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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. All of them would've been there if it was a team member, but they don't want us to be able to figure out who it is, so who is or isn't there means absolutely nothing. Which is, of course, maddening!
  2. And he's sure gonna get Oliver back but good, for not telling him about Malcolm! Be angry about someone withholding information, and then withhold some information your damn self. I know it's not on the same level, but...c'mon, show.
  3. Yeah, they made it so that we can draw literally any conclusion, and can't rule anyone out. I like to take comfort in Barry not being able to miss Felicity's funeral, haha, but I know it's not her. We can't tell who it's for because of his presence, because he's only there for Oliver to have someone to talk to who won't give the death away.
  4. A cruel thing that she immediately apologized for saying.
  5. I mean, just the fact that they're saying someone definitely dies, that it's permanent, and that there's going to be an explanation as to why the LPs aren't used to bring anyone back makes me think that it really is permanent. If they hadn't said that, then I would've thought it would be some kind of accident or event that would've been prevented by time travel in the crossover - like Rip Hunter would've helped them stop whatever happened to that person.
  6. I would be disturbed by the show going there with a kid, but IDK...I don't think it would upset me as much as if someone that I've watched over the past few years died. Depending on who it was. Like, I really wouldn't care if Quentin died. And I don't want it to be Laurel only because I'd like her exit (if there ever is one, which i doubt) to involve her still breathing and just relocating to another city.
  7. I didn't think it was grim or ominous, but then again I'm not one of the people freaking out about it being Felicity. And there are a ton of those people - that's what I meant. IDK, if Quentin sacrifices himself for Oliver and they have a nice moment before he bites it, I can see Oliver shedding tears for sure. I think his level of emotion was just right for someone like Lance. Nowhere near emotional enough for anyone else. Also, whoever dies must not be very liked, because they only had like three sprays of flowers at their grave site. Weak.
  8. Sorry, it wasn't clear that you knew. And yeah, he did, but don't most show runners sell shit to go along with cliffhangers? They actually showed Oliver "dying" and wanted us to believe it. This seems a little different since they have every reason to be coy? No one had to come out and say that it was for sure a firm death (which seems correct since he also has said that there will be in-show reasoning why you don't use the Lazarus Pit on an actual dead person). Playing coy would've had people speculating in not such a grim, ominous way. But, meh. Who knows.
  9. MG says this is 6 months of show time, so it seems like we won't find out who it is until close to the end of the season. And I doubt it's Oliver's kid or his mother - we've only seen the mother for a total of a minute, and never even met the kid. No one would really be all that emotionally invested in either one of them biting it. I think it has to be someone that Oliver would be upset - but not broken - by losing. Lance. It's Lance.
  10. Unless MG is lying - this one is sticking. He said so.
  11. I think we're going to have a cautionary tale to explain why no one else is being brought back in the LP. So, I'm guessing that's why this person—whoever they are—is gonna stay dead. No explanation needed.
  12. I'm pretty sure he does - didn't he walk out of it and into his room wearing a towel after a shower so he could stare broodingly at his scars in the mirror? Or maybe he was just standing in the towel and we didn't see him come out of the bathroom, IDK.
  13. Also, it really bothered me that Diggle ignored Oliver's concerns about Thea and also used them to take a dig at him. Like, he knows Thea went into the LP and that there are supposed to be repercussions of it. Shouldn't that concern him just...oh, say, a little?
  14. What I don't get is WHY? Did DD threaten Laurel or something? Why would Quentin ever agree to work with him? Unless he's pulling an Oliver and trying to take them down from the inside, in which case he needs about a kafrillion more brain cells than he currently has, given the average IQ of an SCPD officer.
  15. I don't really believe that they don't know who it is.
  16. I think he said it because she picked all forty pounds of him up off the floor?
  17. I think he means that it's earned in that whoever dies is going to sacrifice themselves for Oliver. AND IT'S GOING TO BE QUENTIN, IT IS.
  18. I don't think his vow to kill him limits who it is to just Felicity and Diggle. I think whoever died probably died saving Oliver's life, and so he's going to take DD down permanently out of respect/obligation.
  19. Felicity is off camera because they didn't want to show anyone in the Arrow universe so we'd wonder who it was. And yeah, they definitely wanted people to think it's her. So...her not being there doesn't mean a damn thing. In fact, I think Barry not being there points to it not being her - no way would he miss her funeral. Ever.
  20. Well, no one who was actually dead dead has come back yet, so it's not really a lie.
  21. I'm actually thinking it's the Quentin dying to protect Oliver theory that was mentioned above.
  22. Here it is: http://www.etonline.com/tv/173462_arrow_season_4_premiere_who_is_dying/
  23. I can't believe that WM actually said that they don't know whose grave it is right now, that they're still figuring it out.
  24. Anyone think that they won't keep this mystery actually going for 6 months and that Rip Hunter will pop up in time for the crossover and help them figure out how to prevent it?
  25. Seriously. I don't think I can take it from now until whenever this gets resolved (probably after the mid-season break?).
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