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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I have work friends that I hang out with outside of work, and we all tweet/text each other in over the top 'CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU' 'WHEN WILL YOU BE COMING BACK TO ME' ways. I think it just depends on the work environment, etc. I think EBR and KC are just being over the top dramatic for entertainment's sake.
  2. Hopefully they're flashing back to when she was killed or is being dug up from her nasty grave, because gross if she's wearing that around with her death blood and corpse stank on it without washing.
  3. Rude if they're having Sara wandering around in the outfit she was killed in before she gets shipped off to LoT. Considering her LoT outfit is a bleached version, I guess they are. Laurel's gonna be so pissed when she asks for that jacket back!
  4. He was the one pouring the gasoline on that fire, so what is your point?
  5. If he's going to be exalted for the good he does, he's going to be taken down a few pegs when he shows his ass on social media, like he has been for the past few days. His initial comments were bad, but not insurmountable. It was him behaving like a complete douchebag in response to people's criticism of what he wrote that escalated the situation, so he has no one to blame but himself for that.
  6. I was preparing myself for him to dismiss that video like he had been dismissing everyone else's comments. I was clenched up tight for that one.
  7. He's so hung up on Twitter hatred and anonymous commenters hiding behind their computer screens, that he really needed to see an actual person explain it to him. Actual people that you can see you've upset who are explaining to you why what you've said is harmful and upsetting are difficult to ignore and brush off. When I saw that she posted that video to him, honestly, I was concerned about what his reply would be. I'm glad I was proven wrong about him in a good way this time. Jennifer is incredibly brave for posting that video, and I'm glad he listened to it. Too bad he couldn't have done that a couple of days ago.
  8. Ah, okay. Good point, I thought he was talking about speaking up about it in the first place.
  9. She was also getting milkshakes and fries on the reg. Who wouldn't be happy?
  10. I skipped over that part of the article, so yeah. No, they wouldn't do that the same.
  11. Right, I just meant basic moves, considering that Nyssa must have taught at least one move to both Laurel and Sara.
  12. I think it's possible that Sara and Laurel could have similar fighting styles for some moves, considering Nyssa taught them both at some point. So, really they'd both have LoA-like fighting styles. It doesn't really make sense that they'd have any other similar moves at this point since the've never fought together, Laurel hadn't seen enough of Sara fighting to mimic her, and Sara never trained her.
  13. She called Oliver her soulmate recently, didn't she? Like, when she said that Laurel and Oliver probably wouldn't be getting back together, because sometimes you don't end up with your soulmate? Unless I'm misremembering.
  14. Yeah, I liked Helena, and I wouldn't mind seeing her redeemed. I don't think she killed any good guys - she just shot McKenna. I only threw Helena in there because the primary purpose of bringing her on the show seemed to be making her Oliver's first attempt at having a relationship while he was the Hood. I agree that her storyline was interesting outside of that.
  15. Yes, I am aware that this is from one interview. She put it out there. She needs to not do it again, which is exactly what I wrote.
  16. Stop with as in...not say it again? Is that not clear?
  17. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially Katie because when she speaks most of the time it's word salad. But she needs to stop with the "just a love interest" stuff. Laurel always had her own storylines, she's never served as just a love interest. It makes her sound shady and bitter when she might not mean to. The only character I can think of who really was just a love interest was McKenna. Maybe Helena too, if you stretch a bit.
  18. Nah. I mean, yes to the ego, but people love him. He's getting incredibly limited blowback from this, and the majority of his fans are encouraging him. He's 10x more of an asset than a liability. Although I am surprised that someone hasn't told him to just shut the fuck up about it already. If he had just taken a break, it would've blown over.
  19. I think he's perfectly capable of understanding what's going on, he's just too wrapped up in being a victim to listen.
  20. To me, the "Oh. And whose fault is that?" is the worst part of that exchange, haha. She and Oliver really are absolute assholes around each other.
  21. Here's the quote: Oliver: You cannot be serious. Laurel: I am not on your team. I don't work for you. Oliver: Exactly. You're untrained. Laurel: Oh. And whose fault is that? It was in 3x06. ETA: Whoops, Delphi beat me to it. :)
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