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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I mentioned it in the episode thread, but there were much better ways to show that he wasn't the leader anymore. Bleh.
  2. The way Oliver is talked about over on The Flash is terrible, especially considering the same people who talk shit about Oliver continue coddling Barry WHEN THE RESULT OF HIS SELFISHNESS OPENED A GIANT BLACK HOLE IN THE SKY. And I'll give Diggle a pass since he's not the one who went to ask Oliver for help, but Laurel and Thea standing there gaping at him when he tells them what to do kills me. Especially when Laurel then looks at Diggle to, you know, tell her what to do. LMAO.
  3. I thought he answered that we'd see them fighting together in the next ep? The preview indicates that's true.
  4. That's another one we got out of context first-it was a dialogue tease, too. In context it made a bit more sense, but it was maddening out of context.
  5. That dialogue tease is terrible. Can't they just say, "It always ends badly."
  6. I think they truly don't realize that people want the codenames for identity protection purposes on comms and not just as some badass names to go along with a mask.
  7. Eh, I don't know. I think it's difficult to say what the appropriate reaction would be for killing an attempted mass murderer who just had a gun aimed at your friend's head.
  8. I don't know how much remorse she would feel about killing a guy who was going to hurt Diggle and unleash a virus on the city.
  9. She said that everyone's got one (in the preview comic), so I think she's bringing it up because Diggle got one.
  10. Fingerless gloves, man. FINGERLESS GLOVES. Felicity not having a code name is the tech equivalent.
  11. Given the fact that she thinks people are asking because they want her to go out into the field, I don't have high hopes. It kills me that no one in charge has considered the fact that it's INCREDIBLY STUPID for them to use their real names over comms. Even AFTER they had Sara drop that (apparently useless) bit of info about being able to pick up the frequency in 3x1.
  12. I don't think she's ever getting one, because they associate codenames with masks, not, you know, identity concealment. Was this after she said they weren't? Because she said they weren't.
  13. Well, they didn't lie - she was in 4 episodes, haha (technically 3 and a voiceover).
  14. I thought Wendy Mericle said she wasn't getting a code name?
  15. No judgment here-I love that show, haha.
  16. Finding out that the past LI is bringing the humanity to the world around her or whatever makes it less likely that she's a baddie or morally ambiguous, both of which I was hoping for. I thought it'd be a less obvious parallel to Felicity, LOL @ me. Seems likely she's the fourth grave, which also makes it likely that she gets offed to make Oliver go darker, which...no thanks. Hopefully they do something different with her, like have her betray him.
  17. Yeah, but Quentin's logic is that Oliver's a terrible person and his returning home to vigilantism made him a monster so monsters followed him. Slade would've followed him regardless, IMO, so I disagree with Quentin's argument there, which is the point I was not so successful in making. ETA:Not that Quentin would know that, but now that I think he's an irredeemable, repetitive asshole, I am holding it against him.
  18. I'm hesitant to blame Oliver for Slade, because he was crazy and driven by irrational hatred. I mean, yeah, he could have cured him, but it seems to me that Slade would've gone after Oliver whether he was Arrow or not, even if he had just made it home as Oliver Queen. Ra's is totally his fault though.
  19. Personally, I could not care less about stunt doubles. If Laurel and Thea are gonna be heroes, we're gonna get shots of them doing stunts that don't make much sense, and we're also gonna get shots of Oliver being impressed with them.
  20. I think it's him smiling at what Laurel did. I think we'll have quite a few shots of him being impressed with both Laurel and Thea at the beginning.
  21. Until Oliver is married off (and not even then, I suppose), O/L is a dark cloud of possibility in my mind. But there's nothing suggesting it's imminent, and I wouldn't watch that anyway, so I'm just going to enjoy what I've got in O/F, because it's more than I had ever dared to hope for anyway.
  22. I think what Morrigan meant was that you seem convinced/worried/whatever (and you have for a long time) that O/F are just a precursor to O/L version whatever.0, and will be broken up (whether by death or natural causes) in order to make that happen. As such, when any information comes out about Oliver and Laurel (like MG's Tumblr answer), you interpret that information in a pro O/L way. And you seem to be aware you're doing that, just based on your "think I'm still being overly pessimistic?" question. The show was always going to get them on friendlier terms and move them on from the past, which seems like is happening. But "close" and "more friendly" could mean anything, considering the only information either one of them seems to have about the other is what's going on in Oliver's bones.
  23. It doesn't really look like she's looking at the camera to me?
  24. It looks like someone drives a truck into him. Felicity, is that you?
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