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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. There have been pics of Felicity in what seems like later eps without a ring on her finger, so either he doesn't ask, or she says no. Or she says yes to the proposal but no to the ring.
  2. Do we know Thea didn't have a say? For all we know that's how the fact that it's Moira's even gets brought up. Maybe Oliver asked her for it.
  3. The Channel 52 News team called Roy the Red Arrow last year, but that might have been while he and Laurel were out fumbling around when Oliver was dead, so maybe he didn't hear that.
  4. Laurel/Oliver's biggest problem was that he continually lied to her and cheated on her, and she knew about it and still wanted to be Mrs. Oliver Queen. Add in the fact that he got with Sara again when she returned and there's a kid out there that's the result of sex he had while he was still with Laurel...yuck x 1,000,000.
  5. Yeah, I think Laurel and Thea will show up to ask Oliver back at the 20-ish minute mark, if not before.
  6. I hope it is. That would be my preference out of all the options.
  7. I think he didn't take Thea or Felicity because he was worried he couldn't keep up the facade around him. And so far, Oliver seems willing to accept the consequences of his actions. I mean, Diggle told him that sorry wasn't enough this time, and Oliver didn't argue. I guess we'll see what Oliver does when he returns from his Sunmer of Love.
  8. I hope he vows to break his no kill rule (because it is stupid). But I'm guessing that's not it.
  9. I'm guess OMG he flew out to film 10, if that's what they're filming. He didn't specify on Facebook.
  10. I think it's pretty obvious that her eyes aren't blacked out because she's literally up to her neck in black and she's got this huge-ass black mask that takes up half her face, and it would look terrible. It only bothers me because now she's not using that wig (thank god, it was terrible-but her hair is pretty recognizable), and she's got her stupid fingerless gloves, and a little more makeup doesn't make her face any less recognizeable. I get that it's not real, but she's an ADA-she out of all of them should probably be most concerned about keeping her identity a secret, but whatever. As for the lashes, it's cool that she wanted a specific look, and I know clumpy mascara is a thing now for whatever reason, but it looks awful. If she wants a Twiggy look, she should just draw it on like Twiggy did.
  11. I don't know if it's in the basement. I hope it isn't -that seems really stupid. But I think it probably is.
  12. Don't they end up there because that dude with the card tattoos is attacking them at PT? Like, it's in the basement?
  13. If it's a choice between an updo or her Texas Beauty Queen Barbie hair from The Flash, I'll take the updo. I don't think it looks bad.
  14. IDK, she seemed big on protecting Oliver from consequences before the Gambit. She seemed more generally protective after, when she had first-hand knowledge of what the people who were after her and her family were capable of doing. Oliver told her she was never good at setting limits, which I think isn't necessarily indicative of her level of protectiveness.
  15. Considering Moira paid a girl that Oliver got pregnant to lie to him about a miscarriage and disappear so he wouldn't have to be a father before he was ready indicates that she was always pretty protective. Not necessarily in a good way, but it was there before the Gambit.
  16. I get what you're saying. He gave Oliver a chance, which is something I think most parents would've done in that situation, that's all. I mean, what was the alternative? They'd starve or die of thirst? He'd watch Oliver die? Neither one of those seem like viable options to me, IDK
  17. IDK, Robert said there wasn't enough water or whatever for all of them, and I think most parents would do whatever they could to make sure their kid survived, even if that kid was generally useless. He did leave Oliver with a heavy request, but who else was he going to ask to do it? So I don't think it was blind faith so much as just not having a choice.
  18. I'm most interested in the timeline of all this, since it seems like from the preview that Star City was already dedicated and renamed when O&F return. MG has talked about the timing of Ray 'sploding himself like it wasn't what we thought it was based on what they showed, but it seems like it is?
  19. No one's saying that they did? It was a continual shitstorm for her like it was for everyone else, but she's singled out for her reactions to those things.
  20. He didn't go through with it not because he realized it was wrong, but because his future self showed up and told him not to. That decision wasn't based on any personal growth or realization that Barry had on his own. So sorry, I don't buy that a guy who was willing to erase his friends' existence is so concerned about their safety now that he distances himself to protect them.
  21. I don't buy Barry being that worried about his friends AFTER HE WAS WILLING TO ERASE THEM FROM EXISTENCE LAST SEASON TO DO SOMETHING HE DIDN'T EVEN WIND UP DOING. Ugh. I really hope the LoT setup on Arrow is as minimal as possible*. *I know.
  22. Know why that is? Because they have data (that none of us will ever see) that shows them that the audience generally likes Felicity and Oliver and Felicity.
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