be a courtesy to let the actor know.
  23. https://www.facebook.com/OfficialPaulBlackthorne/posts/431041303773697
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