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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I didn't hate it overall, really. Although I don't rewatch it like I did season 2. Like, I didn't mind some of the things that happened, but I really hated the way they happened. I hated that they killed Sara. I thought for sure she would've been kidnapped and that would be how Laurel would come to be Black Canary - because she'd want to help find her. I absolutely hated her lying to Quentin - I thought that was the worst part of the whole season because it was so stupid and unnecessary. I would've appreciated her fighting skills being built up instead of plot convenient, but that happens to everyone. I wouldn't have minded the Olicity angst to a certain extent, but didn't really care for Ray as a pitstop on that journey. I think he would've been better as a platonic science friend. Hated Quentin's vendetta. I didn't mind Oliver infiltrating the League, really - I like good-guy-goes-deep-undercover-to-bring-down-the-bad-guys plots, but I think it would've been better if they hadn't tried to make us believe that he was actually brainwashed. I'm glad Thea became Speedy. I wish Malcolm had died at any point - I've said this countless times before, but fitting him into the plot is really what made this season a mess. So...didn't hate it, didn't love it. I'm glad it's over, and I hope S4 is NOTHING like it.
  2. Are you talking about these? http://prattschris.tumblr.com/tagged/arrow-recap
  3. They are, aren't they? Some of these people are showing up on The Flash, and some of them are showing up on Arrow.
  4. The comment you responded to was about how people on the network's Facebook site were talking about Olicity on a non-Olicity post and how if those people hate Olicity so much, they should tone down their hatred. Because that's a network site, people from the network see it, and they know what the hot button topics are. Olicity is getting people talking. People here don't need to be apathetic, because no one from the network is seeing this (apart from an intern or two who might possibly troll sites to gauge the audience's temperature). So yes, in the context of the conversation you were replying to, it matters.
  5. And this website isn't affiliated with the network.
  6. The bulk of the promotion has been about Olicity, because that's what gets the clicks and the traffic and the buzz. Doesn't mean that's all people are excited about, but it is what gets people talking and clicking.
  7. I don't know if I'd say her popularity rose. Most of the comments I saw were kind of along the lines of, "at least she's got something to do/at least she isn't useless anymore." But, I usually just visit the AV Club and sites of that nature. I did see a lot less, "Ugh. Laurel." comments. But again, I don't know if I'd count that as a rise in popularity.
  8. The producers of Arrow are so spinoff happy, that if a BoP spinoff had the numbers to support it, they would've pursued it. I mean, maybe they did at one point and were shot down. Laurel is an incredibly divisive character. That seems to be improving, no denying that, but that's not the kind of character you give a spinoff to. Kind of like Ray, who needed a freaking ensemble added in order to make LoT a go.
  9. Not sure how reliable this is, but one of the Vancouver pap guys tweeted it was an Arrow shoot, not a crossover ep. Don't know if he has access to filming schedules or what, or if he's just guessing (although he said that he wasn't guessing).
  10. Didn't he actually eat a soufflé on his date with McKenna? Or maybe she wanted one, or I can't remember. Pretty sure that's where that came from (but I could be wrong).
  11. I liked Trust But Verify a lot, too. I can't say which ep "hooked" me, honestly. I had friends who tried to get me to watch Arrow, and I had tuned in for about half of an episode (it was 1x05 - Damaged), and I really wasn't drawn in. During the winter hiatus of S2, the same friends started reblogging gifs on Tumblr that got me interested, mostly of O/F and Oliver and Diggle. A few of Barry. I had surgery during that hiatus, and was on bed rest for about a week, so I went on Netflix and made myself watch the entirety of S1 just so I could get to S2 to quell my curiosity about those gifs. A lot of S1 was a chore for me to get through, even once Felicity was involved, but once she became part of the team and the Undertaking started taking shape, I was more interested in the episodes. I thought the season-long mystery in the first season was great (and wish they could get back to something like that), but that's about the only thing I feel nostalgia for on the show (well, that and I do miss Moira and the Queen family stuff back at the mansion). I liked the "feel" of S2 much better than S1, and I think that's what really hooked me. If I had made it through S1's finale, I probably wouldn't have been compelled to turn in to S2 if it wasn't already available at the time. Once I started watching live (I think 2x11 was my first live viewing), I was always anxiously awaiting the next ep, no matter how terrible I thought the one I had just watched was (like "The Promise," and "Birds of Prey").
  12. I don't disagree, but I still felt like she was Felicity. I just didn't recognize her so much around Ray, but that was an issue on Arrow, too.
  13. I don't see how Felicity calling out Malcolm on being a terrible person hurts her at all. It's not like she's in some kind of relationship where they have to move on or break up and continually calling him out brings up some hurt they're trying to move past. Malcolm does have moments of heartfelt honesty (I think), but he's an awful person, and in those moments of heartfelt honesty (like he was having with Thea), it's easy to forget all the terrible things he's done. Doesn't hurt to voice a reminder of that, even if those words have no effect on Malcolm.
  14. We weren't talking about the rest of the cast, though. Everyone else worked fine over on The Flash, and was recognizable as their character. Laurel wasn't, really. I think it comes down to Laurel having highly emotional arcs and KC not being able to navigate through them all that well, and not-so-great writing for her character. Put her on another show where she gets to be a completely different person (or a completely different Laurel), and it works. Maybe they'll allow her to emerge from the pit of despair over on Arrow a few times this year, although...IDK, it'd probably come off a little, "who is this person?" kind of like it did over on Flash.
  15. I think she's an okay actress, I just don't think the part of Laurel is for her. I also think she does better when she doesn't have to work any kind of nuance into her performance. Being flat-out happy, or flat-out a bitch, or whatever works better for her. She doesn't do well with emotional nuances or subtlety, IMO.
  16. I love that their direction to KC over on The Flash was basically to be anyone other than Laurel on Arrow.
  17. Same. I don't think Laurel or Felicity dying is out of the question, but if one of them does, that death will be incredibly short-lived, and they'll come back somehow.
  18. I would've liked Laurel's lines to Oliver if they had come later in her "rise" when she was more capable and Oliver was refusing to see that, or if she was meant to be delusionally self-confident in a humorous way, but I'm not sure that's what they were going for. I think it's funny that she tried to zing him, but then still needed him to bail her out when she was in over her head (at least twice, IIRC), and then balked at him when he suggested that she needed more training.
  19. If this is a funeral, I really do think that the game changer in this instance is going to be the introduction of legit time travel, via Rip Hunter, to undo whatever it is that happened that caused that person to die.
  20. Felicity can remind Malcolm that he's a piece of shit all day every day, IMO. How many times can he hear it? The limit does not exist.
  21. I wouldn't consider a memorial "game changing." I wonder if someone dies, and Rip Hunter shows up with the person at their funeral or something to establish time travel on Arrow for LoT.
  22. Looks more funeral than wedding to me. I hope not though, because more death? Yuck.
  23. It's a way of marginalizing women's interests by writing them off as "silly," and "immature." Like, Olicity is girling up their man show! Never mind the fact that the male audience that enjoys Olicity seems to be fairly large. Don't feel bitter-it's mostly just sexism at work. If anything, people who feel that way should make you want to be more vocal about what you love, because, well...screw 'em.
  24. http://tvline.com/gallery/fall-tv-predictions-greys-anatomy-meredith-romance/#!1/arrow/ Bleh, no thanks. But then again, he did leave Hong Kong because he thought he needed to be alone, so it would make sense in this show if he wound up getting to the point where he'd get married. But still. No. Because that means this past LI really is marked for death, AND WE DON'T NEED DEATH AS A MOTIVATOR FOR YET ANOTHER THING.
  25. Yeah, I don't think Donna will flirt with him at all. I also think it's possible that Oliver and Donna have spoken to each other a few times (about the engagement, at least), and that they're more familiar with each other than Felicity expects.
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