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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I've watched it a few times, and it seems like he definitely did a little trick on the draw - I just can't tell what it is.
  2. Maybe the gloves he has on have magnets on them? So he held out his hand and the gun flew out? IDK
  3. I don't know, is it still an issue? Quentin definitely didn't seem to like them and made a comment or two to that effect, but last season the only one he was really gung-ho after was Oliver. I'm not sure the police are actively after them yet (again) - and yet AGAIN it would be freaking stupid if they were since their city is being overrun with those "ghosts" and they can't do anything about them themselves. Damien Darhk seemed to want Arrow/Oliver gone, so I think the police might START going after them again, on Quentin's (via DD) orders.
  4. Yeah, I'm 99% sure it was the bike - I certainly hope that moment with the kid wasn't intended to be iconic, haha.
  5. Whatever happens to Laurel, whether KC stays on the show or goes for whatever reason (although I do believe that's highly unlikely), the very last thing I want Laurel to is DIE. Just...decide to start a new life somewhere, and drive away. Whatever, but please still be converting oxygen to carbon dioxide.
  6. Was it a "big" moment, or an "iconic" one? I'm guessing it's supposed to be her on the bike. Yeah, the line was stupid, because she did nothing at all out of the ordinary to a kid. That's why I thought it would've been better if he recognized her as Black Canary and had kind of a "wow" moment about it.
  7. There's a holster on his thigh. I think...somehow it was supposed to have come from there.
  8. That does make it seem like the "organic" and "earned" is about the LP. When I read the initial quotes incorporated into an article (I can't remember where now), it seemed like they were talking about the death.
  9. The only reason I doubt the death is Oliver's kid is because of MG's comment about the death being "elegant" and "earned." I know he's not to be trusted, but those are really weird things to say about a helpless child kicking the bucket. Seems to me like those words point to the dead one sacrificing his/her self for the greater good of the city, or to atone for some kind of "sin." Maybe Malcolm's the dead one, for once not being a selfish asshat.
  10. I was just rewatching, and I really, really wish whoever wrote that "Wow, you're so strong!" line from the kid to Laurel had him being starstruck instead. Like saying, "Whoa, you're the Black Canary!" or something similar, since he's a young boy and would probably be really into SC's superheroes. I mean, he was tiny, and his parents probably picked him up all the time, so Laurel doing it shouldn't have been a big deal to him. I just makes me LOL.
  11. I just loved his stupid exasperated smiling face when he yelled that at her, haha.
  12. I hope that rush and thrill was all Thea and not a Pit side effect.
  13. I don't think he's wrong to thank WWE fans for tuning in-I'm sure his wrestling over the summer did attract new viewers. Now, insinuating that the bump was entirely due to them? Nah. He should really thank people for tuning back in, haha. I think as always the viewership is attributed to different things. People tuned in for comic book stuff, people tuned in for Olicity, maybe some people came back from a long break because this season didn't look depressing as shit. Some people who binged over the summer just started watching live. Lots of stuff.
  14. The thing I love the most about this death is I'm pretty sure we're all going to wind up wondering why exactly Oliver's left standing alone by the grave after the funeral. Because the only one it makes sense for is Felicity, and I'm pretty sure it's not her.
  15. So, that Quentin knocking Diggle out scene that isn't supposed to be what it looks like is...what, Quentin protecting Diggle from DD somehow, you think? It seems like mind control is out of the picture now that we know Quentin is willingly working with the dude for whatever reason.
  16. MG said that there would be time after the death for the characters to deal with it, so that seems like it comes at least an ep or two (maybe more) before the finale. If it's actually 6 months show time like MG says, seems like it'd come sometime in April.
  17. I agree. My issue with it is this: how many times over the past three years has Diggle seen Oliver do whatever he had to do to capture the bad guy? Yeah, sometimes he needs a pep talk into doing it, but...just the year before, Oliver handed Felicity-the woman he loved-over to Slade, with absolutely no guarantee that he wouldn't kill her on sight, in order to bring Slade down. He's a cold dude - when push comes to shove, nothing is off limits. I get why Oliver taking Lyla would've been an initial shock to Diggle, and I completely understand his anger at his daughter being left alone, but this is the kind of thing that Oliver does and has been doing for a while now. So, it hurts, yeah...but this isn't an Oliver that Diggle doesn't know - he knows this Oliver. He's seen this Oliver do similar shit. He's worked with this Oliver for years. I understand his hurt and trust issues to a certain extent, but I really don't get Diggle of all people all of a sudden going off on Oliver for not being capable of love or whatever. Definitely PodDiggle! there.
  18. I didn't tweet very much last night, because for the first time in a while I was actually engaged in almost everything that was happening on screen. I only took time out to tweet during commercial breaks, or when I thought something in particular was ridiculous.
  19. Yeah, something along those lines would've made more sense. Instead they decided to make them out to be a group of morons with absolutely no strategic knowhow, for...whatever reason.
  20. Yeah, I thought them standing there blankly staring at him when he was telling them what needed to be done was stupid. There was another way to indicate that he wasn't the leader of the team, but they really don't know how to handle the team outside of Oliver, it seems. Like last season when he "died" and came back and they were all, "YOU'RE NOT THE LEADER OF US ANYMORE!" even though they hadn't managed to get jack shit done without him, haha. It just kills me that they go to him because they can't figure out what to do, and when he starts figuring out ways for them to meet their objective, they look at him like, "Who do you think you are?!"
  21. I don't think Oliver didn't take Thea/Felicity/Laurel because he was worried about them getting hurt, I think he was worried that he might not be able to keep up the facade with them begging him to come back to himself if he was genuinely scaring them. I think Lyla is unflappable and less likely to get all emotional about it, was the kind of person who had already told him that she knew what it was like to do what she had to do to beat a foe, and if shit went down she wouldn't have lost her cool and was the most capable out of all the options to be able to handle herself with the League.Like I wrote, I get Diggle being angry about Sara. I'm not saying he's wrong to be mad, I just think that him spouting off about Oliver not being able to love and brushing off Oliver's concerns about Thea (a woman he's been working with since Oliver's been gone and should be concerned about in that capacity) in order to take digs at him was a little OTT last night and is going to be super OTT if it continues.
  22. Well, I was always uninterested in 6 months of Digg anger, but if he'd just remained terse it would've been okay. But he was downright hateful to Oliver with his whole not knowing how to love BS-which would've made more sense if he'd said it immediately after the kidnapping when tensions were still high. Now it just seems incredibly out of character. I do get him being upset about Oliver leaving Sara alone, but I really do not get him being angry about Lyla, a fucking badass chick who holds her own and even SHE isn't mad at Oliver anymore. If Digg hadn't gone all hateful in that train station, I don't think it would be that big a deal, especially since they managed to work together otherwise despite their differences.
  23. Yes, because he vowed to kill "him," who I'm assuming is Darhk.
  24. I guess it's because he had it in his pocket when he left and left the ring box in Ivy Town? Not sure why he wouldn't have put it somewhere safe sooner since they were obviously there for more than one day, but I guess they needed to remind us that the ring still exists, even though Oliver didn't propose. And to give us the shot of the ring right before the shot of the grave so everyone would think Felicity was dead. I don't think they decided on the "twist" last minute, since they were talking about a "haunting" last scene at Comic Con. I think it was always intended to be there, they just couldn't/didn't shoot it until recently for whatever reason.
  25. UGH, THAT DAMN FERN IS IN THE NZ PROMO. I wish that stupid thing would get dumped in that grave.
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