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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He would stoop that low. I hope he does, so I can wish for his death even harder.
  2. Yeah, and what was DD going on about crossing lines by threatening JD's daughter when he's obviously threatening Laurel to Quentin? So many hypocrites in the ep tonight (although I do expect hypocrisy from villains).
  3. I really hope past love interest double crosses him somehow.
  4. I'm thinking it's going to be a wig to keep up the ruse that he was marooned the whole time.
  5. We don't really know what she told her, because we didn't get to see that part of the conversation. Which I would've liked to have seen, because why on earth is Thea going along with this? Because she's living in Laurel's home? Because she feels guilty about what she did to Sara? She knows she's not right. This storyline sucks.
  6. Yeah, Laurel didn't know, so I don't necessarily blame her for not noticing. I do, however, blame her for not seeming to take that into consideration before basically telling Thea that she's going to Nanda Parbat. John though, he doesn't have any excuse at all. He was there when Malcolm warned them, he saw her go into the Pit, and he brushed off Oliver's concerns about her. He's disappointing as hell again this week.
  7. I think that will be an interesting part of the conversation. My mother died unexpectedly, and personally I would never, ever consider doing what Laurel did. Don't fuck with the natural order of things and all that.
  8. I know this is Arrow and crazy shit happens, but the minute she put that shovel in the ground to DIG UP SARA'S BODY should've given her a moment of pause to think, "the fuck am I doing?"
  9. I wish we didn't have to guess. I would've preferred if they'd had Laurel take Thea to NP and then had her get the idea about Sara. The way they wrote the interaction between them, IMO, made it seem like Laurel's "concern" about Thea was only because she wanted more information about the LP. I also would've preferred to see the conversation between her and Thea, because Thea did technically kill Sara, and she's not really in a position to tell Laurel no because of that.
  10. "Ma'am, what is in that suitcase?" "Just...some really strong cheese. I'm on my way home from France."
  11. Look, that's the one thing I enjoyed about that scene. If you're gonna dig up a grave, by god, be super neat about it!
  12. I have to disagree. It works only if she didn't have proof positive right in front of her that the Pit leaves people not right. And if she'd actually tried to have a conversation with Thea about how she was feeling instead of using that convo as a door opener to ask about the Pit. I guess maybe we're supposed to think that she doesn't think Thea's that bad and is willing for Sara to be a little off in order to be alive, but...nah, they should've come up with a better reason than "just because." God, I really wish they'd just had Rip Hunter do it for some plot reason. Bleh.
  13. How could Laurel think she could fix Thea? She didn't even KNOW about the LP until tonight, which is...god, so many levels of stupid I cannot.
  14. Also, the next board meeting is in SIX MONTHS. DAMN YOU, SHOW.
  15. No snark, but is there the possibility that Darhk has whammied Laurel? I really need to find out that the series of decisions made in tonight's episodes were made while she wasn't in her right mind.
  16. I think they were supposed to be fighting right before dawn.
  17. I really liked Oliver admitting he was wrong for not telling Thea about the Pit side effects, but it honestly never occurred to me that she might not know about that. How had NO ONE told Laurel about the Pit by now? God. This "team" is a big 'ol mess. Loved Oliver and Felicity, and that he was the supportive one for once. That Danforth storyline wasn't much of anything but a springboard for Oliver's mayoral run. Boo.
  18. I mean, I was hoping they would show it because the idea of it is just so ridiculous, but then I got what I asked for, and NO, haha. WHY did they have to have her do it like this? WHY? Couldn't there have been a better reason? They had the perfect opportunity for her and Thea to have a moment, but she had to be underhanded about it? I just don't understand. I'm also disappointed in Diggle. Hiding his research about HIVE is not anywhere NEAR on par with what Oliver did, but I wish there wasn't even a little bit of hypocrisy present there. Quentin can die at any time now.
  19. I had high hopes. For nothing. Fucking gross, Laurel. Pretending to give a shit about Thea to get info about the pit, and then...god damn, she actually dug up her sister's corpse. Damn.
  20. We had a little debate when those pics were released - I think the temp lair is in the basement of PT. It seems like this dude attacks on the upper floors, and then Felicity and Curtis take the elevator down, so they might have somehow led him there. But yes, I agree.
  21. In before "except about Thea's father!!!"
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