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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I honestly can't tell when the threat to Laurel was made. The confusing part is because DD says: "I suppose you need a reminder that Madison Danforth is not the only vulnerable daughter in the city." Does DD know Laurel's kidnapping history, or is he reminding Quentin of a previous threat he made toward Laurel? IDK. It's impossible to tell from Quentin's reaction whether this is the first time he's heard this threat before. Seems like it could be, but I don't know.
  2. Yeah, I just rewatched DD's convo with Quentin. Last night when I was watching, I thought DD was reminding Quentin of a threat he'd already made to Laurel, but now it seems to me like it was the first time he'd brought Laurel into it. Which means that I guess Quentin agreed to work with him for...why, exactly? What a (hypocritical) moron.
  3. I'm not sure. I haven't rewatched, but I didn't think the threat to Laurel was new. I thought that's how he got Quentin on board in the first place? Did he threaten Laurel during this ep or last week's, or did he just mention that he had threatened her?
  4. \ Yeah, I need to know exactly what he agreed to do for Darhk. I mean, apart from putting Laurel and the others in danger (I guess I can write off the others, since Laurel's the only one in the bunch he actually seems to care about) by keeping them in the dark about what's going on, he's also out there getting his guys on the force killed, for...what, exactly?
  5. I think it's a nice idea, but that the fucked-upedness of what I was doing would hit me hard once I started, you know, digging up a coffin.
  6. Laurel does face consequences, but they're fairly temporary ones. Yeah, she lost Tommy for going into CNRI, but Tommy's the one who, you know, DIED. Yes, people treated her like a drunk when she was lashing out and being terrible, but that's under control now and was only mentioned by Oliver in a derogatory way a year ago. (ETA: I just realized this makes it sound like I think her alcoholism should be thrown in her face as a consequence, which I absolutely do not. I'm glad she's recovering and not constantly reminded of that period of time). She went out as BC too early but won over Roy and Felicity almost immediately, and a few months later everyone else is on board. Yes, Quentin was pissed at her, but he never hated her. She badgered him to forgive her, all the while he was actually going after OLIVER because of his anger, while simultaneously turning a blind eye to the vigilantism his own daughter was committing. Now they're on good terms, and Quentin even got into it with DD in order to protect her. So, the shit she pulled with Sara is pretty much over now too.Now she's being a dumbass, but the repercussions of it probably won't follow her for long, if history holds up.
  7. I thought DD threatened Laurel to get Quentin on board, so he'd done that before Anarky took Madison Danforth. So, it's not that he was against threatening someone's kid, he just didn't want Anarky doing it for whatever reason.
  8. Regardless of how the company is performing, wouldn't simply inheriting/owning it be lucrative? I mean, poor performance obviously isn't sustainable over a period of time, but just acquiring a large amount of stock and such that she didn't have previously would've been good for her bank account.
  9. Diggle's working on his own hypocrisy (I know what he's hiding and what Oliver hid are not on the same level).
  10. If he's Felicity's father for some ungodly reason, I at least want a FB of DD U-Hauling his LP waters out of Nanda Parbat.
  11. I thought it was going to be empty too. I watched with a person who's never seen Arrow before, and she was like, "That grave's gonna be empty. Oh. Gross."
  12. I think that ever since they decided to do this resurrection, they had to be really careful about Laurel getting any kind of whiff of there being an LP. As much as I would've liked to see her think about what she's doing, her deciding to do this after actually weighing her options seems just as bad as being impulsive about it.
  13. Laurel didn't go with them to NP when Thea got LPed, she went with them after. Not sure why she thought they were all gone, though, since they deleted that scene. Like you, I understand Laurel wanting Sara back. I'd understand her actually following through with it if there weren't warning signs that it's a bad idea (no matter how "small" those might seem) and GRAVEDIGGING involved. These are the actions of a person who is still desperate with grief, not a person who has had a year to deal with said death.
  14. I disagree that Oliver would've dug Thea out of her grave to LP her. I'm certain that the only reason he did it was because she was gravely injured. He would've done it if she was freshly dead, too. If grave robbing was involved? Nah. He never mentioned Pitting Moira.
  15. Just taking a wild guess here, but she'll probably have a "heroic" moment at some point during this resurrection arc, or she'll set into motion something that will have a positive result.
  16. Maybe they stashed the corpse and then went for a mani?
  17. Yeah, I don't blame Laurel for WANTING Sara back. I have experienced that want, and I think it's a very human reaction. I get that we're probably not supposed to think that Thea is bad enough to turn Laurel off of the idea, but...nah, sorry. I wish they would've had Laurel not be so LAUREL about it. Even if she thought it through and still wanted to do it, I'd feel better about it if she'd given it some time to breathe. And given her some more time with Thea, so she seemed like she actually gave a shit about what she was going through. I do think Laurel cares about Thea, and I know some disagree, but that scene where Thea started wondering if that's how Moira felt when Thea was kidnapped just reeked of Laurel wanting her to shut up so she could get more info about the LP.
  18. Isn't show canon that it actually IS hard to find? Not that it matters since Laurel's been there before. How she's going to manage to get a rotting corpse there is another issue, which I'm guessing won't be addressed.
  19. Yeah, Laurel is making terrible decisions, but they aren't Barry level terrible. Yet.
  20. Quentin turns Oliver over to DD protect Laurel, then confesses what he did to Oliver after he's put himself in front of a bullet (or done something equally "heroic") and is bleeding out, finally making peace with Oliver before he draws his last breath. YES, MAKE IT HAPPEN
  21. I might be rooting for him to be redeemed if I hadn't already watched this story with him. It's retread at this point, and now not only is he a nasty asshole, he's a hypocrite. If he gets redeemed again, I'll just keep waiting for him to go back on it. Again.
  22. Where exactly did I say that she never faced any consequences? I wrote that things seem to work out okay for her, and they do. She got her job back, she's handling her alcoholism, her father is back on speaking terms with her, and got into bed with a psycho to keep her from harm. Whatever happens with this, I'm sure it'll work out as well.
  23. I don't think she's the worst ever, I just think she's acting like a selfish moron, but I'm sure it'll work out all right for her in the end. It always seems to.
  24. I honestly can't wait to see what happens when Nyssa sees what she's done. Speaking of which, does she not wonder why Nyssa didn't choose this option when she found out Sara died?
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