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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Is Diggle saying "He said he has some big announcement to make"? I wonder if that's a fake out and it's just the mayor thing or if it's something else? What does he see in that frame with the stone face? Does baby mama show up with the kid? LMAO that would be SO shitty of her, so hopefully not.
  2. I thought Felicity was playing dumb about her card knowledge for some reason?
  3. Yeah, I suppose so. I just remembered them talking about Oliver getting lighter in the present while getting darker in the past. For the first time in the series, they seem like the same guy to me.
  4. No, I didn't think he'd go very dark, but I thought it would be different than this? He's basically the same Oliver he is in present day. Honestly, there isn't a difference at all in him back then and right now. And I thought the whole reason he didn't want to go back to Starling was because he was dark and terrible and he tortured a guy to near death, and yet here he is, pretty far into his journey and he was trying to be a hero in Coast City, now he's doing heroic shit on that idiotic island. This isn't a dude on the way to becoming the Oliver we saw in the premiere at all.
  5. Yeah, I'm kind of disappointed that we're not getting darker Oliver. I mean, I know he wasn't ever going to go DARK dark, but I wasn't expecting this guy. He seems just like present-day Oliver to me (and it's not just because the wig is gone)? Like, I've always been able to tell the difference between the two, but so far there really isn't any difference at all.
  6. Is Sara choking her with the chains she's locked up in? If so: A) badass. B) Amateur move getting that close and turning your back, Laurel.
  7. Yeah, I just wasn't sure if she was telling the truth about taking them or lying to keep someone else from dying. If she was telling the truth, she should've spoke up before someone else got shot in the head for it, haha.
  8. Thea looked like an angry lil sugar glider.
  9. Yeah, I don't really care for them either. And I don't get the girl-did she lie about taking the drugs to save someone else from getting killed, or did she take them and let that guy who got shot take the fall for her?
  10. Ah, I thought there were two different guys.
  11. Yeah, I'm betting that was Andy. I wonder what skill set he'd have that HIVE would want him for? And if they wanted him badly enough to fake his death or resurrect him or whatever, why would he be running around like a minion instead of doing something more important? So, maybe it's NOT Andy.
  12. I'm so glad that Diggle told Felicity and Oliver about HIVE. God that was stupid.
  13. Which daughter is Quentin referring to when he tells Damien she isn't right? Could be either at this point, LOL.
  14. Same! So glad she's not dead (yet?). The show missed a product placement opportunity there. She could've just put some Tide in there!
  15. But is he not worried about Sara wanting to come after Thea? Is that what's going to get Oliver to call his old friend Constantine? Because even if he's trying to reconnect with Thea and prove her wrong about him, seems he'd at least be concerned about her safety.
  16. Seriously. I want Quentin dead, but the thought that he thinks Sara's so messed up that he has to shoot her? God.
  17. Seriously. Tired argument is beyond tired and not worth debating at this point.
  18. But seriously, why did Malcolm agree to resurrect Sara- right after telling Thea that her bloodlust wouldn't be quenched until she killed the person who hurt her? Sara knows Thea killed her, and Malcolm knows that. Does he secretly have it out for her or what? That makes no sense.
  19. She's angry at Oliver. She's yelling at Oliver. She's angry at Diggle and yelling at him, too, because they're letting their differences come between them. Having Oliver blinders on would require her yelling at Diggle and Diggle alone and telling him that he needs to forgive Oliver. That didn't happen.
  20. Sorry, that's not what blinders are. She can't have blinders on for Oliver when she's also concerned about Diggle's well being. And it isn't all on Oliver? If Diggle can't put his personal feelings aside, then he shouldn't be going out in the field with him.
  21. You aren't either, considering Felicity is yelling at Diggle for endangering his life too, not just Oliver's.
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